Journey for Julie: Witnessing Gods Glory through Toddler Adoption in China

Journey for Julie: Witnessing God'S Glory Through Toddler Adoption in China - Kindle edition by Stephanie Sydes. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks.
Table of contents

I am blessed to be a part of the America World Team. Since joining the America World team in , I have had the honor of working with an incredible team here at America World and have been privileged to work with many wonderful families throughout the years.

My first exposure to orphans came while working in an orphanage in India and it was from this experience, that God began to stir a passion in me for international ministry and for children around the world. After returning to the States, I could not get the smiling faces of these precious children out of my mind. After waiting on God, He truly gave me the desires of my heart and I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve families and children through America World.

Since that first trip to India years ago, God has given me multiple opportunities to minister to children in a number of countries, including special needs children in China, children in Africa, as well as living in South America and ministering to youth and street children. I count it a true blessing to be able to help build families through adoption. At the age of fourteen I left home to pursue my education at a Christian-based boarding school in New Market, Virginia.

During those years I fell in love with the Shenandoah Valley and chose to remain there. I am a busy mother of three, who are each seven years apart. Presently, my oldest is in her second year of college and my youngest is in Kindergarten, and my son the middle is aptly in middle school.

After spending the majority of my professional life in the technology sector, I am thrilled to be associated with America World. It is truly a blessing to work with such a warm and dedicated group of people in the service of children and families. I enjoy being able to assist others and help them realize their purpose and passion in life. I appreciate every opportunity I have to be able to serve those around me. I enjoy meeting new people from different backgrounds and traveling the world. I am married and have three daughters; two in college and one completing her last year of high school.

I was born and raised in Wisconsin, moved to central Pennsylvania to attend college, and then landed in Northern Virginia after graduation. As I pursued my education, the joy of working with children developed into a passion to see children and families thrive. It is my privilege to be a part of the America World team, serving our families as they begin their adoption journey! In the summer of , my husband and I went on a road trip with our then 1 year old daughter from DC to Atlanta. At that time, I was also 7 months pregnant with our second daughter. During that car ride, we had a lengthy discussion about how we envisioned our future, and the Lord opened both our hearts to the possibility of growing our family through adoption.

Four years later, we brought our son home from China through America World. After our son started going to school, I knew that I wanted to go back to work and prayed for a flexible part time job in a field that I was passionate about. My name is Becki Carlson and I live and work remotely, from the suburbs of Chicago. God was breaking my heart for China, the orphans there, and the nannies that work so hard caring for them. Since our adoption trip, God has allowed me to return to China 5 more times on mission trips, both as a team member and as a team leader.

I could not be more thrilled or proud to represent such an amazing organization and to be able to advocate every day for the children that desperately need the love of a family. It is an absolute honor to be a part of the team here at America World! I currently reside in Alexandria, Virginia with my husband and our two dogs. I was born a Missionary Kid in Indonesia and lived there until I was eight. We have lived in Fairfax, VA since then. I have an amazing older sister and two younger brothers, both of whom my parents adopted through America World.

Since working at America World, I understand more each day why the call to help the fatherless is so tied to the heart of God. In a world that pushes us to be consumed in ourselves, this countercultural heart is what I need more of every day. I am excited to see all God has in store for America World and I feel so honored to be a part of this team.

Nothing gives me a bigger smile in my work day than when I know that some precious child is about to get matched with their forever family. I grew up in the D. I began my professional career as an elementary school teacher in both Fairfax and Arlington counties. After teaching in the classroom for several years, I transitioned to working for a law firm, which had a significant non-profit area of practice. I am grateful to be back working to help children.

I feel very blessed to be surrounded by people who love the Lord and strive very hard each day to serve Him through such an effective, professional and Godly organization. Born and raised in western New York, the Lord placed adoption on my heart in when my family brought my little sister home from China. I had no idea how this little girl would make such an impact on my family or how her story would inspire me to make a difference for the hurting and vulnerable children around the world.

As I learned of the many children who were waiting for forever families of their own, my heart was burdened to do something. For over two years, I had the opportunity to live in China and love on the most precious children in a foster home. They impacted my life in more ways than I can count and it was there where the Lord truly broke my heart for what breaks His.

