White Gold (The Dan Taylor spy novel series)

leondumoulin.nl: White Gold (Dan Taylor espionage series) (): Rachel Amphlett: Books.
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I think you might like the Kay Hunter series though. Sep 12, I was really looking forward to this book but, for me, the book had a scientific credibility problem. White Gold Powder could be the saviour of our environmentally challenged planet. Also I found the story a bit contrived.

Characters would appear and were instantly recognised by Dan although he had no reference to call on. A few chapters on and Dan and David, the ex army buddy, are now the best of friends and working in close harmony. No rhyme or reason given. Unfortunately there are quite a few of these situations to contend with. The pace in full on but because of the aforementioned it missed the mark for me. I still enjoyed it enough to give it 3 stars. Kylie D Good honest review Rob: Sep 16, Alex Cantone Good review. I am experiencing similar issues with her other books. Peter Edgewater was nearing the end of his European tour and his passionate and controversial talks on white gold powder — he would be glad to be back on home soil again after weeks of living out of a suitcase.

But he was beginning to feel unsafe — subtle threats had him feeling in danger of his life. Travelling from London to Brisbane and over to Singapore in search of the truth brought Dan and Sarah to the attention of evil; there were people out there who would stoop to any depths to keep their involvement hidden. As the dangers intensified, the threats closed in around Sarah and Dan — death and mayhem followed in their wake. They knew time was of the essence — but would they succeed? Or would they be too late? White Gold is well worth the money and even though I already own the eBook, I will definitely be purchasing a hardcopy when it becomes available.

I have already recommended this book to well over a dozen people and I will continue to promote it. I love this book and will tell you why; Rachel Amphlett gets the simple things right. She keeps the sentences simple, dictating the tempo of the story which is fever pitch. This is achieved through her ability to eliminate redundant words, not forcing the reader to digest excessive adverbs. The paragraphing structure also contributes to keeping the book easy to follow and maintaining the fast pace Rachel intended.

Finding the perfect balance, where the reader is free to use their imagination along the journey, but not leaving the reader feeling vague and bewildered. The story is brilliant, unique and fitting given the current pardon the pun political climate. The characters are well developed and feel natural. Every reader wants to recognise reflections of themselves or what they perceive themselves to be , or what they aspire to be. Warning lights go off in my head when those words precede a new author, and I brace myself for a cheap imitation.

Rachel has done an excellent job on this book and deserves the respect she has earned. In short, this book is excellent. With Simple sentences, well formed paragraphs and balanced descriptions, pointing to an intelligent author that dictates the direction and pace of the novel perfectly. A unique story that is highlighted in the media daily, a plot that is always moving forward; and characters that have been fully developed and feel natural.

The stars have aligned to create a great read. Given that the book has a number of very highly scientific principles at its core the language, and stylings are pure thriller. The technical information is delivered in a very accessible manner, although Amphlett also avoids the dreaded talking down to an audience. I think it's probably the rather matter of fact way in which the scientific elements are delivered, the technical aspects of the bomb and it's making and workings are described that make the details not just digestible, but considerably more chilling in the process.

There are a few plot points and elements of the action which might mean that readers have to suspend their disbelief a little more highly than they are normally comfortable with, and although there were points where I craved a little heaving lifting equipment, I did manage to hoick the disbelief high enough to get over the bumps. I should image that other readers, particularly fans of thrillers where the unexpected always happens, are not going to have too many problems following me in that.

Whilst it's particularly pleasing to see female writers in Australia taking on the thriller format, it's even more pleasing to see so many good ones coming along. View all 3 comments. In this first Dan Taylor novel we are introduced to the main protagonist, Dan, and his supporting characters. The characters are well drawn and believable. The plot is well researched and the action is non stop with a few twists to keep the reader guessing.

Recommended to anyone that enjoys a good political thriller. Mar 28, Kathryn rated it liked it Shelves: A fast-paced, suspenseful read, set in Brisbane, Australia and Oxford, UK, as well as various other places briefly.

An enjoyable read to while away the hours plodding away on the treadmill at the gym - although perhaps a little to involved at the end for treadmill reading - possibly I should have finished it off while sitting down to better A fast-paced, suspenseful read, set in Brisbane, Australia and Oxford, UK, as well as various other places briefly.

An enjoyable read to while away the hours plodding away on the treadmill at the gym - although perhaps a little to involved at the end for treadmill reading - possibly I should have finished it off while sitting down to better appreciate the ending! Jun 26, Steve rated it really liked it Shelves: It also seemed to be a little on the side of conspiracy theory as well, pointing out that the Hindenburg is the one of the only reasons that we haven't invested hydrogen fuel cells as an energy source.

