The Second Civil War

The American Civil War took place between and , after which the Union was preserved. Rhetorical or hyperbolic references to a potential Second.
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Rhetorical or hyperbolic references to a potential Second American Civil War have since been made on a number of occasions throughout the history of the United States. Some historians name the — war as the Second American Civil War , since the American War for Independence could be considered a civil war since the term can refer to any war to separate one political body from another. In some localities, there was fierce fighting between Americans including gruesome instances of hanging, drawing, and quartering on both sides.

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It must be admitted that the Loyalists were guilty during the war of some unpleasant atrocities. But so were some of the Revolutionists. No one can take pride in tracing descent to the worst of the Green Mountain Boys , any more than to Bloody Bill Cunningham and his gang or to the raiders of Cherry Valley.

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And it is fair to remember that the Loyalists had been driven from their homes, that their property had been confiscated, and that they and their families had been subjected to persecution. They would have been hardly human had they not waged a mimic warfare. At the same time, it is no more surprising that after the war the victorious Revolutionists treated the Loyalists with scant generosity.

They too would have been hardly human had they done otherwise.

Will America Have A Second Civil War?

As early as , David Ramsay , an American patriot historian, wrote in his History of the American Revolution that, "Many circumstances concurred to make the American war particularly calamitous. It was originally a civil war in the estimation of both parties After the American Civil War , the federal government started in a process called Reconstruction , which aimed to restore the South to the Union and update the federal and state governance in accordance with the Thirteenth , Fourteenth , and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

Due to severity of the social, political, and constitutional challenges and conflicts of the Reconstruction Era, the Reconstruction is sometimes called the Second Civil War. The Second Civil War [14] and made its way to the school curriculum. In the 21st century, during an ongoing culture war between American conservatives and liberals over opposing cultural, moral, and religious ideals, Dennis Prager claimed that Americans are actually in the midst of the Second Civil War, albeit not necessarily violent. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Second Civil War (TV Movie ) - IMDb

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New York, Harper, University of Virginia Press, Alongside such in famous men were obscure congressmen who played outsized roles in the political dramas of the age. For example, William Richardson of Illinois worked with Alexander Stephens, the future vice president of the Confederacy, to push the Kansas-Nebraska Act through the House of Representatives in the spring of Northern voters did express their displeasure with their representatives.

Is a Second Civil War Coming to America?

In the elections, the Democratic Party lost 21 of 22 Northern districts where Democrats voted to allow slavery into Kansas. They demanded greater fidelity to party orthodoxies on slavery, and denounced dissenters as fanatics and traitors. Southern rights meant protecting slavery at all costs.

In , a proposed state constitution for the territory of Kansas arrived in Congress. Yet Southern Democrats turned the admission of Kansas as a slave state into a test of party loyalty. Buchanan overcame fierce resistance with threats of purges and promises of bribes. While Buchanan was doling out bribes, some pro-administration Democrats attempted to explain themselves. Senator William Bigler of Pennsylvania opted for expediency: Jesse Bright was more direct. Speaking on the floor of the Senate in March , he articulated an anti-democratic philosophy of minority rule:.

Second civil war letters: Alex Jones conspiracy ignites a parody conflict

The representative opinion may be in conflict with the popular voice; an overwhelming majority may raise an indignant protest against the expressed legislative will; yet it stands as the controlling law until set aside in accordance with legal forms. He who supposes that the opinions of a majority, even when clearly expressed, necessarily make the laws, has mistaken the whole theory of our Government. That majority, before it can make itself effectual, must fix upon its representative and clothe him with the authority to speak in its behalf at the proper time and place.

He was no less blunt in condemning the fitness of voters: The United States is nowhere near fighting a second civil war for the simple reason that neither political party has shown a willingness, let alone an ability, to repeatedly defy public opinion on divisive issues.