When I moved back to the states, I knew I wanted to use my passion and experience to unite families through the miracle of adoption. I then went to law school, and after a career as a corporate immigration attorney, the Lord directed me to America World. He stirred in my heart a desire to become an advocate for orphans in some way. I love being a Michigander and adventuring all of our beach towns, baking, and making DIY projects. I am getting married in May and moving into our first home right after.

I cannot wait for the next seasons in life and love pursuing God through all of them! During that year and the following years I fell in love with Northern Virginia, so after taking an opportunity to teach English in France for a year in , I was looking for a way to come back to the area and use the talents God had given me to further his Kingdom and I found America World!

Communicating with families is the best part of my job, followed closely by getting to work alongside this incredible group of people! I was born and raised in Northern, Virginia. Growing up, I always had a passion for adoption. I had many friends who had been adopted and my heart was opened to what a beautiful blessing adoption is. In , I took a missions trip to Nairobi, Kenya that changed the trajectory of my life. It was on this trip that I had first-hand experience of things I had only heard about. The Lord opened my eyes while breaking my heart for what breaks His.

I loved on orphans and knew this was the calling the Lord had placed on my life. Since then, I have had the privilege of travelling all over the world and being immersed in other cultures. By the grace of God, all of the drivers involved in the wreck 3 total walked away, yet all 3 cars were totaled. All drivers declined medical care at the scene and were walking around in a very stable condition. Many months later — around Christmas — our insurance company called to inform us that one of the drivers had decided to pursue a lawsuit on my husband because of medical injuries from the wreck that exceeded the amount we had in insurance.

We were in shock and became aware we could lose our home and everything else. For 8 months I have been saturating this matter in prayer. I decided that the best thing we could do is sell our home and rent. Then we would have no large item of value. When our home finally sold, our realtor insisted that we at least look at some houses before resorting to renting because rates were so great right now.

Upon returning from a mission trip, my husband and I went on a whirlwind tour of homes and again, God specifically answered my prayer. If we were to buy, I wanted us to be united on the choice. We proceeded with negotiations, but I knew that this lawsuit was still floating in the air and I continued to fret. I will never forget this day in all my life and get chills as I recount it this moment. He had great news. The owners of the home we wished to purchase had accepted our offer.

He pulled into our driveway and brought us the final papers to sign. Thirty minutes after he left, my husband received another phone call. It was our insurance company. They were calling to inform my husband that all of the challenges with the pending lawsuit of the car wreck 15 months ago had been settled and we were free and clear once more. My husband got off the phone and told me with a joy, but I just wept.

He teased me about how I cry so easily. I need you to read my journal for this very morning. I specifically wrote in my journal today about this. I asked God that if we were to have this new home, would He please protect it from being taken away from us by this lawsuit. I was specific in my request and He was specific in His reply. I am in awe of His glory! It was in May and I was looking out my kitchen window at the poppies starting to bloom in the garden. Lo and behold, I actually saw one of the buds open before my very eyes!

It was like watching one if those nature shows where they film in slow motion. If I would have blinked, I would have missed it. I felt God that morning. Last June, I had my routine mammogram and the results has suspicious findings. So I went back, did another mammo, and then a biopsy. My wonderful husband, Keith, was by my sidel through all of this. It was several days before I received the call from my dr.

As the dreaded call came, I motioned for my immediate family to come into a little side room from where we were decorating and I put the phone on speaker. As I listened to him gently give me the news that I had invasive ductal carcinoma , breast cancer, a tear slowly rolled down my cheek. I knew in my heart that God was in Control and He would walk with me every step of the way through this journey. I felt that through this physical struggle I was to show my courage and strength that God was going to give me to conquer the cancer.

It has been a tough journey through the dr. However, a bit over a year later, I am still experiencing His sudden glory as He touches my life with overwhelming feelings of thankfulness for being cancer-free, the many wonderful people I have met, family relationships that have become closer, and so many more experiences that would have never come into my life. Thank you for your post. There have been countless glory moments.

There was the time I was 16 and I first accepted Christ personally when God spoke to my heart through my Sunday School teacher and I finally realized He had died for me, not some generic world, but that He loved me personally and died for me. Then there have countless times during worship in church I have felt ever so close to God.

