Intelligent Leadership

Intelligent leadership, leadership coaching and emotional intelligence cover the entire field. Intelligent Leadership is a comprehensive.
Table of contents

Emotional leadership requires keen self-awareness but not self-centeredness , self-regulation, passion for what one is doing, empathy for others and excellent social skills. Some people are naturally more emotionally intelligent than others, but emotional leadership can be developed just like any other skill. However, emotional leadership cannot be mastered unless the inner core is strong, vibrant and mature.

As with other personal characteristics, some people find communication easier than others do, but communication skills can be developed and fine-tuned. However, to be a truly effective communicator, the intelligent leader speaks and listens. Great communication is as much about how something is said as it is about what is being said, and the intelligent leader is able to gauge the situation and know which tone or attitude is appropriate and learns from their mistakes.

Talent management is infinitely more complicated than it was a generation ago. It may be easier to locate people who have the right mix of skills and experience, but hiring them is much harder because of the many options highly coveted professionals have.

  1. Stand-In For a Memory;
  2. Decision-Making and Intelligent Leadership!
  3. The Apostle Paul in the Jewish Imagination: A Study in Modern Jewish-Christian Relations;

The intelligent leader knows that successful talent management is a balancing act that involves hiring new talent to bring in new skills and perspectives, while developing existing talent and keeping current employees engaged and passionate about their work. These leaders sympathize and empathize with others, making them feel assured. Rather than creating conflict, they identify common ground and bring people together.

John Mattone: HR Leadership & Talent Development Expert, Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker

But they can start to idealize other people, creating an image others can't live up to, and when derailed hold on to these illusions and divorce themselves from reality. These leaders want to get everything perfect, for themselves and others. They are highly critical of themselves and others — favourite words are "should" and "must.

This can fuel even more energy to change things, but the anger can consume them. You may see yourself or others in those leadership profiles. The book offers details on each, including how to mature in your own leadership by shifting your emphasis. It also supplies tips for dealing with others who have these traits.

Intelligent Leadership

But it's a slog to read, given so many personalities and details on each, and is certainly not something you should try to read in large snatches if you hope to assimilate the information. Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. Special to The Globe and Mail. This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff.

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  • Emotional Leadership.
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  • Read our community guidelines here. African and Mideast Business. ETFs Up and Down. Letters to the Editor. The Real Estate Market. Quick links Horoscopes Puzzles Customer service My account. Article text size A. If you possess a strong inner core, you have a heightened capability to acquire, grow, and mature in the development and evidence of the competencies and skills comprising the outer core. Another unique tool in the book is the Map of Leadership Maturity. You identify nine different types of leaders: The Map of Leadership Maturity grew from my earlier research and consulting work in the middle s and my first book, Success Yourself , which I believe was the first book written applying the concepts of the Enneagram to the world of business.

    In the past 15 years, I have refined my ideas and concepts based on my continuing research as well as my experiences coaching over leaders in that time. It helps leaders gain a granular understanding of the degree of maturity that they must possess in the values, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of their own predominant trait as well as in the other eight traits that comprise their unique leadership fingerprint.

    They learn that being a successful leader is less a function of their predominant trait and much more a function of the relative maturity with which they evidence that predominant trait—and each of their other eight traits. They learn specific strategies on how they can strengthen their maturity within all their traits. They also learn specific strategies for building rapport, trust, and credibility with individuals who present a different predominant trait from theirs. In addition to learning key insights about their leadership styles, they build knowledge and skills so that they can more successfully lead different style types.

    Intelligent Leadership: How to Help Your Team Succeed

    Ultimately, in writing this book, my sincere desire is that leaders and future leaders begin to recognize, appreciate, and internalize that unlocking and unleashing their own leadership potential is a function of possessing a passionate and diligent desire to:. What are you seeing as you work with leaders from all industries with these new tools? Do most people know where they fit?