Alien Rain (The Light of Titan Book 1)

as it swung around the alien moon, more than a billion kilometres from Earth. Titan is one of the most extraordinary places in the solar system. to have stable liquids on its surface and rain falling from its skies. Follow-up images in the next few months are expected to shed more light on the mystery.
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Also by Dan Abnett. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Interviews with Monster Girls 6. The Classic Newspaper Comics Vol.

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Sunlight is quite dim on Titan, and climate is driven mostly by changes in the amount of light that accompanies the seasons. Data also suggests the presence of a liquid ocean beneath the surface , but it is still to be confirmed. As more planets have been found outside of the solar system, Titan has served as a model of cloudy bodies. Examining the atmosphere of the moon has helped scientists to understand the atmospheres of these distant systems. In , the Cassini spacecraft wrapped up its two-decade-long mission to Saturn. Launched on October 15, , the space craft arrived at Saturn on June 30, Huygens was equipped to study Titan by landing on the Saturn moon and achieved astounding results.

For example, many mountains above 10, feet high have been identified on the moon. Future Mission to Saturn's Moon Titan ].

Atmosphere of Titan

The Huygens probe landed via parachute on Jan. Because of Huygens's observations, Titan became a top priority for scientists. During its primary and extended missions, Cassini was able to get fundamental data about Titan's structure and the complex organic chemistry of its atmosphere. It is because of Cassini's findings that scientists suspect the presence of an internal ocean composed of water and ammonia. The spacecraft has also spotted seasonal change , such as when an ice cloud formed in Titan's southern hemisphere in suggesting that winter was going to be harsh in that zone.

The focus of the mission, as it relates to Titan, was to find signs of seasonal changes and volcanic activity. Titan played a dominant role in Cassini's planned ending. The massive moon provided the gravitational boost the spacecraft needed to thread between Saturn's rings in its final months, exploring a never-before-seen region.

Alien vs. Predator: Life and Death

After this major boost, the spacecraft continued to use Titan to tweak its orbit, making its final close approach to Titan on September 12, Over its 13 years orbiting Saturn, Cassini made encounters with the moon, some close and others more distant. It is thought that conditions on Titan could make the moon more habitable in the far future.

If the sun increases its temperature 6 billion years from now and becomes a red giant star, Titan's temperature could increase enough for stable oceans to exist on the surface, according to some models. If this happens, conditions in Titan could be similar to Earth's, allowing conditions favorable for some forms of life. Saturn's Cold Moon Fascinates Scientists ]. Experiments on Earth suggest that Titan could be more habitable than previously thought.

Complex organic chemicals once thought to hover high in the atmosphere may lie closer to the surface than estimated.

Books @ Titan Books

The same kind of light that drives biological chemistry on Earth's surface could also drive chemistry on Titan, even though Titan receives far less light from the sun and is much colder. Titan is not a sleeping giant in the lower atmosphere, but at least half awake in its chemical activity. Titan's name comes from Greek mythology. The Titans were elder gods who ruled the universe before the Olympians came to power, according to the Theoi Project website.