Was Sie wissen müssen, um mit Chinesen erfolgreich Geschäfte zu machen (German Edition)

Mit dem Wasser kommt der Tod: Thriller (Cora Remy 1) (German Edition China .de: Was Sie wissen müssen, um mit Chinesen erfolgreich Geschäfte zu um mit Chinesen erfolgreich Geschäfte zu machen (German Edition) Jun 13,
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So sieht das aus, wenn die Chinesen kommen

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What are those country codes?

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Chinesische Firmenübernahmen: Verkauft diese Frau Deutschland? |

Alle 10 Jahre kann man seinen Kindern Many netizens left comments saying they were shocked or disappointed. A first post on my Facebook page attracted more than 70 interesting comments. But this is a long and complicated story, because it deals with German bureaucracy. She then says she found out that until , Taiwan had the the country code , but that apparently had changed.

Naturally, she was not happy about this. German colleagues tried to comfort her, but were not really able to understand why she was so shaken up. They accepted this, but had no way to help her. Like many Taiwanese who were rattled by the news, I quickly found the source of the country codes: It is not directly used for policy, but for statistical purposes, for example to make sure data from different ministries and offices is comparable.

So why did the Taiwanese intern in Germany encounter those problems? I will come to that in a minute. Germany does not consider Taiwan, or the Republic of China for that matter, to be a sovereign country. Page 3 draws an analogy between Taiwanese and Palestinian authorities: Their passports, though not issued by a country with diplomatic relations to Germany, can be used to legally enter Germany. Dies ist derzeit z. The German government sadly has gone one step further. Tibet and Taiwan are part of the Chinese territory. Wikileaks publications later revealed that this statement was something the Chinese had specifically asked for in order to mend Sino-German relations after German Chancellor Merkel had received the Dalai Lama in her office.

Shoppingparadiese: Chinesen in Deutschland und Deutsche in Asien

You can read the whole story in my German blog entry: Wie Deutschlands Regierung vor China gekuscht und eine Demokratie verraten hat. So from a Taiwanese POV you could say: However, it has largely been reversed.

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So why did they nevertheless tell the Taiwanese intern, in , to use ? When there are changes, it does not mean they are immediately applied everywhere. German social security, in particular, is a highly complex system of its own and not a direct part of the government apparatus. After getting in touch with the person in charge of country codes in social security, I learned that the publications of the Statistical Office are binding for them. Those changes were only deliberated by the GKV-Spitzenverband on March 6, and went into effect on December 1, We realize there have been new changes, we will adhere to them, but only after we have had time to sit down and discuss stuff like this with other agencies.

As soon as that happens, Taiwanese can use again when filling out our forms. But until then, the old rules still apply. In fact, the personnel on the ground often seem to be clueless about what regulations apply. Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping.

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