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In detail, the following front-ends are shipped in the standard VirtualBox package: 1. VirtualBox is the VirtualBox Manager.

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This graphical user interface uses the Qt toolkit; most of this User Manual is dedicated to describing it. While this is the easiest to use, some of the more advanced VirtualBox features are kept away from it to keep it simple. VBoxManage is our command-line interface for automated and very detailed control of every aspect of VirtualBox. It is described in chapter 8, VBoxManage, page VBoxSDL is an alternative, simple graphical front-end with an intentionally limited feature set, designed to only display virtual machines that are controlled in detail with VBoxManage.

This is interesting for business environments where displaying all the bells and whistles of the full GUI is not feasible. VBoxSDL is described in chapter 9. As opposed to the other graphical interfaces, the headless front-end requires no graphics support. This is useful, for example, if you want to host your virtual machines on a headless Linux server that has no X Window system installed.

For details, see chapter 7. If the above front-ends still do not satisfy your particular needs, it is possible to create yet another front-end to the complex virtualization engine that is the core of VirtualBox, as the VirtualBox core neatly exposes all of its features in a clean API; please refer to chapter 11, VirtualBox programming interfaces, page In addition, Windows Installer 1.

This should be the case if you have all recent Windows updates installed. MSI files. In either case, this will display the installation welcome dialog and allow you to choose where to install VirtualBox to and which components to install. In addition to the VirtualBox application, the following components are available: USB support This package contains special drivers for your Windows host that VirtualBox requires to fully support USB devices inside your virtual machines.

For this to work, an already working Windows Python installation on the system is required.

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With standard settings, VirtualBox will be installed for all users on the local system. In case this is not wanted, you have to invoke the installer by first extracting it by using VirtualBox.

This will install VirtualBox only for the current user. Note: This feature must not be absent since it contains the minimum set of files to have working VirtualBox installation. VBoxNetworkFlt Bridged networking support. VBoxNetworkAdp Host-only networking support. VBoxPython Python support.

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Perform the following steps: 1. Double-click on that file to have its contents mounted. A window will open telling you to double click on the VirtualBox. This will start the installer, which will allow you to select where to install VirtualBox to. Mount the disk image dmg file as described in the normal installation. Note: To be precise, these packages are only required if you want to run the VirtualBox graphical user interfaces.

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Without this kernel module, you can still use the VirtualBox manager to configure virtual machines, but they will not start. In addition, there are the network kernel modules vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp which are required for the more advanced networking features of VirtualBox. The VirtualBox kernel module is automatically installed on your system when you install VirtualBox. To maintain it with future kernel updates, for those Linux distributions which provide it — most current ones — we recommend installing Dynamic Kernel Module Support DKMS 2. This framework helps with building and upgrading kernel modules.

Otherwise, there are only two situations in which you will need to worry about the kernel module: 1. The original installation fails.

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This probably means that your Linux system is not prepared for building external kernel modules. Most Linux distributions can be set up simply by installing the right packages - normally, these will be the GNU compiler GCC , GNU Make make and packages containing header files for your kernel - and making sure that all system updates are installed and that the system is running the most up-to-date kernel included in the distribution. The version numbers of the header file packages must be the same as that of the kernel you are using.

Current Ubuntu releases should have the right packages installed by default. The details of how to do this will depend on how you built your kernel, and if you are unsure you should consult the documentation which you followed to do so. In addition, there is an alternative generic installer. The following examples assume that you are installing to a bit Ubuntu Raring system. Use dpkg to install the Debian package: sudo dpkg -i VirtualBox The installer will also search for a VirtualBox kernel module suitable for your kernel.

The package includes pre-compiled modules for the most common kernel configurations.

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If no suitable kernel module is found, the installation script tries to build a module itself. If the build process is not successful you will be shown a warning and the package will be left unconfigured. You may have to install the appropriate Linux kernel headers see chapter 2. If a suitable kernel module was found in the package or the module was successfully built, the installation script will attempt to load that module. If this fails, please see chapter In this case, find out the current group memberships with the groups command and add all these groups in a comma-separated list to the command line after the -G option, e.

Invoke the installer like this:. The VirtualBox application files are contained in VirtualBox. To build the module, change to the directory and issue make If everything builds correctly, issue the following command to install the module to the appropriate module directory: sudo make install In case you do not have sudo, switch the user account to root and perform make install 40 2 Installation details The VirtualBox kernel module needs a device node to operate. The above make command will tell you how to create the device node, depending on your Linux system.

On certain Linux distributions, you might experience difficulties building the module. You will have to analyze the error messages from the build system to diagnose the cause of the problems. In general, make sure that the correct Linux kernel sources are used for the build process. To update VirtualBox, simply run the installer of the updated version.

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To uninstall VirtualBox, invoke the installer like this: sudo. Starting with version 2. The debconf system is used to perform this task. To prevent any user interaction during installation, default values can be defined. The second line allows the package to delete any old vboxdrv kernel modules compiled by previous installations.

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These default settings can be applied with debconf-set-selections vboxconf prior to the installation of the VirtualBox Debian package. In addition there are some common configuration options that can be set prior to the installation, described in chapter 2. See chapter 2. Any system user who is going to use USB devices from VirtualBox guests must be a member of that group. These are symbolic links to VBox. The following detailed instructions should only be of interest if you wish to execute VirtualBox without installing it first.

You should start by compiling the vboxdrv kernel module see above and inserting it into the Linux kernel. The daemon is automatically started if necessary. All VirtualBox applications will communicate with the daemon through Unix local domain sockets. There can be multiple daemon instances under different user accounts and applications can only communicate with the daemon running under the user account as the application. In case of communication problems or server startup problems, you may try to remove this directory.