7 Principles to Guide Your Success in 7 Dimensions of Your Life

The 7 Principles of Success is a simple and short book that is full of tools and ISBN X; ISBN ; Product Dimensions: 6 x x 9 . easy to follow guide on making simple changes in your life to gain success.
Table of contents

But if we replace these types of response with empathic listening, we see dramatic results in improved communication. What emotions are being communicated that might not come across through words alone? Was one person or the other more interested in the conversation? Write down what you noticed. Next time you give a presentation, root it in empathy. Begin by describing the audience's point of view in great detail.

What problems are they facing? How is what you're about to say offering a solution to their problems? The combination of all the other habits prepares us for Habit 6, which is the habit of synergy or "When one plus one equals three or more and the whole is great than the sum of its parts. For example, if you plant two plants close together, their roots will co-mingle and improve the quality of the soil, so that both plants will grow better than they would on their own. Synergy allows us to create new alternatives and open new possibilities. It allows us as a group to collectively agree to ditch the old scripts and write new ones.

So how can we introduce synergy to a given situation or environment? Start with habits 4 and 5 -- you must think Win-Win and seek first to understand. Once you have these in mind, you can pool your desires with those of the other person or group. What we end up with is not a transaction, but a transformation.

Both sides get what they want, and they build their relationship in the process. The real essence of synergy is valuing the differences -- the mental, emotional, and psychological differences between people. After all, if two people have the same opinion, one is unnecessary. You see it differently! Help me see what you see.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

We seek first to understand, and then we find strength and utility in those different perspectives in order to create new possibilities and Win-Win results. Make a list of people who irritate you. Now choose just one person. How are their views different? Put yourself in their shoes for one minute. Think and pretend how it feels to be them. Does this help you understand them better?

Now next time you're in a disagreement with that person, try to understand their concerns and why they disagree with you. The better you can understand them, the easier it will be to change their mind -- or change yours. Make a list of people with whom you get along well.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Now write down a situation where you had excellent teamwork and synergy. What conditions were met to reach such fluidity in your interactions? How can you recreate those conditions again? To be effective, we must devote the time to renewing ourselves physically, spiritually, mentally, and socially. Continuous renewal allows us to synergistically increase our ability to practice each habit. There are four dimensions of our nature, and each must be exercised regularly, and in balanced ways:.

The goal of continuous physical improvement is to exercise our body in a way that will enhance our capacity to work, adapt, and enjoy. Focusing on the physical dimension helps develop Habit 1 muscles of proactivity. We act based on the value of well-being instead of reacting to the forces that keep us from fitness. The goal of renewing our spiritual self is to provide leadership to our life and reinforce your commitment to our value system.

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A focus on our spiritual dimension helps us practice Habit 2, as we continuously revise and commit ourselves to our values, so we can begin with the end in mind. The goal of renewing our mental health is to continue expanding our mind. Focusing on our mental dimension helps us practice Habit 3 by managing ourselves effectively to maximize the use of our time and resources. The goal of renewing ourselves socially is to develop meaningful relationships. Renewing our social and emotional dimension helps us practice Habits 4, 5, and 6 by recognizing that Win-Win solutions do exist, seeking to understand others, and finding mutually beneficial third alternatives through synergy.

As we focus on renewing ourselves along these four dimensions, we must also seek to be a positive scripter for other people. We must look to inspire others to a higher path by showing them we believe in them, by listening to them empathically, by encouraging them to be proactive. The real beauty of the 7 Habits is that improvement in one habit synergistically increases our ability to improve the rest.

Renewal is the process that empowers us to move along an upward spiral of growth and change, of continuous improvement. Make a list of activities that would help you renew yourself along each of the 4 dimensions. Select one activity for each dimension and list it as a goal for the coming week.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary:

At the end of the week, evaluate your performance. What led you to succeed or fail to accomplish each goal? Sales 1 Integrations HubSpot integrations with apps, tools, and software you use every day. Customer Stories Case Studies Reviews. Sales 17 min read.

Practice Success Habit 1: Challenge yourself to test the principle of proactivity by doing the following: Convert reactive tasks into proactive ones. Begin with the End in Mind. Practice Success Habit 2: Challenge yourself to test the principle of beginning with the end in mind by doing the following: Put First Things First.

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Practice Success Habit 3: Here are some ways you can practice putting first things first: Over time remembering to Sharpen Your Saw will get easier to plan and do. Whatever you choose will become a feeder into a life of quality -- the glass half full -- abundance of your life. I'm always happy to hear from you: Click Here To Email.

Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Sharpen The Saw is a conversation about planning and continuous improvement. The Pace Of Change. To help us all figure out our relationship with time, personal change and Covey balances the concept across 4 main categories or dimensions. What Is Your Purpose? What Are You Committed To? If you work with a personal coach, get them to help you define what your motivator is.

What are your values? All people who experience self-mastery do this to some degree, but those who exert their will upon this principle are able to act from a place of purpose as opposed to letting the pendulum swing them into reactivity. Nothing happens without explanation. The empowering use of this principle is to make the conscious choice to rise above the plane of thought you currently occupy to become your own Cause, and not just an Effect of others and the situations you find yourself in.

