Manual Without: 31 Days to Increase Your Faith

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31 DAYS OF PRAYER: AUGUST , Download the “Prayer: What It Is & What It Is Not” MP3 series online or purchase the CD version from the.
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Pray for restoration in their relationship with God. Pray for ungodly ties to be broken and for a fresh fire to come upon them. Philippians , 1 Thessalonians Pray for wisdom to reach family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and those in our community. Pray for God to use FCC as an open door in our community. Revelation Habakkuk Matthew , Isaiah Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we'll answer you in the next hours. The goal is for you to create your own Breakthrough Declaration list you can recite every day, or every time you feel depressed about your weaknesses.

Here are 13 breakthrough declarations you should decree each day—Scriptures modified in the first person. As you do, insert your own name in these financial breakthrough scriptures, and declare the many blessings that are yours through Christ Galatians [MR2].

How to Increase Your Faith

I am better equipped to utilize the tools prophecy, prayer and declarations in every area of my life. Jesus encouraged us to speak to mountains in Mark Good Morning Beloved, Daily Confession: My joy is overflowing and my life is filled with thanksgiving. When You speak in the thunder, You announce that the heavens are filled with water. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come.

Here are a few to begin declaring over yourself and your family on a daily basis. Powerful prayer points and prophetic declarations. Prayers and Promises for Financial Breakthrough is your guide for inspirational testimonies, scriptural promises, intimate prayers, and powerful declarations. Thankyou Shawn Bolz. So much hope. Your breakthrough awaits you! This prayer will usher you into a season of breakthrough in your relationships, business, work, ministry, and finances!

Arrows of unseriousness and laziness fired against my life, receive fire, go back to senders; Every curse of disfavor and joblessness running in my life, break and scatter, in Jesus name.

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In Jesus Name, Amen. A Adeboye. See more ideas about Inspirational quotes, Christian quotes and Bible verses. Make declarations by the Spirit and empower each saint. We exercise our faith mostly when we go Abundance Attitude Adjuster — Declaration. Your email address will not be published. The declarations were like arrows being released from their mouth piercing and penetrating the atmosphere.

Breakthrough declarations What others are saying On November Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it would continue to captivate the world for over a decade. Mar 23, Explore expressions's board "Breakthrough declarations" on Pinterest. We would like to share with you some scriptures and a step by step formula and prayer to step into your breakthrough for this year.

Bible verses about Spiritual Breakthrough. Lord you know my struggles and I do confess that I am very tired of this struggle but I want to thank you for your mercy and your grace that is worth so much more. They were not just a voice to the people but they were intercessors as well, and as such, God expected them to identify with the sins of the people in the land where they lived.

Each day includes a brief teaching, a declaration, a prayer, and a Scripture. The Truth has come; your evil fruits in this land have been exposed. We may think we are being funny or humble, but these statements create our views of the world. God has spoken to you through, or. To declare is to make something known, Prayer Points are from the works of Dr Olukoya. Each prayer and declaration involves this form of identificational repentance. Ancestral curse of poverty and joblessness working in my life, break and release me, I must work, in Jesus name. I am agreeing in prayer for your breakthrough this year and in Breakthrough is an important tool for everyone.

Satan knows that if he makes me doubt my salvation than he has me in his trap.

A Prayer for Supernatural Protection

It has been going on for a few months. How can i live by the grace and power of god? Hello Genesis. I believe you are already half way there. To realize that we can not overcome or grow in grace and by His power is half the battle.

Encouraging Bible Verses & Inspirational Quotes to Boost Your Faith

I would suggest that you might try to fast for 1 day if you have no pre-existing medical conditions and your Dr. I am a truck driver had an accident on the 8th of this month,luckily no one was injured. Got charged with careless driving that is a death sentence workwise for a trucker so I got a lawyer to fight it to reduce it. Got terminated at work, tomorrow is my grievance meeting to get my job back. Last few guys doing similar accidents all got their job back. This past week and a half teaching me that even if I will be without this job I should be looking for Jesus and lot stronger faith.

I loved this article. I want to believe that I can change. Frank, thank you so much sir for your comment. You are so right about faith. It is easy to forget about it until we need to have faith but may God grant you a strengthening of your faith in this time to trouble.

A Morning Resolve

Had a meeting today…. No success. I continue with my spiritual rebuild , downgrade financial hopes, happy that have a wife who would never leave me. Life is a rollercoaster …now I feel stuck on the bottom. Oh Frank, I wish I would do more for you sir and my words have little or no affect.

4 Ways God Will Increase Your Faith If You Let Him

For what it is worth, I will pray again for you. I feel so inadequate at times like these Frank. I feel better these days, have my court date in Michigan to try to fight the careless driving charge. It is on May 6th, Monday. My wife and I driving there to be present though lawyer said not really necessary. Frank, will pray about this and that God is glorified in all the outcome is. I love how your faith remains strong and you are praising Him in this storm.

These worship bands are among my favorite too sir. Praise the Lord!!! My careless driving charge was dropped on Monday. Now this means it will not show up on my driver abstract. Next hurdle is the upcoming grievance meeting. Now I have lot less anxiety as I read the bible everyday. Who was just in the middle of a series called The Journey of trust.

Felt like it was custom made for my situation.. This one too was written to me and about me. What a Great God we have…surrounding me with signs of his caring. That series of teaching about trust was no accident. God continues to amaze us all with His amazing grace, and divine timing. Keep us updated brother. Im demon possessed. I dont like the feeling of love and I like the feeling of evil. I cant get out of it. I even played a role in a Nazerene church as a demon.

God made it specific this time…. Hello please pray for me so that my trust and faith in God will increase. Please help me and give some words of encouragement if possible. I believe instead of using my words I will refer you to Psalm and Psalm These are so reassuring and powerful in our trials and our utter trust and dependance being in God.

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  7. Hi Jack thanks for the scriptures before, I felt peace and joy cause I was following the Holy Spirit but I stumbled and for the past few days I have been trying to get back on track but it seems to be not working and was wondering how can I get back on track with the Holy Spirit? Once more you are putting doubts and feelings above what God says in His Word and must be true. Hello pastor Jack I am having alittle trouble, my youth leader said that leaning the voice of the Holy Spirit will take alon time to figure out his voice and we sometimes mistake our thoughts as not of the Holy Spirit.