Dreamtime Dream Interpretation - Opening to Your Spiritual Sight Within

Dreamtime Dream Interpretation: Opening to Your Spiritual Sight Within, with Dreamtime. Dreamwheel. Book Review. The book is simple in read safer to.
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Of course, the more you practice, the easier it becomes.

"SEX DREAM" Interpreted by Terri Ullstrup leondumoulin.nl

Before you know it, spirit beings might be jumping out at you from behind trees. You also need to let go of expectations. The more anxious you feel, the more you become closed off from your inner senses. Instead, set a clear intention, open your senses and wait patiently for your waking and sleeping dreams to reveal information and give you guidance. To set an intention, first determine the exact outcome you want, then create an intention that is a positive reflection of that outcome.

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Set an intention during the day and tune in with your inner and outer senses. Then reflect on waking life as though it is a dream. Pay attention to song lyrics, unexpected encounters with people, and books that cross your path. See if you can find insight and information related to your intention. Use your inner senses. Pay attention to the images and thoughts that spontaneously appear in your mind.

You receive these messages all the time, but you may be used to ignoring them. To grasp these flashes of insight, you have to pay attention and notice.

Connect with Your Spirit Guidance in Dreams – The DreamTribe

When you get a sudden image or knowing, tune in to it. Tell the image to amplify itself. Before you go to sleep, use your intention to incubate a dream. When you wake up, record your dreams.

And a spirit guide can show up as an animal, person, mineral or plant. Sometimes it takes weeks for these dreams to unfold. Set your intention and keep the same intention for several nights. Track your dreams and look for patterns. If you use your intention to incubate dreams, still pay attention to your waking life experiences. Your spirit guide may appear in your inner vision instead of your sleeping dreams. You can also do a shamanic dream journey to find information about your intention.

Since this process is complex, I will not go into details in this post.

But basically, you state your intention, close your eyes and go on a journey — in your imagination — to find information. I want to help as many people as I can with free content, and I need you to help me spread the word. Start small, with one step.

If your ultimate intention is to create a spiritual community that teaches a variety of programs, break this larger intention into small intentions. Ask some friends to do this process with you. You can help each other develop your inner senses, explore your dreams and look for patterns.

Then start with step one above and go through all three steps. Connect with Your Spirit Guidance in Dreams Many years ago, I was hanging out with active dreamer Robert Moss at Esalen when I noticed that his sleeping dreams, shamanic journeys, and waking life experiences all seemed to work together as one big dream. I also noticed that he was in a constant, creative flow and deeply connected to life around him. The prospects intrigued me, though, and I knew I had to try it out. I used several distinct steps to help me connect more deeply with the dream realm.

Open your inner and outer senses This is the most important step, and for many Westerners, it is completely foreign.


Find a friend and go for a walk. Do not try to see things with your physical eyes. Give yourself time to observe, then share your inner images with your friend. Do you see the same thing? Sleeping Dreams Before you go to sleep, use your intention to incubate a dream. In my dream tonight, I will meet a new spirit guide. Shamanic Dream Journeys You can also do a shamanic dream journey to find information about your intention.

Remember to record what you discover. You never know when God may reach out to you through a dream; it could happen anytime. The ways God or his angels may communicate with you in dreams include:. God or one of his messengers may send you an innovative idea through a dream. Many scientific breakthroughs and artistic projects throughout history have resulted from dreams.

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For example, physicist Niels Bohr, who won a Nobel Prize for discovering the structure of the atom, dreamed about that structure first and then confirmed it through lab tests. Solutions for problems in your life may come to you in your dreams as God answers your prayers for guidance.

Inventor Madame CJ Walker prayed for help solving the problem of her hair falling out after a scalp infection. Then she dreamed of an angelic man who showed her the specific ingredients she needed to create a hair care product that would help.

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Famous adventurer Bear Grylls said that he dreamed about falling for 18 months straight after he broke his back in a skydiving accident, and those dreams helped him recover emotionally and regain his courage. Bestselling novelist Stephen King has said that his nightmares not only give him ideas for his horror books, they also act like mirrors that show him issues he should address in his life. Sometimes divine warning dreams predict a future event, as well. For instance, former U. Perhaps the most common type of divine message delivered during dreams is encouragement.

Olympian Edwin Moses reported that he had a series of encouraging dreams prior to a meter hurdling race that gave him both the peace and confidence he needed to run well. Moses did so well in the race that he broke a world record. Also, your subconscious mind is open to all information. Your conscious mind may discard valuable information because of stress, biases, or negative emotions such as fear or anger. But your subconscious mind is constantly open to learning something new.

So pay attention to what you see, hear, and feel in your dreams. Record what you remember about them soon after you wake up. You may surprise yourself by what you discover!