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Ever wondered how you'd survive a good zombie infestation? What if you were just a kid living in Boise, Idaho and the only person you had left in the world was​.
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What was the breakout, buzz-generating performance from the Coachella festival? The Tupac hologram. More recently, another iconic s band, Alice in Chains, reunited more than a decade after the death of their lead singer, with a new vocalist in tow. And what kind of album were these albums? How to describe them? No, these were not reunion albums; they were resurrection albums. No wonder zombies are popular now: Even when something dies, it never stays dead.

In this era, nothing ever goes away. Look at the very movement Sublime and Alice in Chains represent: s alternative rock. It never left the airwaves.

Don't Open That Door! # 'Zombies of Mora Tau' () - PopMatters

Alt-rock is the new classic rock. Assuming radio still exists then. Alt-rock went straight from contemporary to oldies. As the millennium turned, it was an interesting time to be alive, because everything that had ever been in was in — again, if not still. If you dug swing dancing and zoot suits, you could don your favorite retro gear and go find a place to Lindy Hop.

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If you were into hot rods and rockabilly, you could get decked out like Fonzie and ogle some kittens in the right bar. Since the 21 st century arrived in all its ontological vagueness, the cultural space-time continuum has only grown more permeable.

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If you thought zoot suits were a laughable throwback, what do you make of steampunk, the movement that combines futuristic technology and Victorian fashion? Some modern hardcore kid is probably ironing one or more of them in preparation for a show tonight. From pierced modern primitives to Messianic Jews, a modern citizen can choose from a winding smorgasbord comprising millennia of culture, artifacts and trends. We are surrounded by everything that anybody can remember. And vampires. Everywhere we look, some defunct thing has risen and resumed its long slouch toward Burning Man.

Sometimes forces larger than us unleash it on us. And circa , why is undead horror a popular trend?

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This immediate and eternal return, I believe it scares us. The waning days of the alt-rock era coincided with the arrival of the internet and another watershed moment in American pop culture. With YouTube, the cloud, and cheap 2-TB hard drives at our fingertips, we no longer have to relinquish our media collections every time we move. Like a pet zombie, we can keep the past on a leash. And this is the thought that haunts us in the back of our brain: Everything that ever was is equally valid and valueless.

And present. Pop culture used to wash out with the tides. Our favorite pop culture products make us feel special.

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Note the growing trend — some would say epidemic — of tattoos. What are tattoos if not a brand to mark a belief? The Illuminati behind the culture business know it. We can feel death and obsolescence coming for us all. In three years, evolving code and increasing bandwidth demands will render it an Easel. The smart phone that we carry everywhere, our lifeline to the world around us? Better not buy a two-year contract for it.

  1. Zombie Zeitgeist: Why Walking Dead & the Zombie Mania Are a Sign of the Times!
  2. Are Zombies People? — The Morality of Zombies;
  3. I'm Back | Back from the dead | I've Returned - Shirt Design Lightweight Hoodie!

The fossilization of alt-rock radio was made possible, in part, by the corporate takeover and streamlining of commercial radio. Tinseltown is infamously in the thrall of sequels and reboots. And HBO is about to serve up The Girl , another bio-film about the filmmaker — this coming from the network that produced a movie about the making of Citizen Kane. Instead of producing a new suspense-horror classic, respectable studios are making movies about the making of suspense-horror classics. What can we blame for the waterlogged disaster that is the Battleship movie if not nostalgia gone amok?

If not hypnotized by the Ghost of Box Office Past, maybe Sony and Universal would have dumped that money into an innovative tentpole movie.

Tag: zombies

Sometimes is of a concept, like Fear or God or Germany. Then the members of the group stand and move to the center of the room and try to take on the role they have been assigned. Sometimes this role playing causes strange things to happen. Some people actually feel like they are channeling the dead. When they are ready, they begin to interact with the subject who asks them questions to which they are to respond in character.

The questions are usually the hard questions and demands for explanation that one realized they always wanted to ask a person who is now dead. The sessions sound like they are quite an experience. But apparently and this has been scientifically tested they seem to be very cathartic and therapeutic. Coming to grips with the past involves putting the dead to rest whether the dead are here or not.

When Hellinger returned to Europe in , at the age of forty-four, he studied psychotherapy in Vienna and eventually left the priesthood and married. But he never seems to have lost his religious belief. He just incorporated it into his practice. I will let you read the article to see how this therapy fits into the current generation of Germans who are finally liberating themselves from the war. That is a story in itself. And you will find the tangled web of the author's and other's ancestors woven during the catastrophes that began in My uncle married a woman of Polish descent whose mother and father were Polish emigres.

I remember being delighted to discover that their death infused Catholicism was a great deal like mine. The Polish husband had been a brutish wife beating alcoholic whose family eventually left him. So much anger and people didn't seem to know why. His children would still visit him on occasion when he became old and one day my aunt and cousin who was a child found him naked, wearing only socks, dead in his bathtub. A Chicagoan could understand this. In pre-air conditioning days, people would sometimes lie in a cool tub on a blazing summer night.

The circumstances of the death were a bit shocking, because he had also been there about two weeks.

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There was a lot of guilt in his family about it mixed with their anger. It was a knot. But one day not terribly long after, his wife, who was living with my aunt, had opened the window of the house to air it out. And in flew a bluebird. The blue bird flew throughout the house, around the rooms, twice, and then exited the window through which it had entered.

His wife burst into a smile and said to my aunt "That was your father. He came by to tell us that everything is all right. Please email comments to letters commonwealmagazine. Dead Man's Pinch.

By unagidon. Death and Dying. Share Share Twitter Print. The therapy was originally developed by an ex-priest named Bert Hellinger. But I will say that the dead do leave behind knots and it is good if we can untangle them. Also by this author Mercenary Madness.