I hope to provide some insight into the consequences of dangerous driving, speeding and alcohol induced crime on the victim through my own experience.
Table of contents

Physical activity was based the frequency and duration of participation in moderately energetic e. Covariates were age, sex, socio-economic position and prevalent long-standing illness. Socio-economic position was measured at baseline using the civil service employment grade, which is based on salary and work role and ranges from senior executive officers to clerical and support staff.

The Power of Limitations

All models included two dummy variables to adjust for whether physical functioning was assessed at two phases or only once at either Phase 8 or 9. For lifestyle factors after disease, Phase 9 measures were used since most of these measures were not available at Phase 8. Therefore, Phase 9 non-responders could not be included in the analyses of post-disease lifestyle factors or in the analyses of change in lifestyle factors.

In order to test whether any relationships, at baseline or follow-up, between lifestyle factors and functioning levels were accounted for by other long-standing illnesses, we repeated the analysis after adjustment for prevalent self-reported long-standing illness. The mean age at measurement of functional ability was Of men with CHD, The proportions for women were higher with There was a strong social gradient with those in the lowest employment grades being more likely to report limitations Participants who had measurement of functional ability assessed only at Phase 8 were more likely to report limitations than those who attended Phase 9.

There were strong relationships between baseline pre-disease BMI and risk of having functional limitations at follow-up table 2. Those who were obese at baseline were two and a half times as likely OR 2. There was a similar strong association of baseline obesity with the IADL scale. OR adjusted for age, sex, socio-economic position and the number of times and phase at which functioning was measured. There was a strong association between physical activity levels and risk of having functional limitations; the corresponding OR for ADL for being inactive vs. There were strong negative effects of staying inactive OR 2.

Decrease in physical activity was associated with excess risk of functional limitations.

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OR adjusted for age, sex, socio-economic position and number of times and phase at which functioning was measured. Mutual adjustment for BMI and physical activity indicated that the effects of these two factors on functional limitations were independent of each other data not shown. In the alcohol analyses Supplementary Table S2 , there was suggestive evidence that, at Phase 9, non-drinkers had a higher risk of having functional limitations than those drinking moderately OR for Phase 9, 1.

There was some evidence that exceeding recommended alcohol consumption was a risk factor for poor ADL functioning. In addition, both decreased and increased changes from moderate consumption were associated with increased ADL limitations compared with those who did not change their moderate alcohol consumption. In general, diet improved during the follow-up Supplementary Table S3 , but there were no strong associations between pre- or post-disease diet and risk of having poor functioning. After adjustment, the effects of physical activity and BMI on functional ability differed little from those presented in the tables.

We also repeated our analyses separating the participants into those who had MI and those who had angina only. We found suggestive evidence that the associations between lifestyle factors BMI and physical activity and functioning were stronger among those who had angina events rather than MI. In this group of middle-aged and elderly men and women, there was considerable functional limitation among those with CHD. Nearly, one-quarter experienced one or more limitation on the ADL scale. This compares to The prevalence of functional limitations was strongly socially patterned with higher prevalence among those with lower socio-economic position.

We found some risk factors measured before detectable onset of disease and at follow-up that were associated with a reduced risk of being functionally impaired at follow-up.

From limitations to no limits at all

These were having a low BMI but not underweight and being physically active. Importantly, we also saw that individual changes in risk factors, for example declines in BMI and increases in activity between baseline and follow-up were associated with lower risk of functional limitation. This reinforces the message that it is never too late to get the benefits of losing weight and becoming physically active. Our findings emphasize the importance of obesity as a determinant of independent living in those with CHD. One in three obese individuals experienced functional limitations around the age of 70 years, compared with fewer than one in six in the normal weight category.

We observed an even stronger link between physical activity level and functional limitation, emphasizing that the nature of such effects is likely to be bi-directional. For example, someone with acute angina may experience limitations in their daily activities which limits the amount of exercise they can comfortably perform, and which in turn increases their BMI.

By looking at the relationship between levels of activity before onset of disease and functional ability afterwards, we provide evidence of protection from disability from favourable BMI and activity levels. In sensitivity analyses, we showed that the relationships between physical activity and BMI on functional ability were not accounted for by measured comorbidities. There were no clear effects of smoking or poor diet in this data set and only suggestive benefits from moderate drinking. This may be partly due to the low prevalence of poor health behaviours among the surviving members of the cohort.

Others have shown that dietary quality after CHD is poor; 16 however, we found that few people reported unhealthy diets and so were not able to detect the possible negative effects of poor nutrition. Previous studies have found that moderate drinkers and even drinking more than recommended amounts is associated with having fewer functional limitations.

We need further follow-up to see if any benefit it is sustained. Unlike previous studies of functioning in individuals with CHD, we measured lifestyle factors before on average 8. This has two major advantages. First, it allows for analysis of the possible protective effects of modifiable behaviours long before disease incidence and secondly, it is also possible to examine the consequences of individual changes in lifestyle factors over time. The assumption that often drives these behaviors is that if we want to find happiness and meaning in our lives, then we need more: We start to believe that moving somewhere new will remove the messiness of life.

Or, that if we just lived in a new location or had a new job, then we would finally be granted the permission and ability to do the things we always wanted to do. If had more, we would be set. Kierkegaard argues, however, that the life we are looking for can be found embracing less, not more. History is filled with examples of people who embraced their limitations rather than fought them.

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Think of our school days; we were at an age when there was no aesthetic consideration in the choosing of our teachers, and therefore they were often very boring—how resourceful we were then! What fun we had catching a fly, keeping it prisoner under a nutshell, and watching it run around with it! What delight in cutting a hole in the desk, confining a fly in it, and peeking at it through a piece of paper! How entertaining it can be to listen to the monotonous dripping from the roof!

Consider the world of blogging. When I started, I was on the WordPress platform. But it requires some maintenance, use of various plug-in features and technical versatility. The result was disruption to my newsletter service, lost data, etc. Between all those temperamental plug-ins, theme updates, comment system crashes and denial of service attacks, I was overwhelmed and frustrated. I also felt like I was nickel and dimed for every new feature I thought I needed. They handle every detail, from backups and SSL security to responsiveness and immediate technical support.

The Surprising Way That Limitations Improve Your Life

I love it because all I have to do is focus on my artwork and writing. Medium is the most straightforward, clean, easy to use blogging platform yet. In fact, I use Medium as my default blog now, and link it to my website.

Les Brown - Don't Accept Limitations (Les Brown Motivation)

No need to pick a theme or design. No plug in headaches. Medium is a gorgeous, minimalistic platform that eliminates the need to agonize over details.


The bottom line is that simplicity and minimalism, while limiting in some ways, open up a door to greater productivity and creativity. I used to collect paint boxes pochade boxes for outdoor plein air painting. The boxes come in all shapes and sizes, and typically attach to a camera tripod.

Others are super light weight and portable, but blow over easily in the wind. I bought just about every new design that came on the market. I even crafted a few of my own. The problem was that every time I planned an outdoor painting trip, I was overwhelmed.

The Surprising Way That Limitations Improve Your Life

Ever watch kids in a Baskin Robbins ice cream shop? They go crazy trying to pick a flavor. Or, have you ever gone to a restaurant after a long day at work?

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