Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria

Editorial Reviews. Review. "This book had the flavor of some of my favorite books . Fahrenheit and , without the dystopian sadness. I was fascinated.
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You Have Been Judged: Boston Legal meets Judge Dredd in this new action-packed series! Don't cross the law or you will be judged. Award-winning story of one family's struggle to survive massive cyber attack destruction of America. Review "This book had the flavor of some of my favorite books Reflected Light Books July 15, Language: Print edition purchase must be sold by Amazon.

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Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This was a fun book that had an incredible amount of potential. I mean, what more could you ask for? The history of the library at Alexandria, cats who have been guarding magical books since before that time, an evil human, some type of evil shadow, an ancient soul and a young hero. The story is terrific, the plot is good. There are characters that could have been amazing.

I enjoyed reading it However, I was disappointed in the lack of character development. There were many characters who were introduced, yet not developed. In fact, because of that, I wondered why they were even there. Very little background was given as to where some of the characters came from, they were simply woven into the story. There was so much more story that could have been told and wasn't.

I hope this book is simply the product of a new author and that this is a learning process.

by Rahma Krambo

I will repeat, there is so much potential here, I hope it finds its voice! I thought this was a long book! I thought this book would be long This book is great, though there where parts I didn't like to much. The professor evil selfish brat -made dog killed Cireo, Marco's trainer, when Marco hadn't yet finished training. Also, this book needs a sequel. Are Marco and Lily mates in the end? Who fathered Lily 's kits?

Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria - WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia

How did Lucy somehow appear in the library? What happened to the professor? Is the gryphan Cerio in dead form? Overall super good book. I think they could add a few more girls and a little more girlpower!

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Thank you author for writing this and please write a sequel! One person found this helpful.

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A most enjoyable read which I think may have enn aimed toward younger readers. I'll read anything good. Who among us readers, history buffs, etc. It makes me very sad to conjecture all the ancient knowledge we lost.

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We might have avoided the Dark Ages! Our hero, Marco, is trying his best to save the Library.

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He has been taught by his mentors that saving as much as possible is imperative, and he does well in the time he has in this book. His adventures continue in another book I have not read. Cats look mysterious and pensive much of their time. What secret do they carry in their long history with man? I didn't personally read this book, my son needed it for a class project.

He had a hard time finding a book that interested him and wasn't overwhelmingly long he was only in 5th grade for goodness sake! He was fascinated by story which kept him intrigued. In fact, he still loves himself some cats to this day because of this book! It came in brand new, immaculate condition and priced as expected. Guardian Cats is an interesting adventure centered on a local library and the cats who love it.

Marco learns to read and finds that he is not alone in his love for books. He witnesses one of its worst destructive events, as well as having to handle attacks on his own beloved local library. I enjoyed the depiction of the battle between good and evil. The ending was quite satisfying and I hope to find more works continuing the story. I enjoyed this book very much, and I hope that the author will write more in a similar vein. I'm not a "cat person", but I have to admit that they fit better into the fantasy genre than my beloved dogs.

The plot is original, the grammar and writing style are good, and the book is refreshingly clean. Also, as our feline hero strives to protect books and the right of people and cats to knowledge, the harm of bigotry and ignorance is shown, but without making you feel like you're being beaten over the head with it. I recommend this book for anyone who wants to go on an adventure with a cool cat. Especially good for children as an introduction to the history of the Library of Alexandria, the value of spreading ideas through books and the basic reason books are banned, burned or not allowed to be printed or shared.

I, like another reviewer, believe that more development do the individual characters would have added much to the story and to its main points. I think the author was a bit ambitious in wanting to do too much too fast. I like the theme of the book and it sounds like kids will like this suspense a lot.

I really liked the trailer too! I like the theme of the book too! Sounds like a great book. Best of luck to Mr. This is a book I will want to read. Of course, I have a cat and I would love to think she could read. She loves to snuggle with me when I read so maybe she can.

I also have a cat in my next book who lives ina bookstore. The trailer was great! And what about the cat in your book? We lost our kitty this week. She went out and never came back. I am sorry to hear about Missy. It would be even cooler if she came back to you. If I remember I am so bad at forgetting things.

Guardian Cats and the Lost Book of Alexandria by Rahma Krambo

I hope you do get and like it! I know you love dogs, but do you like cats too? Seems like a fairly interesting premise. Cats are fascinating creatures. Thanks for the review. It is neet to learn about the Library of Alexandria. I liked the idea of the cats as the main characters. They were good characters. Kind of cool too. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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