But, I think, most recently, was God using a fellow Christian who I do not even know. I just had my first child a couple months ago and we do not have insurance and do not qualify for Medicaid. I was forced to take lots of medications when my contractions were on top of each other and were hurting the baby and my body and then forced into an emergency C-section when his life became in danger.

I was scared and worried sure we would never be able to get out of this horrible debt. And then, after weeks of trying to negotiate with the hospital, it was just gone! Some loving rich Christian person paid our debt. I have no idea who this person is and probably never will. But I know that I have never felt like such a huge burden was just taken from me by another sister or brother in Christ. God really is so good. I had been praying for a second child for nearly 13 years. God had spoken to me many times and I knew he had another while for us.

I knew it but it sure was taking a long time and although I knew Gods timing is perfect the wait was hard. Time and again God would encourage me with messages of hope. I believed I would conceive a baby. Adopting from China had crossed my heart but I pushed it aside because it is expensive and the money was not there for us. I babysat for a little girl who was adopted from China. My in-laws stopped by one day while this little girl was at our house. They were going to buy a motor home to travel and wanted to tell us about one they had seen that day.

When my in-laws sat down on our couch this little girl walked over to them and smiled at them and continued to stand by them chatting the entire time. I was surprised that she was so comfortable with them. They had never met before. We talked and want to help you adopt.

I was at that moment lost in the love of God. Two years later we were in China adopting our beautiful daughter. She is now 5 years old and every time I look into her eyes I am reminded of how God loves me. And just a side note. The little girl I babysat for now has a little sister adopted from China.

They were already in the process of a second adoption before we knew we would be adopting too. Our families ended up traveling to China at the same time because of paperwork getting delayed Gods hand. So in our small town in Pa. These two girls arrived at the orphanage just days old on the same week while on the other side of the world there mommies met and became friends and I became that families babysitter. I was divorced with 3 sons, living on a meager child support and food stamps, but God was my husband and provider, and He allowed me to go to nursing school during this time.

The nursing school I went to was at a Christian hospital. A civic group of women offered a scholarship loan to one person in the class. The instructors chose me to receive that. At Christmas that year , the education dept at the hospital gave my children and me gifts. One month when I received my electric bill, there was a check included, which was a refund of a deposit I had paid a year before.

It was enough to pay the bill. Gifts of money came in the mail. One evening after a very trying day, or should I say year, I was emotionaly over wrought and heading home after work. As I got into my car I sat looking at the mess that my son Joel had created he was a drug addict and I was co-dependent I was so overwelmed with saddness sobbing and crying out for Gods intervention.

I felt a Peace like I never experienced before!!!! My mother was dying of Cancer, and I was at her home helping to care for her. I wanted to knit some caps for her as her hair was rapidly disappearing, so I asked if there was a yarn shop nearby. I guess I should admit here that I am a bit of a snob when it comes to yarn, and I really wanted some beautiful yarn, not the department store kind, but I headed out. I quickly was lost in the country roads of Vermont.

I pulled into a driveway to turn around, looked up, and it was a yarn shop! I felt like a little kiss from heaven had been planted on my cheek, and then I went inside,finding not only a lovely array of yarn, but the one thing on earth that reaches my inner soul, a little baby sitting on the owners lap.

She was sweet enough to let me hold him for a time while we talked about my mom, and my yet unborn grandson. I knew without a doubt the God had reached down to hug me that day and remind me that he loved me, knew every single thing about me, and wanted to show me in a very personally tailored way. I doubt this is what people expect to read about sudden glory, and I certainly have experienced other, more obvious moments, but this one was so special to me, I wanted to share it.

I remember a time when my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Well six months later, the brain tumor was gone and the lung tumors had shrunk enough to where she could go back to work. Two years later there was no cancer, Praise Our God! Five years later she came home from work and said she was tired and was going to take a nap before dinner.

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She never woke up. It stunned us all. And there was no insurance policy which was even more catastrophic. My brothers who took over her advertising business were clueless as to how or when or where we were going to pay for funeral expenses. It was cloudy the morning of her funeral and we were still financially short. My brothers wanted a bright sunny day for her burial. Before going to the church, I made them stop by the office to check the mail.

