All the Bad Circles

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It speeds up skin aging by breaking down collagen, which makes the skin under the eyes, which is already very thin, even thinner.

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You cannot escape the damage to your skin by choosing e-cigarettes, as the chemicals are the same, according to Boots. Any form of smoking leads to premature raging, which includes dark circles. Dehydration and anaemia can cause the under-eye shadows.

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  3. What Causes Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?.

Surprisingly, one of the most common causes of dark circles is an iron deficiency. Iron helps our bodies carry oxygen to the cells and if levels fall too low, the skin under our eyes is affected.

Being tired all the time NOT a cause of dark circles under the eyes - THIS is the culprit

Dark circles may be worse during hay fever season as sufferers rub their eyes due to itchiness, which makes the circles more prominent. According to some reports, food allergies or intolerances can also make dark circles under the eyes more noticeable. According to Boots, doing so can help lessen the appearance of under-eye bags.

To treat the under-eye area, choose an eye cream containing peptides to firm the skin , or Vitamin C to brighten.

According to Boots, these are five of the most common causes of dark circles. Lack of sleep may cause the veins under the eyes to fill with more blood, making skin look darker. People who suffer from allergies, hay fever or asthma often have dark circles. The reason for this is congestion in the fine veins under the eyes.

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Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy and use of birth control pills may also increase pigmentation under the eyes. In some cases dark circles are just a shadow cast by bags below the eyes. With age the layer of protective fat around the eyeballs relocates slightly, which may cause a small, fat bulge under the eye. Another reason for bags under the eyes is fluid retention.

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In both cases the groove beneath the bag looks like a dark circle. You will find a lot of products to treat this condition, but there is little evidence that they work. Instead you should consult an experienced dermatologist who will help you to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem and who will develop a treatment strategy tailored for your specific needs.

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There are a number of ways in which you can treat dark circles yourself. For example if fluid retention is the cause then applying cool tea bags or cool cucumber slices may make a drastic difference.