Following the Tambourine Man: A Birthmothers Memoir (Writing American Women)

Following Tambourine Man: A Birthmother’s Memoir (Writing American Women) Hardcover – September 24, Janet Mason Ellerby follows the crooked path she took from a protected and privileged childhood and early adolescence to her unplanned pregnancy and banishment and to her.
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A Birthmother's Memoir 4. Set during the sexual revolution of the sixties, this moving work recalls the decade's prodigious effect on a generation of Americans that came of age during that transformative time of changing mores.

Janet Mason Ellerby follows the crooked path she took from a protected and privileged childhood and early adolescence to her unplanned pregnancy and banishment and to her da Set during the sexual revolution of the sixties, this moving work recalls the decade's prodigious effect on a generation of Americans that came of age during that transformative time of changing mores. Janet Mason Ellerby follows the crooked path she took from a protected and privileged childhood and early adolescence to her unplanned pregnancy and banishment and to her daughter's birth and adoption.

She then delves into the complex journey embarked on over the next thirty-five years, haunted by her first child's memory and attempting to compensate for her loss. In so doing, she provides a personal commentary on the shifts in adoption culture and describes the overlooked heartbreak that many birthmothers endure.

Following the Tambourine Man: A Birthmother's Memoir by Janet Mason Ellerby

Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Following the Tambourine Man , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Following the Tambourine Man. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

Jul 20, Leslie rated it really liked it Shelves: This book was written by one of my favorite college professors, and I really enjoyed reading it. It is about her search for the baby she was forced to give up for adoption when she was sixteen years old and her lifelong struggle with depression over her loss. Her writing is so open and honest and soul revealing, and I found many ways that I could deeply connect with her story. Several years ago I read her other book for a class called "Writing Women's Lives" about women's memoirs.

Her examinatio This book was written by one of my favorite college professors, and I really enjoyed reading it.

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Her examination of memoirists' attempts to find healing by revealing burdensome secrets they have been forced to keep throughout their lives was thought provoking and causes the reader to truly re-examine the harmful nature of the secrets so many of us try to keep burried in our pasts only to find them seeping through into our present permeating everything we do. Aug 26, David Mccann rated it it was amazing.

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Quite by chance I came across this book as I was doing research for a client. In an on-line posting - there was a brief reference to the Akron, Ohio Florence Crittenden House for unwed mothers. But then to read this book - as the 's unfolded - "Oh humanity! There was a happy ending to the story; but for the author to have experienced the seeming insensitivity of humanity - so vividly described - well - we have to do better in the 21st Century.

A must read for all high school st Quite by chance I came across this book as I was doing research for a client. A must read for all high school students - in their development of an empathetic quality to their character! Feb 17, Sallyk rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved this book.

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I learned so much about how "unwed mothers" were treated and regarded in the s and s. The author is now an English professor at UNCW and she traced the vast changes in sociological and judgmental attitudes toward unplanned pregnancies, from the time she gave birth to the time the book was written. It was a very moving book, probably the best one I've read on this subject. May 03, Heather rated it it was amazing.

This is written by my favorite professor at the University of NC Wilmington This book is amazing Katherine rated it it was amazing Jun 22, Karen rated it really liked it Jan 31, Boston Post Adoption Resources rated it it was amazing May 19, Kathleen Cooper rated it really liked it Nov 08, Christine Peterson rated it it was amazing Aug 21, Mbhaley rated it liked it Apr 07, Tia rated it really liked it Apr 17, Elizabeth rated it really liked it Nov 12, Kimberly rated it it was amazing Apr 09, Sharon rated it liked it Mar 27, Jenni Plumer rated it really liked it Apr 17, Wade decision until Back then, scared, pregnant teenage girls would likely be packed off by their families to a Florence Crittenden home, one of a chain of facilities with branches in most American major cities.

Away from gossips in their home towns, the girls would wait out their terms, often taking high school courses in the process. The year was Pressed to "prove her love" by an older boyfriend on an avocado green couch in front of the family TV set , she conceived almost immediately at the age of Her parents promptly packed her off to an aunt in Ohio, then to a Florence Crittenden home in Akron.

After an hour, mother and daughter were separated - forever, if all went as planned. Ellerby first told her own story in in Intimate Reading, an academic study of how women writers come to terms with personal and family secrets. Her latest book, Following the Tambourine Man, supplies the rest of the story, and in personal terms.

Following the Tambourine Man: A Birthmother's Memoir

After the birth, and after young Jan was shipped back home, her parents, conservative natives of the Midwest, treated the whole affair like Robert E. Lee in The Killer Angels: They spoke no more of it. Haunted by a family tragedy involving a troubled uncle - a story Ellerby was able to piece together only decades later - they were used to keeping family secrets. Outwardly, young Jan conformed - although the former "Nixonette" found herself slipping leftward in the wake of the Watts riots and the Vietnam War protests she encountered in college.

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The trauma of the experience left her emotionally scarred and insecure. Although she built a successful teaching career and earned a Ph.