Please mark my account paid in full with interest. I am so grateful that you crossed my path! To God Be The Glory! I have had several Glory Moments over the past couple months, but none so pronounced as one 3 weeks ago on a Sunday morning. I have been going through some very difficult financial situations, especially with my business.

On Sunday morning, my pastor was about to start his message and he broke out and said he had a message for someone that was struggling, not sure of what tomorrow was going to bring, and not sure of which direction to turn. Among a few other things, he also said God is not taken by surprise and he sees me. He hears my prayers.

He is walking with me and I should stay in his word and in prayer and God will make it very clear to me. I had been dealing with it all alone, well at least not with any earthly person. I am still struggling, but at least with the peace that God is with me. I weigh every decision against his word and just continue to pray that he gives me the wisdom to discern the difference between my will and his.

He is always with us if we have faith and wait on him through his word and prayer. Have a blessed day! God has given me a friend who I only believe was a divine appt. I was going through some stuff and I met this woman who without ceasing reminds me over and over again how faithful our Lord is.

I do a lot of cross stitch and I wanted to make her something. But the strange thing was I felt it was not for her exactly, it was more of a gift to God thanking Him for bringing her into my life when I really needed someone. It was the Footprints poem and I was going to give it to her for her b-day. So I gave it to her and she cried for hours saying no one ever did or made something like that for her before. She asked why did I do such a thing and spend so many hours on her and I said it is because we have a God is who has an amazing love for us.

We do have a great God. In the construction business this was HUGE for us! Then, he was laid off again! He was called for an interview the next day. I have been blessed to have several glory moments. During my pregnancy with my 2nd son I was pretty distraught. I had been fired from my job because I was pregnant at about 8 weeks. Still reeling from that and trying to think of how to get a new job when I was pregnant, I had another emotional blow.

My father had terminal liver disease and they gave him 6 weeks to live. My father died 3 weeks later. I was blessed to be able to take my daughter to school and pick her up each day, to have lunch with her most days and to enjoy that important time with her. One day I sat and I wrote down a list of what I wanted from my next job. I wrote down distance from home, how much I wanted to make, the level of supervision, the type of company international …this was at about 4 months pregnant..

Well I took a temp job with a great company and they were very impressed with my work I was about 6. I told them I had to disclose that I was nearly 7 mths pregnant and if they wanted to recind the offer I understood. Well the lady said let me talk to the hiring manager and get back to you. I called my Mom on the phone in tears…just distraught and she said WHY did you tell them. I am nothing if not honest and it was not something I could cover up LOL!. Well that next morning they called me back and said Mike…the hiring manager has no issue with your pregnancy…turns out he had 6 kids of his own.

Well I immediately went to the HR office of where i was working and told them I had another offer I wanted to take and told them I would like to give my 2 weeks notice. I did not qualify for benefits yet so I was in trouble…or so I thought. Mike said, would you be willing to work from home?? I could not believe it. I was allowed to work from home for 3 months and get paid and still earn time toward getting my benefits, spend time with my new baby and my daughter.

It was an amazing blessing and test of faith and I believed God for all he could do and i learned through that experience to NEVER doubt that he was watching me, with me and would provide for me if I would just turn my problems over to him. I trust God to do and be all that he has promised to be in my life.

The past year and a half have been very difficult for me due to a seperation and divorce. But I finally decided a few weeks ago to give it all to God really give it all to God. This past week has been very tough finacially.

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Money was very tight, but the bills were all paid. Saturday afternoon I went to the mailbox and there were 2 checks in there for me, not 1 but 2. I knew in that moment that it came directly from God and it came in perfect time. Our God is an Awesome God. Two years ago, my 82 year old mom was in ICU on a respirator. My sweet husband and I went to see her before church. The situation looked hopeless. During church our pastor called anyone that needed special prayer to come to the altar. We went forward and my church family prayed with me.

After church we went back to visit my mom. She was remarkably better, in fact soon after they took her off the respirator. Becoming a mother was always a life long dream. Was this some sort of cruel joke? Surely, God would give us a child. In just a few weeks after hearing the heart breaking news, Ivan and I felt God calling us to adoption. God had a different plan for us and we knew God had meticulously created our children just for us.

