Guide Finding Moon

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Learn about the Moon in a great new book. Dave's Universe Year of Pluto. I actually found this rather annoying after a while, and it put a damper on the pace which then dampened the suspense.

It wasn't until the last quarter of the novel that the pace picked up as Moon began to take some action. I wish I could say that Hillerman succeeded with this character, but I really don't think he did. I didn't sympathize with him at all. I think it would have worked better if he'd at least tried more in the beginning rather than just stumbling around. The setting was outstanding, and I loved the reminders of what was going on in the world that could affect Moon's story and only does marginally.

I did tire quickly of characters talking about what Ricky said about Moon and the discrepancy between that and the reality of Moon Mathias. The title suggests that someone seeks Moon, but I think it refers instead of Moon seeking himself. He seems to "find" himself but I'm afraid I was not really convinced of that. I wanted to actually see that discovery through action and his behavior rather than just being told.

This was an interesting experiment for Hillerman, and while I don't think it was completely successful, I still enjoyed the read. If you're interested in the fall of South Vietnam in , the Vietnam war, or Southeast Asia, you may really enjoy this read. As a thriller, it falls short, however. Apr 11, Matthew H. Moon now has to find his niece. The three of them have to hurdle obstacles and make it to the Mekong Delta and along the way as the title suggests, he finds himself.

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First thing I liked about this book was the well done history of the region of Southeast Asia. Tony Hillerman nailed the mentions of the fall of South Vietnam as well as the problems going on at Cambodia at the time with the Khmer Rouge. I enjoyed the supporting characters of Osa and Lum Lee as well. Their characters get fairly developed and are not stereotypical in any way. They are realistic and relatable.

Another thing that is simple but great, nothing is really overdone. No excess violence or romance, there is a really nice balance of different themes. The first negative that comes to mind however, is the pacing. It is too slow in the first three-quarters of the book, I usually do not mind slower paced books but this one felt too slow. I think the main reason for this slowness however is due to Moon Mathias. Moon Mathias is too passive for his own good, let alone as the main character. I find it interesting that because of his inaction the troubles around him pile up on top of each other but it slows down the book too much.

His self discovery was not all that well done sadly, I would have much preferred if he found himself through action than being told. Another thing about this book that bothers me is the ending. It just falls into place too perfectly. Everyone finds what they are looking for in the last couple pages. I appreciate the happy ending Hillerman gave the characters but it was just too perfect and quick.

This was my first Tony Hillerman book I have read, so I am a little disappointed but I heard great things about him so I think I will have to try another one of his books. May 21, Bicky rated it it was amazing. No Navajos. No murders. But a very satisfying quiet thriller. He discovers that his mother has been hospitalized in Los Angles, which is surprising as she lives in Florida. She has had an heart attack while she was on her way to the Philippines to pick up her granddaughter fathered by Moon's younger brother, Ricky who has recently died in a helicopter crash in South-East Asia where he No Navajos.

She has had an heart attack while she was on her way to the Philippines to pick up her granddaughter fathered by Moon's younger brother, Ricky who has recently died in a helicopter crash in South-East Asia where he had a transportation business. Moon had not been aware of his Mother's trip or of his brother's marriage to a Cambodian woman. Despite himself, Moon decides to make a short trip to Manila to pick up the child. Of course, the child has failed to arrive. As Moon waits, he comes into contact with various friends and associates of Ricky who have all heard stories depicting Moon as a hero.

This is in stark contrast to Moon's present self-image. From the beginning, it is obvious which journey Moon will have to undertake. This is highlighted as everyday there are headlines about the way Vietnam and Cambodia are heading. Saigon is going to fall and Pol Pot and his comrades are running amok. Just knowing this, the suspense builds up by itself as if from far off Moon can hear the rapids and he has no way to avoid them without losing whatever self respect he still retains. This is a thriller which keeps one engaged without the need for constant action.

The threat is enough. It is also a tale of how once others have faith in you, you might have a chance for redemption. Being a Tony Hillerman novel, it is not surprising that the various races and nationalities that Moon encounters are treated with respect though the murderous, genocidal nature of Pol Pot's regime is constantly present. May 08, Jan rated it it was ok.

Once I started reading, I realized, that years ago I had done the same thing, and read this book before. This book addresses some of the problems during this event. Story, a reporter has a brother running a private business in SEA, he is unaware that his younger brother has a wife and baby. His brother is killed, and they know little of how he died. Moon, the reporter gets a phone call his mother is very ill in hospital she was on her way to the Philippines to pick up the baby! Baby, what baby?

Mother has had a heart attack, and it is up to Moon to go to SEA and find the baby. This is the beginning, lots of adventures etc. Will Moon go to the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam etc. Who can he trust? Have to read it to find out. Unfortunately, I was disappointed in the book, maybe not if I had not been looking forward to a Jim Chee and Joe Leaphorn story.

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Also, pretty far fetched! May 22, Roberta Biallas rated it it was amazing. While not much of a mystery, 'Finding Moon' was certainly an Adventure! This was a historical novel of a period that I don't know much about-the Vietnam War. Moon Mathias, a down on his luck newspaper editor from Colorado is called upon to race to his mother's aid.

When he arrives at her bedside, he learns that his recently deceased brother had a wife and daughter in Cambodia that Moon didn't know about. Not wanting to upset his mother in her failing health, he promises her that he will go to While not much of a mystery, 'Finding Moon' was certainly an Adventure! Not wanting to upset his mother in her failing health, he promises her that he will go to Manila and pick up the infant, where she is waiting for retrieval.

Along the way, things don't go exactly as planned. Moon finds himself leading a motley group of companions: a beautiful woman on a doomed quest, an elderly Asian gentleman, and a hot-headed Vietnamese sailor deep into territory controlled by the Viet Cong and the Khymer Rouge. It had everything: suspense, romance, adventure, exotic locations, character development, you name it!

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Even if you haven't read any of Tony Hillerman's other books, I highly recommend that you give this one a try! I rate this one a 'Gem' and encourage you to Read On!