Lécriture sans calmants... Poésie Body Bags (French Edition)

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Peter determined him to go to Rome, and there choose a cell near the church of the prince of the apostles. The pope, whose blessing he asked, becoming acquainted with his abilities, told him he ought not to live for himself alone, whilst many nations, ripe for the harvest, were perishing for want of strenuous labourers, and ordaining him bishop, gave him a commission to preach the gospel. Corbinian was affrighted at such language, but being taught to obey, lest he should resist the voice of God, returned first to his own country, and, by his preaching, produced great fruit among the people.

In a second journey to Rome he converted many idolaters in Bavaria, as he passed through that country. Corbinian did so, and having much increased the number of the Christians, fixed his episcopal see at Frisingen, in Upper Bavaria. Though indefatigable in his apostolic functions, he was careful not to overlay himself with more business than he could bear, lest he should forget what he owed to his own soul. He always performed the divine office with great leisure, and reserved to himself every day set hours for holy meditation, in order to recruit and improve the spiritual vigour of his soul, and to cast up his accounts before God, gathering constantly resolution of more vigilance in all his actions.

The saint boldly reproved them, but found them deaf to his remonstrances, and suffered many persecutions from them, especially from the princess, who once hired assassins to murder him. They both perished miserably in a short time. After their death St. Corbinian, who had been obliged to conceal himself for some time, returned to Frisingen, and continued his labours till his happy death, which took place in His name occurs in the Roman Martyrology. See also Bulteau, Hist. Suysken the Bollandist, p. Blessed Martyrs of Japan AC. Died at Nagasaki, Japan, ?

There may be other martyrs that should be included in this list, but these are the ones I found:. After studying in Salamanca, Blessed Antony joined the Franciscans. He was appointed to serve in the Manila mission, where he was ordained priest. Thereafter he migrated to Japan, where he is recorded to have reconciled 2, apostates before he was burned alive.

Blessed Dominic age 16 , Michael age 13 , Paul age 7. When someone from the Philippines requested help, he convinced his superiors to send him. So, he joined other missionaries sailing from Seville, Spain, for the New World. During the voyage, he translated a biography of Saint Dominic from Spanish into Latin. In Manila he was appointed infirmarian to the Chinese hospital so that he could learn Chinese and Japanese.

He also studied the religious customs and superstitions of the people he would be teaching. Eventually he went to Japan disguised as a Chinese layman--it is unknown how a Sicilian could possibly do that! Few priests were still able to preach during the persecutions. Once Jordan was saved by Blessed Dominic of Eriquicia. He was not as lucky on the Feast of Saint Dominic, when Thomas of Saint Hyacinth and he decided to visit a group of Christians who had not had a priest for eight years.

That night one of the Christians warned them that the emperor's soldiers were nearby hunting for an Augustinian. The two priests tried to escape to prevent endangering the Christians, but were caught. They were imprisoned for three months, repeated interrogated. During this time a native who spoke Portuguese came to them, pretending to be a Christian who had apostatized. He trampled on the crucifix, and the priests, heavily chained, tried to rescue it.

They were condemned to die in the pits by being burned alive after undergoing the water torture--it took seven days for them to die. Dorcy relates that Jordan and Thomas of Saint Hyacinth were martyred on November 11, ; the Benedictine do not list Jordan and set the date for Thomas on September 8, He was beheaded with two of his sons, Blessed Francis age 5 and Dominic age 2 , for sheltering missionaries.

Michael Blessed Tomaki -- year-old son of John Tomaki, beheaded. Paul Blessed Tomaki -- seven-year-old son of John Tomaki, beheaded. Thomas Blessed of Saint Hyacinth, OP -- Thomas was another native catechist, born in Nagasaki and trained by the Jesuits who had also trained his parents as catechists. Thomas joined the Dominicans in Manila, the Philippines, where he was ordained. His scholastic record at the University of Santo Thomas was good; he perfected his Spanish and studied everything that he thought would make him more useful as an evangelist. As an able theologian, Thomas was the model of all virtues.