In record time we had submitted the mountain of paperwork, attended the adoption seminars and completed our home study. We watched all the couples around us becoming parent, and still we waited eagerly for that phone call that would complete our family. And then, two days before Christmas, I felt in my spirit that I was supposed to stay home — that this would be the day that the adoption agency would call at last.

I stayed home all day, and the phone call never came. Even so, I still could not let this feeling of expectancy go. The next day, just before noon, the phone rang. I meant to call you all day yesterday and give you the news and time just got away from me. I knew that I heard Gods voice and he ordered my footsteps to stay home. The excitement that night was beyond measure as we were about to see our desire to become parents unfold.

God is never late, he is always on time. Meagan was the child God had chosen for us. I see now that there could have never have been any other daughter for us, she was the missing puzzle piece of my heart. The birth mother a beautiful young lady named Jenny; she wanted to meet us right away. From the beginning, it was important to me that this not be just any child — I wanted the child that God has for us. I prayed that God would answer three specific requests for me so I would have peace and know this was the child God had for us.

As awkward as that sounds, I just felt if I could feel the baby move I would know if this was my baby. The second thing, I wanted to know that day if Jenny was sure she wanted us to adopt the baby. Page 2 I could not bear to wait another day to know if we meet her expectations in person. Last, I wanted to hug Jenny and let her know how much we love her and for making the ultimate sacrifice and letting us adopt her baby and making our prayers of becoming parents a reality.

We met, Jenny a petite young beautiful young lady with sparkling blue eyes and a huge smile. It felt like I had known her all my life. In our conversation, Jenny mentioned how active the baby was and commented how much movement she was currently feeling.

Brian Andrew Luwis

I would love to! I was over come with emotion, this is my baby! It was so amazing to know that my baby was about to be born. Jenny and I began to cry and shared an instant bond. The next thing I knew Jenny was asking about the arrangement of coming to the hospital to pick the baby up and if we had something we wanted the baby to wear home from the hospital.

We just happen to have the diaper bag knowing Jenny was due any day. Jenny made her decision; I could feel her love and assurance that she had chosen Ivan and I to adopt her baby. We were so thrilled. Suddenly, Jenny needed to leave to get her friend that came for moral support to work. She quickly left and soon after, I realized that I did get to hug Jenny and tell her how much I loved her. We sat and talked with Pam from the Adoption Agency long after our meeting with Jenny. The whole time agonizing over my missing my opportunity to hug Jenny and love her.

Just as quickly as Jenny left, Jenny reappeared in the door way. I made my friend turn around to come back. I needed to come back to hug you guys and thank you for loving and adopting my baby. In my spirit, I was screaming and saying thank you God! You are so amazing for answering my prayer. God, I know this is the baby you have for us and I am so thankful for you answering even the smallest detail of my prayers.

On January 10th, we finally met our precious baby girl Meagan. We never met Jenny after our initial meeting, but through the years, as we sent pictures and correspondence several times a year. I wanted Jenny to know that Meagan was loved and to see that she was healthy and thriving. Jenny was always a central prayer in my heart. I prayed that Jenny would someday come to know Christ as her personal savior. I was so thankful to Jenny that she gave Meagan life, and hoped that some day I would be able to show Jenny my gratitude.

Fast — forward to September of My sister, Barb was planning a trip to the east coast.

I asked if Barb may consider making a stop in Virginia Beach. Barb was very agreeable in helping Meagan meet her birth mom and Jenny was very open to the reunion as well. I felt it was very important for them to connect and that God was going to do a healing in both of their hearts. There was no going back now. The elevator door would open, she would come face to face with the brave women who brought her into the world, and her life would be changed forever.

The reunion was perfect. Jenny and Meagan sat over looking the ocean and talked for hours, catching up on 22 years of life. This was a great healing for both of them. Jenny was concerned she would resent her for giving her up for adoption. Meagan said absolutely not! She knows God blessed her with a great family and that she had a great childhood and knows God gave her to Ivan and Susan. Meagan told Jenny that she was so happy that she made the decision and she is not upset in the slightest and loved Jenny so much for choosing life for her.

But in addition to that, Meagan and I had been praying for weeks for Meagan to have an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with Jenny. What a wonderful thing for this to come full circle for Jenny to give Meagan life but Meagan would lead Jenny to eternal life. Jenny called me and said she could not get over how beautiful, smart and loving Meagan was. She was taken by her and so thankful that she had the opportunity to meet her.

