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Table of contents

This case has been widely discussed in the media in the years since Smith died, with various interpretations of issues involved - whether the criminal justice system erred, whether she was actually a normal child in an solitary confinement situation that created problems or whether she had mental health issues, whether she was aboriginal and if that was part of the issue in how she was treated, whether as a girl who misbehaved she was treated more harshly than are boys who misbehave.

Rebecca Bromwich of Carleton University has re-examined the issues this fall and cast the events in a new light.

Table of contents

Bromwich looks at the conflicting interpretations and points out the complexity of the discussion and some issues not yet mentioned. Young offender girls are often treated harshly in comparison to young offender boys, where for boys acting up may be seen as a rite of passage while for girls classified as 'bad' treatment seems particularly harsh. Smith was an overweight child and bias about her physical size could have been part of the discussion.

The way mental illness is diagnosed or assumed could also be discussed. And the use of solitary confinement itself, or the labelling of people who are in care as high risk could also be raised. The book Bromwich has published seeks to widen the discussion to how we treat young girls and how our mental health and justice system labels may not be appropriately applied in all situations.

The book is called "Looking for Ashley" and is sold through Demeter Press. Sweden has often been cited by daycare lobbyists as an ideal model for universal childcare around the world. He is on the board of Haro, a Swedish parental advocacy group, but currently lives in Finland to enable him to home school his children. Himmelstrand has studied the child care regime in Finland and has suggested it would be a much preferable role model for the world, than is the system in Sweden. He has found that in Finland there is much more funding for all children, not just those in third party care.

Sweden does not offer home care allowance and subsidizes instead third party daycare. All other Nordic countries, however, have a home care allowance for those not using daycare, and this extends until the child is aged 2 or 3 years. In Finland: -since a system of funding children at home was put in place. Himmelstrand notes that Sweden set up its universal daycare system forty years ago and only briefly looked at having a home care allowance for those not using it.

She says that the home care allowance helps support parents so they "believe in their own ability to know what is best for their own child". She points out the importance of the first few years for parents and young children to bond. She says the goal of healthy families is paramount. Finland has had a female president Tarja Halonne and two female prime ministers. September, Many Canadian cities have homeless people, some of whom panhandle and beg on the street.

To deal with the problem of homelessness, officials are often urged to advocate for tax reform, for low cost housing or food or social services for the poor. However some municipalities also provide short term responses to public concerns by just trying to nudge panhandlers from hanging around asking for money.

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The Downtown Windsor Business association has recently installed iron spiked railings on cement planters to prevent people from standing on those planters or using them as seats. Many cities have put a centre armrest on park benches so the homeless cannot sleep there at night. Laws against panhandling exist in most cities as do laws against hitchhiking within city limits, laws against sleeping in parks and laws against loitering or just hanging around a public area for too long. In Windsor a group of street people have taken a stand, feeling that some policies treat them inhumanely and deny their right to equal status and dignity.

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Lawyer Richard Dalkeith says that some attempts to restrict where the homeless can sit are unconstitutional. He has gotten the International Workers of the World involved to get street people to join a union.

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He wants the union to have a voluntary code of ethics and to fight negative perceptions of those who simply are poor. Mayor Drew Dilkens is pleased that buskers and street performers are also joining the group.

Sandwich Generation Caregiving

Andrew Nellis of the group says that members protect each other and want the same rights as everybody else. Colin Pritchard of Bournemouth University in England has published a study comparing countries on rates of dementia between and The study found that diagnosis of such conditions is increasing: -in the US among those over age 75, neurological deaths of men have tripled and those of women have increased fivefold in that time interval -among those aged , rates of diagnosis of neurological disease are also up.

Experts do not agree on the cause of such increases in diagnosis or incidence or death. Tom Denning of the U of Nottingham says that the numbers appear to be up partly in comparison to the rates of deaths due to cancer and heart disease which are down. Pritchard however feels that some environmental causes may be hiking the rates of neurological problems and his study cited aircraft and car pollution and wide use of pesticides as significant factors. In the US in there is a new trend for one parent to be home with the child. It is a significant group that must be included in discussions about funding care of children.

