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Foundations of Holocaust: Eichmann, Bureaucracy and the depersonalization of annihilation. By DAVID TURNER. FEBRUARY 14, Email Twitter.
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It was during this phase of his career that Eichmann presented his Madagascar Plan, proposing to deport European Jews to the island of Madagascar, off the coast of east Africa. The plan was never implemented. In Poland, which had the largest Jewish population in Europe 3. Inside ghettos such as Warsaw, large numbers of Jews were deliberately confined in very small areas, resulting in overcrowding and death through disease and starvation.

The ghettos were chosen based on their proximity to railway junctions, pending the future "final goal" regarding the Jews. Adolf Eichmann's "Lebenslauf". SS Einsatzgruppen in occupied areas of the Soviet Union now turned their full attention to the mass murder of Jews. Einsatz leaders kept highly detailed, daily records, copies of which were forwarded to Eichmann, among others. Competitions even arose among the four main groups as to who posted the highest numbers. In the first year of the Nazi occupation of Soviet territory, over , Jews were murdered.

Eichmann travelled to Minsk and witnessed Jews being killed in mass shooting actions. He then drove to Lwow where a mass execution had just occurred.

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During his trial after the war, Eichmann described the scene. The execution ditch had been covered over with dirt, but blood was gushing out of the ground "like a geyser" due to pressure from the bodily gasses of the deceased. His subsequent activities and responsibility for the death of millions of Jews following the decision to implement the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" in have been well documented elsewhere.

Eichmann arranged the infamous Wannsee Conference held in January and acted as its recording secretary. Germany's anti-Jewish measures became an official policy of genocide. He travelled all over Europe to inspect the incredible undertaking and grease the wheels wherever necessary.

Adolf Eichmann - Wikipedia

Eichmann proved to be a model of bureaucratic industriousness and icy determination even though he had never been a fanatical anti-semite. Only in Budapest after March did the desk-murderer become a public personality, working in the open and playing a leading role in the massacre of Hungarian Jewry. Later this letter would be presented as damning evidence at his trial. As the documentation created by Eichmann and his colleagues reveals, not a single one of them ever expressed regret for their actions against the Jews, unless it was regret for having to pay the consequences.

Introduction 1. From Theory to Practice: 2. Documents in the Bureaucratic System 3. Toward the Final Solution 4. Executing the Final Solution in Germany 5. Holland 6. France 7. Hungary 8. Conclusion: Listening to the Screams.

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On the basis of secret documents, a SPIEGEL series tells the story of how Eichmann could remain at large for years after the war and how Adenauer's government sought to influence the Eichmann trial. This is the first of the two-part initial instalment in the series. The second can be read here.

The Nazi Security Police and the Banality of Evil

The oppressive early summer heat weighed down on Jerusalem on May 23, In the Knesset, Israel's parliament, several members were dozing in their seats. But then, at 4 p. It consisted of exactly 62 words -- and it contained a sensation. Israel's security forces, the prime minister announced, had tracked down Adolf Eichmann, "one of the greatest of Nazi war criminals. For a short moment, there was silence, but then the delegates broke out into cheers.

A Note on the Banality of Evil

Eichmann, of all people, the chief organizer of the Holocaust. The man whom the commandant of one extermination camp had described as being "obsessed" with murdering Jews. He was the prototypical behind-the-scenes mastermind, an unscrupulous bureaucrat who never killed anyone with his own hands. Postcards from the Death Camps Beginning in , men like Eichmann ensured that the Holocaust, as an act of industrialized mass murder, could acquire a position of grisly historic exclusivity.

He and his staff developed the method by which the authorities and the police robbed the victims before deportation. Eichmann determined who was to board the trains to Auschwitz and Treblinka immediately and who would be deported later. He ensured that his men coordinated the transports. The cunning bureaucrat was at odds with the foreign ministry and church representatives over his efforts to kill Jews from neutral countries as well as converted Jews.

He stationed "Jew consultants" all over Europe, whose job was to intervene with German officials and those of other countries whenever the murderous transports were not moving quickly enough. Eichmann forced inmates in the death camps to send postcards to friends and relatives, using text that he had penned: that they were in a beautiful place, went on excursions and were not required to work hard -- and that everyone else should hurry to the camps because most of the accommodations had already been taken.

But now, in the early summer of , this man was sitting in a police building in northern Israel, at "Camp Iyar. In fact, the government of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was, in the assessment of the CIA, following the case "with growing apprehension, sometimes bordering on hysteria. What would the former SS leader reveal about his accomplices and confidants? What would he say about the Nazi past of some of the leaders of the young republic? How would the trial affect the reputation of West Germans around the world? The proceedings against Eichmann contained "so many risks of adverse effects, both domestically and abroad, that we cannot fully assess all of the difficulties that could be coming our way," a senior official with the Office of the Federal President noted.

An anxious state secretary at the Foreign Ministry wrote that it was "quite possible that incriminating material against employees of the federal and state governments will come to light. Adolf Eichmann" would revolve around the Holocaust in general, with the entire world looking on. Evening after evening, courtroom footage flickered across television screens from San Francisco to Berlin, while hundreds of journalists were in Israel reporting on the trial.

According to surveys, some 85 percent of people in Germany followed the trial on TV. The case was attention-grabbing in every respect. The defendant was being tried as the chief organizer of probably the biggest crime against humanity ever perpetrated, and the case was made even more sensational by the fact that agents with the Israeli intelligence agency, the Mossad, had abducted Eichmann in Argentina.

He had moved to the South American country in after spending years hiding in Europe. But who had helped him flee? Eichmann did not reveal any embarrassing information about previously unknown perpetrators and accessories. In a July 24, report to the Chancellery from Jerusalem, an agent with Germany's foreign intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst BND , wrote: "You can be completely at ease.

Was this true and, if it was, what role was played by the BND? The search for answers is complicated, because the people involved were naturally discreet. In one letter to the Chancellery, a BND agent expressly instructs the reader: "Burn these lines once you have read them. The papers include the minutes of German-Israeli negotiations, records of the German Embassy in Buenos Aires and documents of the secret Eichmann task force in Bonn, whose members came from the key ministries and intelligence agencies.

They also include thousands of pages of BND records, which the agency may be required to disclose if lawsuits filed by journalist Gaby Weber and Berlin attorney Reiner Geulen are successful. As a result, the minutiae of the Eichmann case can now be reconstructed, including his escape with the help of a secret network of former SS members, his open appearances in Buenos Aires, and the German intelligence agencies' detailed knowledge of his whereabouts. But it was the judiciary and politicians, not the German intelligence agencies -- the BND and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution BfV -- that stood in the way of Eichmann's arrest.

If the world needed yet another reason for an international criminal court, the Eichmann case would serve as a case in point. For years, authorities did not even bother to search for the man. The US kept out of the Eichmann case, leaving it up to the Germans to pursue. When the Mossad eventually captured the former SS leader, the German government and the BND were particularly anxious to protect one man: Hans Globke, the colorful head of the Chancellery and Adenauer's closest advisor.

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As an official in the Interior Ministry during the Third Reich, Globke helped the persecuted and apparently softened a few anti-Jewish measures. But he also wrote a commentary on the Nuremberg racial laws and co-authored various legal regulations, such as an ordinance that required Jews with non-Jewish names to take on the additional first names of Israel or Sara. Countless Rumors Because of his past, Globke was the most controversial state secretary in postwar German history. For Adenauer's critics, he was proof positive that West Germany was being run by an old boys' club.

Not surprisingly, Adenauer used every tool at his disposal to keep Globke's name out of the Eichmann trial.