That is to say, be your own first mover as opposed to someone who merely reacts to circumstance. I know I am out of alignment with this principle, when I find myself feeling reactive, stressed and frazzled; waking up only to handle and deal with the things that come my way. Instead, of going out of my own way to determine and create what I desire to experience. To put into action the first move, which will bring me the result I desire, not as a surprise, but a product of calculation. So, I know that if I want to be a better writer, I clearly need to write each day and read more often.

As opposed, to not, and resigning myself to merely reacting to the consequences of not having done the work and experiencing the problems that inevitably arise when you are not pursuing your highest calling. But the important distinction is that having awareness of this will give you the ability to rule on your own plane, without resigning to the roles of the dunce or victim. Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes.

This principle embodies the fact that both the masculine and feminine exist in all things. Not just in sex, but in the creative nature of all things, on all planes. In harmony with the principle of Correspondence, this means that the masculine and feminine exist not only in the physical plane, but also the mental, and the spiritual as well. The masculine is the penetrative, assertive, progressive, conquesting, explorative energy that drives progress.

The feminine is the receptive, sacred, treasured, protective energy, that maintains tradition and honors the priority of what is most important, while nourishing that which is most essential to life. While, too much feminine energy, without a balance of the masculine, leads to a life grounded so deeply in the present, that our lives become determined by the cycles and external circumstance out of our favor.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People [Book Summary]

All beings contain this great Principle within them, as two parts. Every male has feminine energy, and every female has masculine energy. In sex we see the interplay of these energies. In our moods, actions, attitudes, and personalities we see the dance of these energies within ourselves. The most potent use of this principle is how Gender is responsible for creation, generation, and regeneration on the mental and spiritual planes, and not just the physical.

The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success

True progress is possible through the balancing of the two energies of Gender in oneself, relationships, and environment. By examining how present are we with our lives. How focused we are on the future. What we sacrificed for our achievements. How much do we protect and honor what is our highest priority. How far from home have we traveled, in pursuit of what we desire the most. How much are we giving and how much are we receiving. Asking ourselves if these energies are in balance.

To choose the middle path between these extremes of the present feminine and future-driven masculine and seek balance in all things, is the key to using all 7 Hermetic Principles principles to full effect and achieving lasting self-mastery, without straying too far from the path. Each of these principles exists in nature, and applies directly to our mental, emotional, and spiritual states. They give us a map of hidden territory both within and without.

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Having awareness of these principles, and how the affect one another, gives us an understanding of our own patterns, what holds influence over us, and how we can use these principles and their laws to direct our own lives. The 7 principles of Hermeticism teach us how to use our minds to communicate with the Mental Universe.

All dreamers imagine a realm of higher aspiration than ours and the base and gross matter we come from. As well as, how we can tune our own vibrations and experience the ease of being in harmony with forces that naturally occur at higher vibrations. To choose the Polarity we wish to experience most knowing all choices are open to us. To remain where we choose, knowing how to transcend the pendulum swing of Rhythm. To realize that we are always being effected, that nothing happens to us by chance and knowing we can choose to cause the effects that we most prefer.

And that in order to benefit from all of these principles, we must seek balance of both the masculine and feminine within ourselves to create our ideal realities, and wield this power without straying too far from the middle path. These principles have served as tools for the priests and pharaohs of Egypt, the philosophers of Greece, the artists and inventors of the Italian Renaissance, and the revolutionaries and leaders of America among others to can be sure. By themselves, these principles are useless, but when you creatively apply them, you can achieve any endeavor you dedicate yourself to.

Truly understand them, by experiencing them for yourself. So, here are some questions to help you apply the 7 Hermetic Principles through direct inquiry and experience gnosis in your own life. Have you ever experienced the effect of mind over matter? Using the power of visualization to make yourself feel less hot, or cold. What are things you are curious about and can learn about, even though they are not directly or physically in front of you right now? Our thoughts are connected and this is one way we can tangibly understand that our thoughts are not our own and do not originate within us.

Have you ever focused your awareness somewhere on your body and felt it tingle, or the intensity of sensation increase there, simply because you directed your mind toward it? This is a demonstration of the common phrase, energy goes where attention flows. Have you ever dealt with a personal problem, and begun to feel like the situations you find yourself prod at the issue repeatedly until you resolve it?

The themes in our lives tend to re-occur and correspond on many levels, until we learn our lesson. Have you ever noticed a pattern in nature, that repeats whether in the bloom of a flower, or shape of a river, and wonder how these seemingly unconnected events share the same geometry? All things grow by the same sets of natural laws. Have you ever felt like you were a part of something larger, that you may not even be able to see or perceive, yet you are directly contributing to it?

We, ourselves, are a part of the correspondence. Have you ever listened to a song and felt a certain way about it, like some chords are pleasant to hear, and others feel inherently wrong? The way things vibrate effects us at a foundational level. In the same way, have you ever looked at a painting or a combination of colours and found it to be beautiful, and at other times find it to be distressing?

The expression of certain vibrations, even that of colours, can affect us on an emotional level. Have you ever attracted something into your life, repeatedly by obsessing over it? The phenomena of synchronicity, or manifestation, occurs because of the resonance and harmony between the way things vibrate.