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God Bless America: Foundation for Greatness. Couverture. Carlos Zamorano. Xlibris Corporation, 27 juil. - pages. 0 Avis. The willingness with which​.
Table of contents

I already had a strong background in American history, including cultural history, but I decided to study more intently the history of the Yankees and the period between World War I and World War II, including the greatest generation, because the grandeur of the Yankees and the related period in history is emblematic of the greatness of the country. This ban is not an isolated event within our society, nor did it happen within a cultural vacuum. It happened as part of a chain of misguided reactions in a whole series of bizarre events that could never have occurred at any other time in our history — until now.

This is because political correctness and illiberal agendas have never been the dominant driving force in either determining our social perspective or constructing our way of life the way it is today.

In America (song)

There is a battle going on for the heart and soul of America that is so monumental and that is beyond the reach of human understanding to fully grasp its significance, though each one of us can sense it and is increasingly affected by it. Spurred on by forces coming primarily from certain unhealthy elements on the left, a cultural environment has been created that is hostile to almost everything that is traditional to America, and that is becoming increasingly warped, irrational, intolerant, unenlightened, and soon to be down right dangerous.

For some time now, but especially in the last few years, there has been an incessant attack on the very foundations of our society, and especially on our Judeo-Christian heritage. It is not just one thing being called into question, it is seemingly everything at all times, and for any pretense.

Events of this nature are so replete that it is impossible to keep up with them.

The Kate Smith Letter - Great Aspirations

Leaders must be prepared Extreme pressure is being placed on society in general, and leaders of influential American institutions in particular, to adhere to and agree with various harmful pseudo-liberal agendas that have managed to be insinuated into every sector of society. And as the culture goes, so does the country. This politically correct tyranny is having the effect of turning America into a country that is fast becoming unrecognizable from what has set it apart as the greatest nation in history.

This is why it is essential for every cultural leader to be aware of this dynamic and to be on guard, because each one of them will be tested in this realm as to whether or not he will stand strong. Unfortunately, the resistance to these pervasive pressures has been so weak and anemic on the part of leaders, that not only have they failed to blunt the attacks, but they have actually encouraged more of the same by emboldening those who would perpetrate them. Tactics used Tactics used Since those who promote false agendas cannot use strength of reason to do so, they must resort to various tactics and schemes.

These tactics are well known and well practiced. In fact, they are so predictable and hackneyed that it is remarkable that they are still attempted, let alone that they are still effective. They are fear-based and centered on intimidation, propaganda, mob rule, bait and switch, irrationality, language manipulation, and the silencing — by any means — of anyone or anything that opposes them.

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And most deceptively, they create the illusion of having superior numbers, a majority of public opinion, and the moral upper hand. Whatever support they do have is generally gained by deceiving the public through the distorted use of concepts such as inclusivity, fairness, diversity, equality, etc. Every concept used in the politically correct arsenal has a proper form that, when used in truth, is of great value to society — especially to the poor, marginalized, helpless, oppressed, and those facing real discrimination based on legitimate natural rights.

But these words also have a counterfeit form that can be weaponized by those who will stop at nothing to gain power or fulfill their agendas, even if it means causing destruction and doing great harm to good people. Failure to discern the difference between these two uses leads to a failure in using wise judgment and administering true justice, or in determining true civil rights from faux civil rights.

The reason why the emphasis on victimization is so great is because its ability to be manipulated is endless in our over reactive culture. The pretenses of victimhood have been used as cover for outrageous amounts of false 4 accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and on and on. Worse still, it has been used to chill both religious freedom and freedom of speech.

As far as racism specifically, it is a form of evil in any capacity. But it is also a form of evil to exploit racism by exaggerating or falsifying claims of it, which now has become more of the norm in our society, having the effect of setting racial progress back decades. The racism that has been propagandized lately to the public is a racism that is non-specific, amorphous, and that is ever-present and never-ending.

In other words, it is a racism that has no functional way to deal with it, and therefore no real way to eliminate the effects of it.

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As such, it can forever goad the country. Real instances of racism and injustice should be dealt with swiftly, specifically, and decisively, when and where they show up. However, this can only be efficiently done when they have been minimized to their actual limited reality, as opposed to their mythical proportion. Accompanying these demands is an explicit or implicit threat that the organization will pay the price in terms of public relations, standing, and bottom line if these demands are not met.

The pressure group or wanton individual who is launching the attack will also target the sponsors in order to put additional pressure on the organization — which is why organizations should never deal with sponsors who can be so easily played. Regardless of exactly how the process unfolds, the basic elements of distortion of reality, unfounded or specious accusations, menacing, unreasonableness, intractableness, absurd demands, etc. Why leaders fold under pressure When politically correct threats show up at their door, leaders fail to respond powerfully, fearlessly, and courageously because they are spiritually and mentally unprepared to do so.

In such instances, they are almost always blind-sided and subsequently overwhelmed in the moment. This is all somewhat understandable; the prospect of facing such an outlandish orchestrated firestorm and mob mentality can be very unsettling and can cause otherwise decent men to falter and be weak at the very time they need to be solid and strong. Rather than being ruled by a calm, steady spirit and guided by a set of clear, rational, moral, and spiritual principles, they concede to the lowest common denominator as panic sets in and sound judgment and strength of reason are jettisoned for what seems to be expedient in the moment.