With three others dressed as laymen, he made his way back to Japan through Formosa. They worked in the Dominican mission in Japan until each was caught; Thomas lasted the longest--four years. Sergius I, Pope RM. Born at Palermo, Italy; died in Rome, September 7, A storm was raised in when Sergius refused to sign the decrees of the Council of Trullanum, which had been convened the previous year by Emperor Justinian II. Although there was only one Western bishop in attendance, the council had passed canons applicable to the whole Church.

If Sergius accepted these decrees, it would have meant that Constantinople was on an ecclesiastical level with Rome. Hoping to force Sergius to sign, the emperor sent Zachary, the commander of his bodyguard, to Rome to bring Sergius to Constantinople. The people of Rome and Ravenna resisted Zachary, and forced him to seek the protection of the pope.

Eventually he was forced from the city. The issue was settled when Justinian was deposed in Pope Saint Sergius, who had attended the schola cantorum in Rome, is also remembered for encouraging liturgical music and decreeing that the Agnus Dei be sung at Mass Benedictines, Delaney. En , il se maria. Il savait que l'amour de Dieu et du prochain est le premier et le plus grand des commandements.

S'il est dans le besoin, il faut lui venir en aide. Tous ceux qui aiment sont enfants de Dieu et ils connaissent Dieu. Alors, l'amour du prochain, l'amour de l'homme, ce n'est plus seulement un commandement. Mais si nous nous aimons les uns les autres, Dieu demeure en nous, et son amour atteint en nous sa perfection. L'amour est donc la source de la connaissance.

Il rejoignait ainsi l'intuition de Monsieur Vincent: Que le Christ les appelle, chacun par son nom, afin que chacun puisse dire: Et ta joie sera grande. His father was a physician who gave his services freely to the poor. He studied the comparative history of religions in his leisure time, while he was a full-time law student in Paris. Both mystical and practical. Humble, no pride of intellect. His faith was tested by the secularism that surrounded him, by the unbelief. Ozanam worked with the publication L'Avenir, which aimed at cementing bonds between the Church and the working class, and at securing political liberty and equal rights for all people.

Soon in conflict with Socialism, so aimed at the liberals. Pope disapproved, so the publication stopped in Soon Ozanam realized that Christianity is not just an intellectual pursuit, which led him to understand there cannot be faith without works and to the founding of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.

Active charity throughout the rest of his life. Ozanam fought these trends wherever possible. In , he wrote to a friend, "It is most necessary to make it clear to the student body that one can be a Catholic and have common sense, and that one can love both religion and liberty. Saint Vincent de Paul Society is not simply for works of Christian charity, but primarily for sanctification of its members. Faith only maintained by the practice of charity. Also intended for the Society to be a practical exemplification of the principles of true democracy; rights of men founded on charity, not justice.

Catholic men must become the servants of the poor, giving their hearts as well as their substance. He who was given gave as much as the one who helped him. Ozanam maintained that almsgiving is an honor, "when it takes hold of a man and lifts him up; when it looks first and foremost to his soul,. Help is an honor and not a humiliation when to the gift of bread is joined a visit that comforts, a word of advice that clears away a cloud, a shake of the hand that revives a dying courage; when it treats the poor man with respect, not only as an equal, but in many ways as one above us, since he is with us as one sent by God himself, to test our justice and our charity, and by our own attitudes towards him to enable us to save our souls.

In July , Ozanam won his doctorate in law and soon felt a spiritual dryness. In his father died from a fall down a dark staircase while visiting a poor patient and Ozanam became the head of the family. Sad, he poured out his soul to a priest who responded, "Rejoice in the Lord always! At this time he was trying to discern his vocation. He left the decision of his teaching in Paris or Lyons to her and she chose Paris. Ozanam loved and cherished his wife; she was like Dante's Beatrice, the source of truth and virtue.

Pascal Uccelli - l'écriture sans calmants - 1# - Poésie Body Bags ©

In his The history of civilization in the fifth century, Ozanam wrote: These two cups must both be full to the brim, in order that the union may be holy, and that heaven may bless it. His lectures and writings did much to make the Church more respected in the intellectual world of his day. He was a man of unusual personal magnetism.

His method of apologetic was primarily historical--he showed what the Church had done for mankind in the past, and argued from that to what it could and should do in the present. He said once in an address to working men that we work out our destinies here below, but without knowledge of the functions they will fulfill in the purposes of God. Five years after their marriage, their daughter Marie was born.

