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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Born in West Germany, Daniel grew up in both Ottawa and Vampyre's Pyre - Kindle edition by Daniel C. Joneikies.
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I wanted to present a methodology of Vampyric Practice to those daring enough to become through it. It gives practical instructions on the possibility of sorcerous practice from a Luciferian perspective. It is not evil or simply destructive. The most powerful message that can be received in this work is that of creation. The Vampyre Magickian should create as opposed to destroying. This practice of vampirism is based on the Nietzsche and Darwin foundations of survival of the fittest. This dark magickal path is not necessarily a path which all Luciferians must seek, but if the spirit is within them, they may do so.

This ideological process stands on the foundations that: 1. You are the only God that is.

All Deific Masks, Archetypes, powers or spirits must manifest through you. Therefore, to remain in your consciousness, you must be the strongest to keep your foundation identity. See 1. As a Luciferian your primary focus is the retention of knowledge that through experience it becomes wisdom, with that the assumption of power first internally and then externally as you see fit. The Vampyre Magickian is indeed Luciferian, there is no difference in the ideological foundations. Lucifer in the grimoire tradition of the middle ages is considered a spirit of the air, as his element is Air just as his Bride Lilith, additionally he is the bringer of light as his direction is the east.

His wisdom is infernal and is hidden. All symbolism of Vampyrism or Vampirism as it is spelled is reflective of the spirit and astral plane.

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Just as Lucifer was the brightest of angels, upon his initiation and fall he was encircled in darkness. Thus he has the highest articulation and knowledge, the deviation and perverseness of the darkest aspects. He is both beast and serpent and he may take many forms as well. Lucifer is Proteus and changes at will. The Astral plane when entered will provide an exciting and challenging initiatory experience. You must be willing to trust your instincts and above all know yourself. Astral beings may experience the past — like recordings in specific areas, pass through walls and enter dark places just as a spirit.

This of course depends on the initiatory level of the Vampyre Magickian.

Much of this type of practice will indeed take time and focus to achieve. Projecting your consciousness out of your body can be a frightening experience at first. Learn to control your breathing, heart rate and to trust your instincts. This will provide you with a powerful method of practice and more than anything help achieve results. As you enter the astral plane, your mode of focus is of course consuming energy in this state. There is no set or defined elements within the astral plane — there are predators though. In this initiatory process, you will align your mind set as a Vampyre Magickian or Sorcerer, thus creating the part for you to become a predator yourself.

Your physical body is surrounded and connected by an astral body. This is slightly larger than the physical and can be seen in ritual settings, some types of photography and by certain settings of light. The astral body is affected by the food, mental state, psychical health and more. If you are impaired physically, you need not be in the astral plane.

This is the process of developing the will. Those who utilize the ritual practice of shape shifting understand, your limitations are set by you. Platonist philosopher Plotinus A. While they may or may not be valid, they are important in our study and definitions of subjective practice: 1. The World of Matter. The soul-world or spirit of the material universe. This looks downward into matter. The Higher Spirit-world, that looks upward. Nous or the eternal blessedness, in short — not some spiritual nirvana but in Luciferian terms the level of wisdom of possessing this world both materially and spiritually.

The physical or world of Matter is that of Ahriman the Prince of Darkness. Our material universe is our grounding and experience plane which can be agreed upon. The astral plane is the next level of experience, where consciousness or the psyche is cloaked and released from the flesh limitations of this world.

The foundations of vampirism within the practice of Luciferian Witchcraft are based within the study and conventional understanding of The Odic Force, Qi, Chi or Astral Energy. Understanding the concept and study of this process is fully made manifest in the process of vampirism and the absorbing of energy. Qi is the Far Eastern concept of spiritual life force, or energy. One of the earliest mentioning of Qi is in the Analects of Confucius composed around B. The concept of Qi or Chi is indeed lifebreath, the essence of life itself.

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In the practice of Yoga, specifically, Ahrimanic Yoga, the Luciferian controls the flow of lifebreath throughout their body, growing stronger from refining the flow of this energy through the different chakras. While Qi can be controlled, it is a part of the universe and thus may be absorbed and used magickally. Later Qi was understood as being a part of everything in the material and even spiritual world.

Qi was best understood as the energy surrounding the human body, slightly larger than the physical body. Qi is the etheric body, the astral essence which maintains the human body. It can be directly controlled by the mind. Psychic energy or the energy surrounding the human body is transferred from what we eat to energy through resting or sleeping.

When a Vampyre feeds in astral form at night, they are gaining a replenished system of energy which is very pure. The Luciferian must have a clear point of focus on how this practice of vampirism works in day to day life. This will be a foundation for those beyond any specific magical practice to establishing a working mind set in predatory spiritualism. The Luciferian understands that devouring spiritual energy is a powerful aspect in magick, it is easily validated from a subjective experience, yet such power comes with a price.

If you abuse it, no doubt will you find much loss and pain on the path — you will in turn be devoured. Vampirism is a predatory spiritual path — yet it is not an absolute. Luciferians enjoy life — we want more of it. I am a vessel of Ahriman and Az. I worship my own self-progressing divinity. I recognize that religion must start within and be a mirror of my desire. I affirm my Body as a Temple of Darkness and Fire.


The Twin Serpents are my key to continued vitality and initiation, I will seek to raise and then create my desire upon earth. I recognize my Eye is but the Eye of Set, that as the Serpent I shall command my presence upon earth. I shall be a manifestation of the ArchDaevas upon earth. My actions will be thought out and I will exercise my Will in each action.


I recognize there is no other God than myself. I am the Serpent. We seek to go forth in the night in the form of the beast, drinking from the waters under the Moon. We devour paradise and bath in the blood of the moon. We are the People of the Lie Druj , we are the those of demon-flesh — awakened and ancient, forever seeking to further illuminate the Black Flame. Our religion is Sorcery, that which is ensorcelled by our practice of Yatuk-Dinoih Witchcraft.

Life is the great gift of Ahriman, as isolate consciousness the soul or psyche is separate from the Natural Order. It is the physical path of exhaustion, of when the spirit and flesh are one and become stronger with insight and determination. The core essence of the serpent is the Eye which hides within the flesh.

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Such is the glaze which captivates and announces the mastery of presence. It is the Spirit of Light which is self-illumination, the Black Flame. Who is the teacher commanding and striking down the ego.