Because leaders intuitively know that, more often than not in these cases, they are dealing with individuals who are either misguided or unreasonable, nasty, and dishonest, they capitulate to the pressure in order to make the matter quickly go away, rather than resolving it with integrity and real justice. What is lost in surrendering to the tyranny of political correctness Taking the path of least resistance is only of value when it is the correct one to take, but when it is not it always causes more problems than it solves in the long run because a foundation for false compromise has been created.

Whenever a leader gives in to any form of tyranny — including politically correct tyranny — he compromises not only himself but also the organization that he represents. There is a loss of greatness, including moral authority, spiritual vitality, strength of character, spontaneity, creative impulse, loyalty, etc.

This loss is felt throughout the entire organization, which has been submitted to the falseness and negative energy represented in that tyranny that has unduly influenced it. Distinction, honor, and excellence are replaced with abasement, dishonor, and irrelevance. The country also suffers in the process because one of its leading institutions no longer stands for American values or American valor, thus losing an element of the culture that makes it special. It is so sad to watch one man in leadership after another completely sell out to a wide spectrum of false agendas, including those that are immoral and anti-spiritual.

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The temptation of appeasement is that it promises the fastest way to getting things back to normal with the least amount of disruption. However, this promise is a false one. Once a compromise has been made with a bad actor or there is agreement with a false narrative, what was normal has now shifted and become downgraded, and in the process, a new normal that is less powerful and appealing has now been established because now the organization has lost a degree of inspirational value in translation. What is special and beautiful in culture remains so only if it retains the qualities that make it special and beautiful.

Once these qualities are relinquished, so too is the essence they yield. Specific impact on professional sports As far as professional sports organizations such as the New York Yankees, it is impossible for the kind of action that was taken against Kate Smith to not have a certain demoralizing effect on the whole team.

This is because the organization aligned itself with negative energy and not with positive strength, and by doing so, that negative energy was diffused throughout the whole organization, including onto the players, who on some level, whether conscious or subconscious, have registered what happened to Kate Smith. To be politically correct in the presence of real men, who are asked to perform at high levels in pressure situations, is a sign of weakness and creates the occasion for the loss of respect from those men.

Passionate athletes want to know that their coach and front office have their backs when they themselves may need to stand up for what is right. They also want to know that the men they are going to battle with, and for, are men that are true to God and ultimate principles. After these two standards had been established, the following critical questions needed to be asked in order to have properly evaluated the situation:. In all of this, there is not a scintilla of evidence that Kate Smith was in any way racist at all. On the contrary, everything that is known about her overwhelmingly indicates that she was one of the most decent human beings that anyone could have hoped to have encountered, and that everything about her exuded an astonishing love for all people.

In America (song)

Kate Smith lived to touch the lives of others and make them feel important and worthwhile. It would be simply impossible to conceive that her abundant care and ardor for people was stopped by the superficial boundaries of race, ethnicity, or any other natural external characteristic — nor is there a single instance in her entire life that has ever been referenced to claim otherwise. Another major influence that gave her compassion and tolerance for others was the bullying and ostracization that she faced early in her career because of her weight.

Nevertheless, the way she persevered with grace, strength, and forbearance was inspiring, and laid the foundation for a meteoric rise that would be accompanied by a deep empathy for others who faced bias or scorn. This does not mean that she was blind to race or that she was somehow perfectly immune to the influences of the time period in which she lived. It does mean that she lived beyond the confines of race when it came to human contact, and above the kind of vitriolic and abrasive prejudice that was more acceptable and openly expressed in her day.

No one can be a seer and divine the future in terms of knowing exactly how present day behaviors and social norms will be viewed upon by future generations. It was not up to Kate Smith to be perfect, nor possible for her to adjust her behavior according to the political correctness of a future day. But it was up to Kate Smith as it is up to all people who want to be in the light to simply be sound and solid, and conduct herself according to universal, spiritual and moral principles that transcend time and place.

Basically, Kate Smith was never influenced by race, but by the situation at hand. For example, it was Kate Smith who gave Josephine Baker, a controversial and outspoken black female entertainer, her first break into American television. Kate invited Josephine on her show after a long absence in America during which she had been excluded, despite having been an international star and eventually having been awarded the Medal of Resistance by the French government for her efforts during WWII.

Besides Josephine Baker, Kate had many black guests on her shows over the span of her career and promoted their work. It was a well-known fact that Kate Smith associated with ordinary people more so than the glitterati that she had access to. When reflecting upon one of the most important nights of her life — the first time she was invited to the White House by FDR himself to sing for the King and Queen of England, Kate went out of her way to recount the following story:.

Kate Smith lent her voice and celebrity to the causes of tolerance, togetherness, and equality on numerous occasions, and especially during the period of World War II, as these examples demonstrate. All the small differences, the petty problems that have occupied the various, separate groups in the United States must recede in the background now. Republican and Democrat, capital and labor, interventionist and isolationist. For out of the tragedy of war, the blessed spirit of unity is blossoming today. These are the ideals that brought America into being and they are the ideals that will always keep her strong and free.

But this day, which will go down in history for those who come after us, to read and to study, is only the beginning of the grave tasks that lie ahead. This chaotic world must be set in order, step by step. Only if we maintain the peace and improve the conditions of all mankind, will war be worth the terrific price we have paid. You and I must do it-every father and mother in the world, every teacher, everyone who can rightly call himself a human being.