She too expressed that she felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of her and felt an unexplainable peace she had never known. In the conversation, I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to ask Jenny if she knew where she would spend eternity. Jenny allowed me to pray with her over the phone and amidst our tears, Jenny came to know Jesus that very night! Jenny has no idea the prayers we have prayed for her and to see this come full circle and Jenny coming to the Lord is incredible.

So thankful to her that she chose life for Jordan. Praying God opens the door for us to meet again. I would love for her to meet the handsome young man that she gave birth to 20 years ago. Jordan is such and incredible and wonderful young man that I know she would be so proud of. A few weeks later, Jenny came to Colorado to visit her family, and she asked if we could get together?

Ivan and I had not seen Jenny since that first meeting when she was pregnant with Meagan. The reunion was joyous. Jenny said something that really blessed my heart and said Wow, your family is so awesome! This is everything I had hoped for Meagan and more to be in a big happy family.

And I told her, Jenny; you are apart of this big happy family and welcome here any time you want to stay with us. Looking back, I can see the handprint of God with the adoptions of our daughter Meagan and our son Jordan. When you rest in that, it gives you incredible peace. God blessed us beyond our wildest dreams with two of the most incredible children. I feel so honored that God chose me to be the mom to Meagan and Jordan.

As far as I am concerned, He saved the very best for us. Yesterday I had a wonderful prayer time with the Lord. Then I continued my reading in 1 Kings Particularly, I was really excited and in awe when I read about the Shechinah Glory cloud which filled the temple after the Ark was returned and many sacrifices made…. Then today I got in my car and began to drive and although all the windows were rolled all the way up I checked I felt a cool refreshing breeze across my face and my right arm.

I am thirty-two years old, and there is about five issues of life problems that I possibly could not relate to. I know the feeling of shock and restarting over again, as I too wanted to change my name to Mara bitter sometimes. I pray over my children and ask God to bless them also because I am Haggai. He has taught me to use my influence as Ester instead of Jezebel. He took time out for me, just as he did for the woman at the well. When I wanted to die at the age of twelve, he disbursed Angels out on my behalf.

My mind was tired, my soul was sick, my heart was bleeding, I was so lonely and afraid, but I touched the hem…. The funny part is that I started a new job because it was close to my home. I heard my story in each. God was preparing me to take care of these babies and share his Glory with them. Anyway, my friend was going to Australia on mission and she stood up to talk. I said to God I wanted that. By this time I was really restless. Next, we would be reading the sermon but our pastor said God had to do something. I just remember our pastor getting the band to play some music and asked the Holy Spirit to come, I felt quite nervous.

He caressed my arm and calmed me down. I do not give it to you as the world does. I asked the Lord Jesus to kiss me and amazingly He did. I also asked to rest His hand on my head and He did! Thank you Jesus x. I have to make it short or tears would wash me and I am at work. Then when they were released from the operating room one was in Room 7 and the other in Room 17 gave me the confirmation that the prayer of the saints supporting them would be answered. Thank you oh my Father!!!!!!!!!!!! At age 38, I found out I was going to have a baby, definitely a surprise since my husband and I thought we were done.

When I was at the doctors office for my first checkup, the nurse explained that they could not find my chart and had been looking for it for a long time. I prayed to God, the maker of all things. I knew that He knew where my chart was, because he even knows how many hairs are on my head.

In June, I went to a church outreach in Cincinnati. It reminded me of half a year ago, in December, where I went on another church escape, and I cried there too during worship. I think that God was telling me that He was going to do BIG things this week, and me crying was only the beginning. He used many people during the week, but not me specifically. However, the day after I returned from Cincinnati, my mom and I went to pick my brother up from a birthday party, and right before we left, a boy there collapsed.

The boy was losing color, he was not breathing, and his eyes were half open. I think he had a pulse, but I am not sure. I did not really realize it at the time, I was crying my eyes out because I was exhausted and terrified, but later my mom was saying that she prayed that he breathe, and he took a breath in. I was off to the side a bit, praying the same things as my mom.