The push to have childcare funded by the state is often led by those who say that women otherwise will not be able to work outside the home. Childcare is argued as a national right in order to propel women into a role that provides for financial empowerment and status. However a new poll by the Washington Post found that many women prioritize parental child care and they admit that this has led to them switching jobs, quitting jobs or even passing up work opportunities.

Though some say that more available or more affordable childcare would help them, others look at wider solutions: -Third party childcare can be costly. Three quarters of parents with children under age 18 say care is "very expensive. Others however are asking for businesses to cover the costs and for government to encourage businesses to adjust to parents' needs.

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When benefits programs are set up, there are often conditions. Occasionally these conditions may stand in the way of accessing benefits easily. Maternity benefits and parental leave have historically been given not for maternity per se but based on the paid labor force participation of the mother or father in the previous calendar year. The worker in addition had to be in paid work over a threshold of hours with a sole employer, and with that employer had to have been contributing to the Employment Insurance fund.

After many self-employed parents argued it was unfair to be excluded from benefits, Quebec in permitted them to take part. In the federal government also promised inclusion of the self-employed. However conditions for that participation also included double contributions to the fund, as employer and as employee for those required hours. The first federal benefits program to also include the self-employed began in The program was to be voluntary so government did not automatically seek out and inform the self-employed about their optional participation.

Workers would have had to be paying 6 months of premiums to qualify, in theory, but it turned out that the program actually required 12 months of earlier contributions - longer than a pregnancy. CBC News, under Access to Information legislation, has learned that with all of those conditions fewer than 14, self-employed workers took part between and , a far cry from the estimated 55, annual claims officials had predicted. Some critics have urged disbanding the program, which costs more to administer than it provides the public.

However others argue that the program should be improved, with fewer conditions placed on its use and by informing the public about it. Forcing people to qualify by having earned money the preceding year makes it actually a reward for earning not about child-bearing at all. Excluding some new mothers while including others is a serious form of discrimination.

Basing the amount of the benefit on earnings is grossly unfair because it tends to favour those who least need the financial help. Since all children are of equal value, the benefit should be universal. Although the rationale given is to try to replace previous income 'in the style to which the woman was accustomed,' that also is a form of discrimination that favours the wealthy.

Also, benefits for tending a child - parental leave - are based on the paid work of either parent, but when maternity benefits are based only on the paid work of the mother we have another problem.

Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos into Confidence

The child is equally the child of both parties. It is not fair that a mother's paid work can qualify a father to be home with the baby but that a father's paid work cannot qualify the mother to get maternity benefits. If we removed the conditions and have a universal maternity benefit and a universal parental benefit, parents could use it as they saw fit, and the red tape costs of administration would be vastly reduced too. August, In Barrie, Ontario if you have to go to hospital emergency by car, you still have to pay for parking.

Recently a mother went to the Royal Victoria Hospital with a sick child and parked at a meter, paying for 4 hours. As the wait for treatment wore on, she realized her parking meter would soon expire and did not have enough coins to cover it. She put out a note on Facebook to a group of local mothers telling of her dilemma and for the next five hours, mothers from around the city dropped by to put money in the meter for her.

Kaylee Goeman's son was diagnosed with an intestinal disorder and is being treated. When tragedies happen in farming communities, other farmers regularly pitch in to help the ones in crisis. The Hutterian Brethren are a religious sect that lives communally, in groups of up to people per colony. They also pitch in when neighbours have a crisis, but with their large collection of tractors, streamlined efficiencies of production and solid work ethic, their help is often overwhelmingly significant.

They have been known to go plow a farmer's field for a sick neighbour and with lots of workers can do it very fast. When floods threatened trailers in Highland Campground, Hutterites from the Standoff Colony came to rescue the stranded. When fire evacuated farmers in northern Saskatchewan, Hutterites of Leask Colony arrived at the evacuation site with dozen buns to feed the stranded. The latter promotes itself as allowing discrete liaisons between married people outside of their marriage. It claims over 37 million subscribers and to be second only in size to match.

However recently hackers claimed to have infiltrated the Ashley Madison secure website that promises to not reveal identities and the hackers threatened to leak real names, credit card information and photos. Paul Keable of Avid Life says it is too early to estimate the damage to the Ashley Madison business model.