The Root of Riches: What if Everything You Think About Money is Wrong?

Coming soon - Root of Riches: What if everything you think about money is wrong? Introducing a new book by Chuck Bentley that is sure to make you look at .
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The desperation and greed caused by unlimited wants, unequal distribution of resources and a restrictive means money of getting anything. Is the sole and ultimate cause of stress,frustration,anger,rage and thus all crimes.

What Does the Bible Say About Money, Wealth, & Being Rich?

Everything has a price tag. The one you want does not like your personality: Get private investigators, bribe the police, bribe lawyers or hire extremely expensive ones You can get anything and everything. Money represents positive value It is a great American contribution to world culture, that they have coined the phrase "to make money". Money is made, by effort of muscle, willpower, and intelect. There can be no society composed entirely of thieves, as there will be no value to steal.

Money represents the confidence of parties that the value of their efforts can be traded for the value of others' efforts. It is a recognition of the importance of society based on trade, rather than the only real alternative: To be clear, money contributed to charity is also traded, for the value of achieving a social goal - this in contrast to taxes, which are forcefully taken. Were the soviets, who sent the first dog,man and woman into space, devoid of intellect, creativity, willpower, effort, muscle and the rest of it?

A no they were not.

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  • What Does the Bible Say About Money, Wealth, & Being Rich?.
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The notion that money is the sole motivator is a great fallacy. Why are there unpaid interns? Why do students pay for courses?

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Some other reasons are recognition,fame,responsibility,habits being a workaholic and competition. The need for money is artificially created in a capitalist world. Outside of that universe of discourse, where money is banished and resources are equally and fairly distributed, all the frustration over not having your needs or wants met, would diminish.

Root of Riches: A Book by Crown CEO Chuck Bentley

It is quite possible to have money without earning it through your own competence. Money is the end product of what you did Money is the end product of something that you did that you think its enjoyable to you. For example, if someone started invest into a company or firms, it is because of the excitement not because of money.

It is the excitement that make people invest and this excitement will leads to the end product, money. Therefore there is no reason to say that money is the root of all evil. Money is just the end product of what you did that excite you Yes because Cozmo more often people steal for money, pick-pockets, theives, burglars, crazy people.

Money CAN be good but most people dont know how to use it so they use it for their own satisfying needs. Read on the history of money. In barter exchange there had to be a double co-incidence of wants. Also, there was a need for a standard to objectively measure the value of all types of goods like cows, milk, foodgrains, clothes, ornaments, etc. Money is an indispensable part of our lives. Money has to be earned! The root of evil is people who want the unearned money. So is car the cause of the accident? Why did you buy it? Were you daydreaming while driving?

Did another car hit yours? Money too is a passive factor. How you approach it makes all the difference! My smartass opponent may say car was purchased with money- so again money is the root of all evil. Alright then, could you dispense with your car? Could you dispense with anything else having money value? But this is different issue altogether. Money can't be dispensed with see the essence of of what I mean by "money" -- anything that is or acts as money i.

Money Is the Root of All Evil

I'd quote a definition "Money is a good that acts as a medium of exchange in transactions. Classically it is said that money acts as a unit of account, a store of value, and a medium of exchange. Most authors find that the first two are nonessential properties that follow from the third. In fact, other goods are often better than money at being intertemporal stores of value, since most monies degrade in value over time through inflation or the overthrow of governments.

Do you wanna go back to the days for barter system? There's no such thing as the root of evil! This allegation is completely wrong. Satan is the root of all evil. Cozmo Satan is the root of all evil but Satan is also the one who made people use money to do bad deeds. It's all Satan's doing. This saying excludes other roots of evil: Love of power, cruelty, psychopathy, obedience, conformity, stupidity, failing to see the significance of our very brief journey on earth.

That is what you are trying to say. Money is not the root of evil but money is not the truth. All the resources on planet earth are free to use, nobody owns them. If people stop being selfish and care for each other then we can live in a healthy environment without fear or worries. Social Status, religions that enforce conversion, ethnicity, gender is the root cause of evil, but how did these factors came into play. That is why wars take place to control resources.

The victors take it all and the losers suffer. I rather suggest people stop showing off and stop being selfish because of your infidelities. Money can never buy you happiness only temporary satisfaction. Money does not come along with you when you die and money can be destroyed, it just takes seconds. The Ultimate Truth is you want to be remembered for who you are and loved.

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No Greater joy than being loved and showing compassion. I like how the ppl who say money is not the root of evil have to support their argument in several elaborate paragraphs some of which contradict themselves. Money is causing problems in young talents around the world it is restricting young talent from achieving there dream because of fucking money I have talent in racing but cant cause of fucking money.. Everything in this material world has a direct impact on our spiritual side. Some more than others. Money has the biggest impact of all. It brings us further into this world and further out of the spiritual world.

It is predefined and no one can carry a perception of money that is contrary to the popular concept. Only small children have a more innocent perception, as they do with all things due to their inability to understand. In other words, the more affected by money a person is, the less spiritual they are. And we often hear people talking against it.

But put money in their hands and watch the hypocrisy reveal itself. No man on Earth is above it. It has been told that only Jesus Christ was an exception to the rule. We are to flee from Sin, not act as if we are invulnerable to it. Money is inherently sinful. But in reality, we serve it. What a silly notion. The only time I heard that before was on an episode of the Jeffersons. And it is funny in a sad kinda way.

Money has done more wrong than right. Just having it in this world paves the way for needless technology and other pointless things. It enables the greedy to hijack resources for unethical resale or reckless use. Having it around dramatically increases greed which causes crime and disregard. There is absolutely no virtue to be found where money is concerned. They should instead be getting off their behinds and literally taking money and buying things people need.

His Root of Riches book takes readers straight to the heart of the matter: No one can be truly rich until he or she understands the three non-negotiables that he so clearly presents. This is a good book for everyone, even those who think they know finances. Maclellan "If, after 50 years of making films in Hollywood, I would be asked to recommend a group of individuals who not only know how to handle wealth, but understand the Scriptural basis for accumulating it, Chuck Bentley would be at the top of the list.

His new book, The Roots of Riches: What if everything you think about money is wrong?

What Does the Bible Say About Money, Wealth, & Being Rich?

For the overworked, dissatisfied, and weary, he offers a new definition of "rich," helping us to discover true wealth with conviction and clarity. Open The Root of Riches and be ready to have your ambitions redirected towards ultimate wealth and lasting satisfaction. If that were the case, He would not have blessed so many faithful people with money.

However, let us not forget the dangers of money as well. Money becomes a tool of the enemy Satan when we spend every hour of the day plotting on how to make more money. All of these things make money evil. It is the worship of money that is evil. It is falling for the temptation to sin or doing wrong just to get money. That is the problem.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. Regardless of your net worth, you will still die on this earth. True happiness only comes when you fully embrace the life God wants you to have-regardless of how much money you acquire.

Money is a great resource. God clearly understands that we all need money. He even wants to give us money if we seek His way of life. Let God be your true master, not money!