Ozanam died in age 40 when she was only eight. Guy met tout ce qu'il a dans cette affaire. Lorsque le fermier veut voir sa ration de pain, Guidon trouve dans sa musette la motte de terre qui est devenue du pain. A l'aide d'une rame, il gagne la berge. As a child Guy had two loves, the Church and the poor.

The love of prayer growing more and more, he left his poor home at Brussels to seek greater poverty and closer union with God. He arrived at Laeken, near Brussels, and there showed such devotion before our Lady's shrine that the priest besought him to stay and serve the Church.

Thenceforth, his great joy was to be always in the church, sweeping the floor and ceiling, polishing the altars, and cleansing the sacred vessels. By day he still found time and means to befriend the poor, so that his alms-giving became famous in all those parts. A merchant of Brussels, hearing of the generosity of this poor sacristan, came to Laeken, and offered him a share in his business. Guy could not bear to leave the church; but the offer seemed providential, and he at last closed with it. Their ship, however, was lost on the first voyage, and on returning to Laeken, Guy found his place filled.

The rest of his life was one long penance for his inconstancy. About the year , finding his end at hand, he returned to Anderlecht, in his own country. As he died, a light shone round him, and a voice was heard proclaiming his eternal reward. Does our reverence before Him bear witness to this most blessed truth? Born near Brabant; died at Brussels, Belgium; c. Saint Guy, commonly called The Poor Man of Anderlecht, was the son of poor, but pious, parents who were richly blessed by their faith. They were not able to give their son a formal education, but were diligent in instructing him in the faith.

They taught him the counsels of Saint Augustine that Christians should be detached from earthly possessions. Guy prayed throughout his life to be preserved from greed, to love poverty, and to bear all its hardships with joy. This detachment from the need to own, endowed the saint with love for his neighbor; he gladly fed the poor while he himself fasted and divided the little he had among them. Legend says that when Guy grew to manhood, he was a farm laborer, who prayed as he plowed the fields, sometimes replaced at the plow by his guardian angel.

He then wandered for a time until he arrived at the church of Our Lady at Laeken, near Brussels, whose priest was struck with his piety and hired Guy as sacristan. Guy gladly accepted the offer; and the cleanliness and good order that appeared in everything under his direction struck all who entered the church.

Like many other simple folk of every age, Guy was enticed by a merchant of Brussels to invest his small savings in a commercial venture, with the unusual motive of having more at his disposal to relieve the poor and leisure for contemplation. Unfortunately, the ship carrying their goods was lost leaving the harbor, and Guy, who had resigned his position as sacristan and been replaced, was left destitute. He recognized his mistake in following his own ideas and in forsaking secure and humble employment to embark, though with good intention, on the affairs of the world, and he blamed himself for the loss.

In reparation, Guy made a pilgrimage on foot to Rome and Jerusalem, wandering from shrine to shrine for seven years. Finally, he made his way back to Belgium and Anderlecht, where he was received almost immediately into the public hospital of Anderlecht and he died from exhaustion and illness. His cultus did not arise immediately. In fact, his grave was forgotten until a horse uncovered it. The horse's owner hired two local boys to enclose the site in a high, solid hedge to ensure that others would not unwittingly trample on Guy's grave. The boys ridiculed the benefactor's act of reverence for the dead and were seized by strange stomach aches.

Writhing in agony, they died. For some reason, this moved the local people to make pilgrimages to his grave and to build an oratory over it. In , a church was constructed and Guy's relics translated therein. Guy's sanctity was confirmed almost immediately thereafter by miracles wrought at his intercession. On June 24, , a bishop acknowledged the relics with a grand ceremony and Guy's vita was composed.

In , the relics were enshrined in a new reliquary. During the 17th century, they were moved from place to place to escape pillage during wars. It seems that they were captured by the Protestants in the 18th century, although there is a "last acknowledgement of the venerable treasure" that occurred on September 11, Over time his cultus increased locally, until now much folklore has accrued around his name and shrine, particularly associated with horses.