But we have -- there are a number of documented cases of products making use of them, but some of the problems are 4 stars because I found the story compelling, but I felt let down with the complete lack of science and explanation, and to be honest, the situation did seem a little farcical to me.

White Gold

Mar 19, Martin Pingree rated it it was amazing. This was a blast! Literally, lots of action, great characters and an excellent plot. Around the world fun, action and even a hint of romance. A real page turner and a lot of fun! White Gold is a Thriller featuring an ex-geologist turned soldier Dan Taylor. Dan's soldier days are behind him now and he is searching for meaning when an old friend calls him frantically one night setting off a spiral of action and myst Check out this review, and all of my others at Brian's Book Blog Dan Taylor is a blast!

Dan's soldier days are behind him now and he is searching for meaning when an old friend calls him frantically one night setting off a spiral of action and mystery. White Gold was narrated by Craig Beck who does a really nice job with it. The book was originally set in the UK, but ended up taking place all over, so Beck's voice ended up being really nice for this book.

I did notice a few minor super minor faults in the audiobook where there was a repeated word or phrase I think it happened 3 times but sadly, I can't even report them to the author or narrator because I was driving every time I heard one. Other than that, the quality was pretty good.

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Dan Taylor was a really likeable main character. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about him in the beginning, but he really grew on me. He is definitely a character that I will continue to follow into other stories. The way that he goes about things and figures everything out was really interesting to me. I actually really liked Sarah too, I know that she wasn't meant to be the main character, but she was a really good 2 to Dan's 1 status.

The story started off with a bang, literally -- but still took a little bit of time to get rolling into the story. Amphlett took her time making sure that we understood who Dan was and a little bit about his friend that was in danger. After the first few chapters, the story took off and never slowed down.

The Dan Taylor Series: Books (the Dan Taylor Spy Novel Series) - Rachel Amphlett - Google Книги

The action was fast and the story was really well thought out. Overall, White Gold was a really enjoyable Thriller.

Dan Taylor was the perfect "hero" for this story and I will definitely be signing on for more Amphlett books featuring Dan. I was given a free copy of this audiobook in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. Rachel Amphlett Recommended for: I thought that this was a very good thriller book written by a very talented author Rachel Amphlett. This is a book that doesn't have any dull moments, it has an interesting storyline that will make you want to read it.

The characters that she has in the book as realistic, easy to understand an Published: Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! I can't recommend it enough' Goodreads 'From the explosive opening, to the thrilling ending it had me hooked. In this series View all Book 2. Ratings and Reviews 20 star ratings 20 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! A well written, fast moving story. Not full of extraneous descriptions of who, how, what or why.

Just a great story. Upon finishing, went out and got the following titles. Plot moved at a good pace. Tension kept up to the end.

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I was very surprised at the exciting conclusion … Show more Show less. Morgan on September 22, Great read just wish i'd read it first before i read under fire, darn what a nutter never mind still good!!!! A gripping read, full of twists and turns. I highly recommend this author and am looking for her next book to add to my library.

How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Would you like us to take another look at this review?

No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. We appreciate your feedback. Assisted by the exotic Antonia Almasi, Dan realises he faces an adversary far greater than he ever imagined, and not everyone is going to survive. The rest of his team are missing, and now a terrorist group has stolen a radioactive isotope from a top secret government project. Can Dan survive long enough to prevent a nuclear disaster on British soil? If his mission fails, his enemies will overthrow the British government, and Dan will be a wanted man. Kindle Edition , pages.

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Dan Taylor series , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Dan Taylor series. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. I have read all of Rachel Amphlett's books, I thoroughly enjoy her stories and writing style, which I find entertaining and enthralling. The Dan Taylor trilogy of books are all extremely enjoyable and as usual very well written.

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Each one kept me guessing right up to the end! Highly recommended this author?! I think Rachel Amphlett is one of the best Author's ever. I have probably read books in the last few years, and I can't wait for a new release by Rachel. I love the Dan Taylor series, but I also love the other books as well. I was impressed with the authors knowledge of weapons and other technical terms. Well written and easy reading made these novels fun and exciting. Dan was convincing as a hero and there was just enough sex to make it intriguing.

Look forward to more reads in the future. This is one fabulous, exciting, heart-racing series! Superb story-telling and characters who grow with each book. One of those series where youcan't wait for the next book to be released, and when it is, you can't believe it's finally in your hot little hands! I truly love the Dan Taylor series, and hope the author continues with him for many, many more books to come. Highly recommend each and This is one fabulous, exciting, heart-racing series!

Highly recommend each and all of these books and, indeed, anything and everything else by this author. I have read each of these three books as singles. First was White Gold, now the way I go about reading is if the book has NOT grabbed me in five pages, it's consigned to the bin. Well White Gold had me hooked by page two.