Now, the boy is okay, and will be starting school soon. And God knew that. Have a great day! Thank you so much for this post. There are so many times I felt like giving up, situations in my life where I was told that I am not good enough. God alwalys reassure me, by letting me that His Grace is sufficient for me. Just by reading this I felt that was definetely a divine moment to be here, reading this, at this specific time. The weekend of August some of our church family gathered in New Mexico for a church camp gathering.

America World Corporate Staff | International Adoption Agency | America World Adoption Agency

Earlier in the week, I saw one of our church members at the local Wal-Mart. She stopped to ask me about the campground that we were going to. We discussed the prices for tent spaces. I told her what I thought I remembered the prices as being on their website, and encouraged her to come. When my husband and I arrived, I was glad to see them there. During the course of the weekend, my husband had talked to the husband and found out the prices of the campsite where they were staying. I knew in my heart that this couple could not afford this and carried it upon my heart all weekend long.

That Monday while I was doing whatever, that little voice whispered to me which I had recently ask God to help me to start obeying that voice and reminded me of the cost and the family not being able to afford the weekend. So I went to the campground website to find out what it may have cost them to come. I followed the voice inside of me and sent a card to them without a return address and some money in it.

This past Sunday, the lady stood up before we started the service and thanked whoever sent the card and the money. She genuinely expressed her gratitude. The pastor supported what she said by saying that the husband had talked to him during the week and also expressed what happened and his gratitude. I was content and proud for listening and acting instead of blowing that Voice off. I felt such an overwhelming joy and closeness to God. I started to cry because God was again rewarding me for what I thought was such a small act. God knows that I read this email daily and that I share it with those whom He instructs me to send it to.

It makes me yearn for more. You Are A Blessing. I never met my biological father. My mother and step-dad divorced when I was a teen. Then, he wasnt in my life any more. I felt so unwanted and so alone. The 2nd verse really spoke to me. The next day at work, I was thinking about that song. The next thing I knew this Presence was on all around me holding me.

I had never felt God like that! It was powerful and comforting … I wept. He made Himself known to me as God my Father. God the Father wanted me! For those reading this, the 2nd verse goes like this: I have a Father, He calls me His own. I was telling a friend how heartbroken I was about my children we had moved and my children were not taking the move good they hated it. God truly does answer prays. My glory moment came on a beautiful Saturday afternoon a couple of week ago. My husband passed away on June 5th, I also had been to a funeral for another wife that lost her husband.

I felt so worn down, lonely and what is my purpose without my husband. Still trying to work through all of this moment by moment. But as I sat outside I fell asleep, but when I woke I saw the most unusal sky. The clouds where layered like 3D with shades of overcast. Then in one spot it looked like an opening with a bright white light. Also, there was a shade of pink and a blue that reminded me of the Caribbean waters. Never have I seen something so special. I voice in my heart told me it was what my husband was seeing in Heaven and one day I would see it also if I kept my faith.

It was so emotional, glorious and comforting. Well it looks like there is a collection of Sudden Glory stories right here on this blog that could fill a book. Oh how I love these glory moments. Sometimes they are as simple as a song.

I suffered with low self esteem to begin with. Thankfully, I had said yes to a leadership position out of obedience, despite feeling unworthy. Now I was traveling to have a meeting with one of the Area Coordinators under my stewardship.

A Sudden Glory – When God Makes His Presence Known

I headed out late, leaving my home disheveled and feeling stressed. How can you lead anyone? You can listen here http: I went ahead with the meeting, with an apology for being late, of course. And the grace of forgiveness extended freely. Just love your way with words, Sharon. The more I read, the more I enjoy. And you sure have a way of sparking sharing. About yrs ago I was about to start a position as a church secretary. I was overwhelmed with anxiety. I felt so very inadequate! A few days before I was to start I woke during the night, trembling with anxiety!

I had gotten myself so worked up about it I could hardly breathe. I sat on the side of my bed, pulled out my bible and started to read the devotion for that day out of a daily devotion book I had been using. As soon as I read the title of the devotion I gasped! As I continued to read I realized it was written for me, who knows how long ago, for that very day! It was inspired by God, given to the writer…for me!

I knew God was sitting right there with me on that bed! I began to cry out loud! Tears of joy ran from my eyes and down my face as I took in the reality of His presence and His love for me! He cared how I felt! He wanted me to know He gave me the job and with His help I could do it!