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Getting Started with Multitenant Applications - Kindle edition by Daniel Elliott. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or.
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[Solved] Multi-tenant (saas) and web application from scratch - CodeProject

The user and the password is stored on the common tables such that only we can keep track of the user details. The above statement will give permission to see the data for a table subscription. Now after the schema is ready, every registration of new tenant will automatically execute a process, which will create all these, preferably using a procedure. MVC or model-view-controller is an architecture best suited for multi-tenant environment.

It is a flexible architecture where all the concerns are separated with one specific problem to solve. The controller acts as a mediator between View and Model. Model is helping to load data for a request while the view is for display purpose. In ASP. NET, Razor syntax is used to create the views, the controller selects the view after authorizing a request and creates a response. To deal with multi-tenant application in MVC application, you need to handle separate authorization. The above code will find whether the tenant is authorized and depending on the same, it creates a session id and keeps in the server.

When using this AuthorizationAttribute in controller, the security checks are automatically performed and every request if not marked as AllowAnonymous will be authorized.

Tenants database

Once the data is authorized, the View is generated based on that particular tenant id, and the model is prepared for the MVC application for that particular tenant. So for the controller, we automatically ensure the data is validated and roles are checked for the request.

The image depicts how the applications are getting connected to the database and how the data is getting retrieved to and from the respective tenant based schema. Multi-tenancy is a common problem nowadays. With the boom in cloud technology, the expectation from a cloud based provider is huge. Building the correct architecture for a solution is essential.

Depending on your requirements, you can either way use our technique, which is having medium investment but maximum security.

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Again, the code receives on its constructor the notorious ITenantService , used to get the current tenant, and, in the PopulateValues , passes the tenant along to the ExpandViewLocations. This is the method that is responsible for returning the physical locations where the view files. This way, we ensure that, if the file is found, it is used before. To be more precise, it allows us to have this:. So, for controller Home , the folder abc will be searched when the application tries to locate static files for the abc tenant.

What Is a Tenant?

When it comes to configuration, it is somewhat tricky to set different values per tenant, especially because at application startup we do not know the current tenant, because it only exists on the scope of a request. But there are a couple of things we can do. We can have different named configuration values associated with the same POCO class. Again, I am hardcoding values for each tenant abc and xyz , do keep this in mind. Now, if we inject a configuration into any component, such as a controller, we can do it like this:.

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This interface and associated capability comes from the Microsoft. Options NuGet package. What if we want to have different registrations per tenant on the service provider?

What Is a Tenant?

First, we declare an interface that represents this capacity:. As you can see, we can both override configuration settings for the current tenant and provide alternative service implementations for registered services. Now we need a way to load this, and we need to do it when configuring the registered services, usually in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class. Note that we cannot use logic for the different tenants in ConfigureServices , because by the time it is called, there is not request yet, and therefore we do not know what the current tenant is. Instead, we shall create a couple of clever extension methods just for this purpose:.

So, we now have a way for a specific tenant to override the registered services or some configuration values at will! All we have to do is provide an instance of a class implementing ITenantConfiguration , pretty much like abcTenantConfiguration shown above. To use this, just call one of the extension methods in the Startup class:.

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Another option that I leave as an exercise to you would be to use Managed Extensibility Framework MEF or any other similar framework to dynamically load. What if you need to access configuration values from views? We need to retrieve the configuration information relative to the current tenant, this code does just that:. If the section or the named configuration setting does not exist, the default value will be returned instead. When it comes to retrieving different values from a relational database, we have essentially three options:.

For the purpose of this article, we will stick to Entity Framework Core, and therefore we will be using a DbContext to retrieve the data — for that, you will need the Microsoft. This class is meant to serve as a basis for any application-specific DbContext as it contains the basic blocks to make it work in a multitenant way:. Then, when the context is saving entities, it calls SaveChanges on the service reference. This context class needs to be registered with the service provider too:. Without this, the ITenantDbContext would not be injectable into the context. Just a marker entity, as you can see.

For each of these entities, it sets the schema property to be the current tenant, as returned by the injected ITenantService. SaveChanges does nothing, as there is no need to modify the entities when they are saved. The last one is somewhat trickier: we need to leverage a couple of features that are available in the latest versions of Entity Framework Core, such as shadow properties and global query filters. Without further ado, here is the implementation:.

A global query filter is a restriction that is automatically applied to all queries over a given type. This is most useful for implementing soft deletes and, you got it, multitenant apps! In OnModelCreating we first list all entities in the model that implement ITenantEntity — the marker interface used to tell those entities that need to be made multitenant-aware -, then we add a shadow property Tenant of type string to them — this will be used to filter by the current tenant.

Lastly, we add a global filter in the form of a LINQ expression that automatically filters all accesses to multitenant entities by the current tenant code, as returned by ITenantService. Having an entity implement ITenantEntity is as easy as adding its declaration, no need to add any members:.

If you want, you can always have a dummy Null Object Pattern implementation :. When it comes to having different behavior, you should have service classes that return values that depend on the current tenant, and therefore can be used to make decisions. We saw how we can change the configuration, data access strategy or even service implementations based on the current tenant.

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You need to leverage these techniques to suit what you want to accomplish. For example, say you have a IDecisionService service injected into your controller:. The actual IDecisionService implementation can probably receive a multitenant-aware DbContext or an ITenantService instance, but not likely one of the other infrastructure classes.

It can then use these to make informed decisions of what to do. Maybe something for another article! A lot more can be said, but I believe this will get you up to speed with this kind of architecture.