The Making of Modern Lithuania (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies)

The Making of Modern Lithuania (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies) [Tomas Balkelis] on *FREE* shipping on.
Table of contents

Physical description xxvii, p. Find it at other libraries via WorldCat Limited preview. Bibliography Includes bibliographical references p.

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Making the Urban Elite, 3. In Search of the People: The Revolution 4. The National Intelligentsia and the Women's Issue 5. This book argues that the recent political mobilizations in Eastern Europe have been underpinned by a class struggle between a more conservative and a more radical line of contention. The latter line, the book contends, is designed by and for subaltern groups whose anti-systemic programme calls for…. By Voicu Ion Sucala. This book puts forward a new perspective on the planned economies of communist Eastern Europe, demonstrating in detail how economic practice in such countries was shaped by the interplay among planners, managers and Party apparatchiks.

Based on extensive original research, including interviews with…. Poland is a particularly interesting case of truth revelation and transitional justice in a post-communist country. This is because of the radical change of trajectory in its approach to dealing with the communist past, and the profound effect this had on Polish politics.

The approach moved from '….

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This book reassesses Putin's attempt to reverse the decentralization of power that characterised centre-regional relations in the s, focusing on regional responses to Putin's federal reforms. It explains the decline of regionalism after in terms of the dynamics of regional boundaries,…. Edited by Timothy K. Blauvelt , Jeremy Smith. The book considers especially the…. The revolutionary movements in late tsarist Russia inspired a reaction by groups on the right.

Although these groups were ostensibly defending the status quo, they were in fact, as this book argues, very radical in many ways. This book discusses these radical rightist groups, showing how they…. Edited by Ilkka Liikanen , James W. Scott , Tiina Sotkasiira. The collapse of the Soviet Union has had profound and long-lasting impacts on the societies of Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia, impacts which are not yet fully worked through: Moreover, Russia frequently comes across as not being very….

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By Stephen Hutchings , Vera Tolz. Russia, one of the most ethno-culturally diverse countries in the world, provides a rich case study on how globalisation and associated international trends are disrupting, and causing the radical rethinking of approaches to, inter-ethnic cohesion.

The Making of Modern Lithuania

The book highlights the importance of television…. Edited by Matthias Neumann , Andy Willimott. The Russian Revolution of has often been presented as a complete break with the past, with everything which had gone before swept away, and all aspects of politics, economy, and society reformed and made new. Recently, however, historians have increasingly come to question this view,…. Over the course of the last thirty years post-communist Russia has either been struggling with crises, discussing the lessons learned from past crises, or attempting to trace the contours of future crises.

Edited by Marcin Moskalewicz , Wojciech Przybylski. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Armenia has struggled to establish itself, with a faltering economy, emigration of the intelligentsia and the weakening of civil society.

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This book explores how a new national elite has emerged and how it has constructed a new national narrative to suit…. This book examines the development of the Russian economy from tsarist times to the present through the lens of the oil industry. It considers the role of the state, business-state relations, foreign participation, enterprise performance and technology.

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Besides providing much rich detail on the…. Edited by Meliha B.

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This book explores developments in the countries of the South Caucasus — Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia — since the EU included the region in the European Neighbourhood Policy in It considers issues related to energy, ethnic conflict, steps towards regional integration, and, above all,…. Russia's human rights record, especially violations of the right to life, liberty and freedom of expression, has been the subject of much international concern. We provide complimentary e-inspection copies of primary textbooks to instructors considering our books for course adoption.

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