Cabdrivers of Brabant lead an annual pilgrimage to Anderlecht until the beginning of World War I in They and their horses headed the procession followed by farmers, grooms, and stable boys leading their animals to be blessed. The description of the village fair that ended the religious procession sounds like fun. There would be various games, music, and feasting, followed by a competition to ride the carthorses bareback.

The winner entered the church on bareback to receive a hat made of roses from the parish pastor Attwater, Benedictines, Encyclopedia, Walsh. In art, Saint Guy is depicted as a pilgrim with hat, staff, rosary, and ox at his feet. He might also be shown as a peasant or a pilgrim with a book Roeder. Guy is venerated at Anderlecht, where he is considered the patron of laborers and sacristans, and protector of sheds and stables. He is invoked to calm infantile convulsions Encyclopedia. From his life in Surius: About , or rather GUY, in Latin Guido, commonly called the Poor Man of Anderlecht, was born in the country near Brussels, of mean parents, but both very virtuous, consequently content and happy in their station.

They were not able to give their son a school education, nor did they on that account repine, but redoubled their diligence in instructing him early in the rudiments of the Christian doctrine, and in all the maxims of our holy religion, often repeating to him the lesson which old Toby gave his son: Guy was from his cradle serious, obedient, mild, patient, docile, and an enemy to the least sloth.

The meanness of his condition much delighted him as soon as he was of an age to know its value. He rejoiced to see himself placed in a state which Christ had chosen for himself. This conformity to his divine Master, who lived and died in extreme poverty, and the humiliation inseparable from his condition, were very pleasing to him, and it was his chief care to make use of the advantages it afforded him for the exercise of all heroic virtues.

He showed to the rich and the great ones of the world all possible respect, but never envied or coveted their fortunes, and sighed sincerely to see men in all states so eagerly wedded to the goods of the earth, which they so much over-rate. When he met with poor persons who grieved to see themselves such, he exhorted them not to lose by murmuring, impatience, and unprofitable inordinate desires the treasure which God put into their hands.

The painful labour, hardships, inconveniences, and humiliations to which his condition exposed him, he looked upon as its most precious advantages, being sensible that the poverty which our Redeemer chose was not such a one as even worldlings would desire, abounding with all the necessaries and comforts of life, but a poverty which is accompanied with continual privations, sufferings, and denials of the gratifications of the senses. The great curse which Christ denounces against riches regards the inordinate pleasure that is sought in the abundance of earthly goods, and in the delights of sense.

Austin says, that God ranks among the reprobate, not only those who shall have received their comfort on earth, but also those who shall have grieved to be deprived of it. This was the misfortune which Guy dreaded. In order to preserve himself from it, he never ceased to beg of God the grace to love the happy state of poverty, in which divine providence had placed him, and to bear all its hardships with joy and perfect resignation, in a spirit of penance, without which all the tribulations of this world are of no advantage for heaven.

The charity which Guy had for his neighbour was not less active than his love of mortification and penance. He divided his morsel with the poor, and often fed them whilst he fasted himself. He stole from himself some hours every day to visit the sick, and carried to them all that he was able. At his labour he was faithful and diligent; and a spirit of prayer sanctified all his actions. Such was his life even in his youth. As virtue is infinitely the most precious inheritance that parents can leave to their children, his father and mother entertained, as much as was in their power, this rich stock of pious inclinations which grace had planted in their son, and daily begged of God to preserve and increase in that innocent heart the holy fire which he himself had kindled.

Their prayers were heard. As Guy was one day praying in the church of our Lady, at Laken, a mile from Brussels, the curate of the place was charmed to see his recollection and devotion, and, taking an opportunity afterwards to discourse with him, was much more struck with the piety and unction of his conversation, and retained him in the service of his church in quality of beadle. This church is the most ancient of all the famous places of devotion to the Blessed Virgin in those parts. The name of Laken signifies a convent or house in a moist or marshy ground, as Sanderus shows.

The saint, who rejoiced to have an opportunity of being always employed in the most humble offices of religion, embraced the offer with pleasure. His business was to sweep the church, dress the altars, fold up the vestments, take care of the linen and other moveables used in the service of God, ring the bell for mass and vespers, and provide flowers and other decorations which were used in that church: The neatness and good order that appeared in everything under his direction edified all that came to that church; for, out of a true spirit of religion, the servant of God looked upon nothing as small which belonged to the service of God, or to the decency of his house.

