Personal Development Gods Way

4 quotes from Personal Development God's Way: 'The simple things done consistently will produce the greatest results in your life.'.
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Surely that means that Christians are making upward progress, that they are growing and developing?

How Christian Is Self-Improvement? | Desiring God

In fact, it does not. It means that we are being reduced, while He becomes greater — as in the words of John the Baptist [ John 3: The answer is no.

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Humanistic psychology, which affects Christians through its influence in entertainment, education, politics and commerce, would have us believe that we should aspire to our highest potential — to become the best, and most successful, that we can be. The problem, as the Bible sees it, is that we are already too full of ourselves.

We need to replace the reign of self with the reign of Christ. He wants us to be transformed taking on His heart and exhibiting the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are spirit we have a soul [mind, will, and emotions] and we live in a body.

How Christian Is Self-Improvement?

The only part that is redeemed is our Spirit. Our Spirit is completely righteous before a Holy God. Unfortunately many in the Body of Christ has bought into the idea that we can change ourselves from the outside in. Multi-Level Marketing is a powerful business model for wealth creation and companies over the decades that have promoted personal development as a critical part of that wealth creation process. In my opinion too many of us in the Body of Christ are walking down another road to personal development that will not result in us manifesting the Fruit of the Holy Ghost nor will it lead to the expansion of His Kingdom.

We get these things confused: Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. O nly the n will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Personal Development God's Way

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

MORNING MOTIVATION - What Successful People Do In the First 8 Minutes of Their Morning

Thus we never experience the level of provision [His Grace] in our lives that He wants for us. We are quick to purchase and read through books written by man that claim to offer a process to self-development but in the end it is like chasing the wind and it has no transformational effect on our lives and in fact moves us away from a genuine, consistent, and transforming commitment to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

See a Problem?

He fulfilled all righteousness and is the perfect human being. Everything that we would rightly hope to experience and become is seen in Jesus. He is completely holy and healthy as a person.

  1. Personal Development: God's Way;
  2. Unlikely Angel: The Untold Story of the Atlanta Hostage Hero!
  3. Personal Development God's Way by Doug Addison;
  4. He is our example. What a wonderful adventure and spiritual pilgrimage our life becomes as we follow in the steps of Jesus Christ! To better understand what the fullness of God looks like in a human being I did a Bible study in the Gospel of Luke. We tend to cycle through these stages and may or may not experience the later ones.

    1. Six Prayers for the Half-Hearted?
    2. Jesus: Our Model of Personal Development.
    3. Videos ...;