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Paul said in Second Timothy , “ I have finished my course.” Paul got through his phases of ministry and fulfilled all God called Him to do. You see, there.
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They carried that mantle there whole life that is why they are interested in your progress. What is the job the cloud of witnesses they encourage you, they tell you to stop sinning, do your job, and they pray. Part of their sweat and blood is connected to the mantle you are now wearing.

Every time the mantle is given to another person it gets heavier. Because there is more revelation in trusted to the next generation. Every generation has a different revelation. Different job, a different assignment. Do you have the power and the strength to carry all that glory? Until you get covered in the glory Mantle you have nothing to offer. It is not about you, it is about the glory.

How is the glory coming by a mantle? God apportioned His glory to be carried in every generation. If we want to it our way and have my own ministry we will be unclothed. It is an inheritance that you receive and can carry other mantles of those who have been before you. Angels are interested in mantles because they are glory carries.

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When you are connected to the great cloud of witnesses. You are connected to eternity and it is a wheel within a wheel and it is turning all the time. Ezra ,10, They are turning around that mantle and around that power, that glory. All the time.

They will be excited that he is running the race because they invested in the garment. They also carried that garment. Heaven is looking for someone one who will take up the mantle because the person who should have got their inheritance is busy doing his or her own thing. The mantle is held by the people who carried it before you.

His Anointing

There is nowhere to land it. There is no one on earth to place it on. If you repent you can have the mantle and start to operate again and decree on earth. Why because the whole of heaven is working with that glory, mantle, power. If we are all in Christ then we are all in the glory. When we put on Christ, He is the one that has all the glory. In my life time I get a portion to carry. It has always been in Him.

Christ in you the hope of glory. Whose glory, Glory of the Father and son John 17 There is a glory from the beginning of time before God created anything Jesus prays is that He will be given back the glory, Garments are for beauty and for glory. When it is put on they understood that it God himself who is putting on the garment of light. All mantles are different in colour and have a sound.

Releasing the Anointing

Comes out of the heart of God. As the different mantles come together those different sounds make a word of creation. That is why God said let there be light Then you see one sound, the sound of many waters. Mantle becomes white. In that word there is tremendous authority. When people are able to honour the lives of the witnesses and their revelations of God. Their revelation of God comes alive in us and around us.

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When we respect them and carry their mantle and receive their revelation and it is like their revelation comes around us. Then we hear and we add our part, so together there is a new revelation of Jesus. Because everybody is adding their part so it becomes a greater revelation. Then there is new revelation of Jesus that has never been seen on the earth. There is a new glory that is released as each mantle comes together. And align with them. And allow them to stand with us.

Apostolic and prophetic team bringing revival fires to the nations

Then as we lay down our lives and be able to bring our sounds and our revelations together. The manifold wisdom of God is being made by who, the church, who is the church, us to who to principalities and powers. Everything you are doing is being listened to because you emit a sound all the time.

In the spirit realm they can hear you. The mantles have a sound. If you are making a different sound to the mantle, to people it will look like you are doing the right thing, saying the right thing. You might be paying your tithe. But if you are making the wrong sound it does not work because you are not wearing the glory. Glory cannot land on darkness unless it is going to judge something. In this season to receive mantles need to SEE. As you honour you can have. Only the pure in heart will see. Thank you Father for mantles of glory.

Thank you Father that you are about to release new mantles not really new because they have been there before the foundations of the earth. It is time to do your job. Because the mantles are hanging.

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And they are heavy. There are many mantles will be released today in this ministry. There is one mantle that is going to cloth Jesus in the end. We will give Him all the glory.

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Everything we do is going to cloth Him. Jesus paid for it with His blood. We give you all the glory. Help us to be mature in things of spirit. Demand manifests by faith. For example, when a pastor is preaching and he suddenly stops to call someone with a specific condition to come forward for prayer, deliverance, or healing, it is because a demand had been made. When people conform, they no longer exert the same level of demand upon the anointing of a man or woman of God. As a result, the power of God fails to manifest within them.

Familiarity produces conformity and disrespect, with the result being that people become unable to receive from that mantle. The anointing is never received by sceptics, only by people who exercise their faith. This is why, while preaching, one tends to reach out to one segment of congregation more than the other.

It is likely that sector is placing a demand on the anointing that is someone is exercising their faith.