His religious silence, modesty, and recollection in the church seemed to say to others: When they were done, he refreshed his soul at the foot of the altar in fervent exercises of devotion; and often passed whole nights in prayer. He chastised his body by rigorous fists, and endeavoured, by constant compunction and the severity of his penance, to prevent the anger of his Judge at the last day. Had it been reasonable to form a judgment of the enormity of his sins by the humble sentiments he entertained of himself, and by the penitential tears he shed, he would have passed for the most grievous sinner on the face of the earth; whereas the sins he so grievously bewailed were only the lightest faults of inadvertence, such as the just fall into, and which only his great purity of heart could have discerned, and which it magnified in his eyes.

By humility and meekness he was sweet and courteous to all, showing that true virtue is amiable to men, and that nothing so much civilizes the human soul. Out of his small salary he found a great deal for the poor; and, for their sake, he always lived himself in the greatest poverty, and often begged to procure them relief. For his humiliation God permitted the following trial to befal him. A certain merchant of Brussels persuaded him to endeavour, by a little commerce, to gain something for the succour of the poor, and offered to put him in a way of thus making a more plentiful provision for them, by admitting him into a partnership in trade with himself.

The bait was specious, and he was taken by it; but God did not suffer him long to remain in that illusion. The vessel, which was chiefly freighted by his partner, perished in going out of the harbour, and Guy, whose place in the church of Laken, upon his quitting, had been given to another, was on a sudden left destitute. He saw his mistake in following his own prudence, and in forsaking a secure and humble employment in which Providence had fixed him, to embark, though with a good intention, in the affairs of the world, in which, by dissipation, his virtue would perhaps have been much impaired, and worldly attachments secretly have taken root in his heart.

For, though this employment was good in itself, yet he considered that God had justly punished his rashness in forsaking a station so suitable to the practice of piety, and had, in mercy, turned another way that affluence which might more probably have produced in him an affection to avarice or luxury, than have enlarged this charity.

For plenty, riches, and worldly prosperity do not always, like soft distilling rains and dew, cherish, refresh, and increase the tender plant of virtue; but much more frequently, like a flood, wash away the earth from its roots, and either utterly extirpate it, or leave it oppressed and buried in rubbish, according to the maxims of eternal truth, condemning the spirit of the world, which the experience as well as reason of mankind confirms. Guy clearly saw under his disappointment, and he condemned himself for the false step he had taken. Another danger to which he had lived long exposed, was the persecution, if we may so call it, of the applause and praises of the world, which his virtue drew upon him in his low station.

He had always carefully studied to arm himself against this temptation by the most sincere humility and constant watchfulness; but now, upon a review of his heart and whole conduct, he resolved to avoid this flattering enemy, by seeking out some foreign retirement. In this disposition, and in a spirit of penance for his reputed fault, he made an austere pilgrimage, first to Rome, and then to Jerusalem, and visited all the most celebrated places of devotion in the Christian world.

Being returned as far as Rome, he there met Wondulf, dean of the church of Anderlech a little town about two miles from Brussels , who, with some others, was ready to set out for the Holy Land. Guy was prevailed upon by them to be their guide, and to take another penitential journey thither. The dean and his companions were all carried off by a pestilential distemper, just as they were going to set sail from Palestine to return to Europe.

The subdean of the chapter gave him an apartment in his house, not suffering him to return to Laken. The fatigues of his journeys, and other great hardships he had undergone, brought upon him a complication of distempers, of which he died soon after, on the 12th of September, about the year , or rather Many miracles that were performed by his intercession gave occasion to Gerard II. In place of this chapel a magnificent collegiate church, under the patronage of St.

Guy, was erected, and his relics translated into it in This church is endowed with very rich canonries, and is famous over the whole country. Baronius and Molanus, by mistake, place the death of St. Guy in ; it is more surprising that Baillet fell into the same error, since it has been demonstrated from the original life of the saint, and the deeds of several donations made to his church, that his death happened one hundred years before. Clement, a celebrated English theologian, dean of Anderlecht. This point, and other difficulties relating to the life of St.

