Eugenia Grandet (Spanish Edition)

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Eugenie Grandet

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Return to Book Page. Pero el autor no solo nos muestra cosas malas sino tambien nos muestra la fidelidad encarnada en la gran Nanon, y en su esposa la senora Grandet, ellas pese a las dificultades sentimentales siempre fueron fieles al senor al Grandet, la otra virtud que se presenta aqui es el amor manifestado en Eugenie, a ella le importa poco lo material su mayor tesoro e interes es el amor, este amor es el que la lleva regalar desinteresadamente todo su oro a su persona amada la cual esta pasando por una dura situacion, en fin en esto se resumen la cotidianidad de la vida en los finales de la Francia de Napoleon.

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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jul 09, Paula rated it really liked it Shelves: Me lo imagino tan bien. La prosa no parece de , es muy moderna y fluida. Ana Lourdes rated it really liked it Jun 22, Guillaume reveals this to his brother Felix in a confidential letter which Charles has carried. Charles is a spoiled and indolent young man who is having an affair with an older woman. His father's ruin and suicide are soon published in the newspaper, and Felix tells Charles the cause of his father's suicide.

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Felix considers Charles to be a burden and plans to send him off overseas to make his own fortune. She gives him some of her own money to help with his trading ventures. Meanwhile, Felix hatches a plan to profit from his brother's ruin.

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He announces to Cruchot des Bonfons that he plans to liquidate his brother's business, so avoid a declaration of bankruptcy, and therefore save the family honour. Cruchot des Bonfons volunteers to go to Paris to make the arrangements, provided Felix pays his expenses. The des Grassins then visit just as Felix and Cruchot des Bonfons are in the middle of discussions, and the banker des Grassins volunteers to do Felix's bidding for free, so Felix accepts des Grassins' offer instead of Cruchot des Bonfons'.

Felix then ignores all demands to pay the rest, whilst selling the bank bills at a profit. By now, Charles has left to travel overseas.

Eugenia Grandet (Spanish Edition)

This leads to his wife's falling ill with grief, and his daughter's being confined to her room. In , Charles returns to France. He has become very wealthy through his trading, but he has also become extremely corrupt. He becomes engaged to the daughter of an impoverished aristocratic family, in order to make himself respectable. He also sends a cheque to pay off the money that she gave him. She sends back the cabinet.

Cruchot des Bonfons carries out the debt payment in full. This comes just in time for Charles to find that his future father-in-law objects to letting his daughter marry the son of a bankrupt.