He worked tirelessly at the most menial of tasks, and gained a reputation for almsgiving, despite his own lack of the most basic needs. Although he never joined a particular religious order, Saint Guy was visited for spiritual direction by many, and through his model, brought many closer to Christ. Born in Anderlecht, Belgian, a small village outside of Brussels, Guy was raised and instructed by poor, but pious parents. He proclaimed while still a child his wish to count himself among the special flock of Christ—the poor—for his entire life, and dedicated himself to a life of poverty and service to those who had nothing.

Throughout his childhood, he gave away all he had, and spent his days visiting the sick and elderly of the town. It is said that when he worked the fields of his parents, an angel came and pushed the plow so that he might better pray undisturbed. Guy came to be recognized as a saint by many! As Guy matured, his devotion only multiplied. He spent hours in prayer each day, rarely sleeping but instead contemplating the Lord. He traveled frequently to the church of Our Lady at Laeken, outside Brussels, and demonstrated such devotion to Mary that the priest approached him, and asked him to stay and serve the Church.

It was with tremendous joy that Saint Guy remained in the church, constantly cleaning, sweeping, polishing the altars, and attending to the most menial needs during the day—stopping only to befriend and serve those who were poor and came on foot to the church looking for assistance.

Each night he spent in prayer, rarely sleeping, but instead could be found kneeling at the foot of the cross, praying for the poor. After many years of service, a savvy merchant from Brussels sought to take advantage of Guy, and offering him a share of his business, convinced him that through making more money, he could help more people. Guy wished nothing more than to remain in the church, but he saw the benefit in helping others and left his post. Almost immediately the business failed, and Guy, realizing his mistake, returned to the church only to find his position filled.

Guy engaged in severe acts of penance for the remainder of his life, offering all he had to the Lord for his inconstancy. He traveled on pilgrimage—on foot—for seven years, visiting Rome and then the Holy Land, returning to Belgium and serving as a guide at the holy shrines.

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A merchant of Brussels, hearing of the generosity of this humble sacristan, was prompted by a demon to go to Laeken and offer him a share of his business, telling him he would have the means thereby to give more to the poor. Guy had no desire to leave the church, but the offer seemed providential and he accepted it. The first ship bearing a cargo in which Guy had an interest, however, was lost, and he realized he had made a mistake. When he returned to Laeken, he found his place at the church filled. For seven years he made pilgrimages of penance, visiting Rome and the Holy Land and other famous shrines.

Eventually, in his early 60s, Guy returned to Anderlecht, and died soon thereafter. In death, a golden light shone around him, and a heavenly voice was heard my many, proclaiming his eternal reward in heaven. He was buried in Anderlecht, and many miracles were attributed to his intercession at his grave. Saint Guy is the patron saint of Anderlecht, animals with horns, bachelors, convulsive children, epileptics, laborers, protection of outbuildings, protection of sheds, protection of stables, sacristans, sextons, work horses; and is invoked against epilepsy, against rabies, against infantile convulsions, and against mad dogs.

Born in poverty , he was trained in religion by pious parents. When he worked the fields , an angel would sometimes man the plow so that Guy could pray without distraction. He hung around the local church so much the priest made him the parish sacristan ; Guy then lived in the church, and often spent all night in prayer. A merchant from Brussels , Belgium either decided to give the boy a leg up in the world, or figured that Guy was a bumpkin who could be defrauded; versions vary. Either way, he offered Guy a part share in a new project that could make him rich.

In the first ocean-going expedition in the project, the ship involved sank ; Guy took it as a sign that he was right to begin with, and returned to his old life of poverty. As penance for his bout of greed, Guy made a pilgrimage on foot to Rome , Italy then to Jerusalem where he worked for a while as a guide to pilgrims , then back to Brussels.

Though he never joined any order or house, he vowed chastity , and devoted most of his time to prayer , and work as a sacristan. Many post-mortem miracles attributed to him. An annual festival grew up in the area around his grave, with most of the activities involving horses and the people who work with them because his grave, which was lost for years, was uncovered by a horse. Etant encore jeune, il embrassa la vie monastique dans sa pairie. Le saint patriarche d'Alexandrie mourut en ou en Euloge maintint avec lui une intense corresponsance.

Il es mort en Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Confessor. The Eutychian heresy was then split into various sects, as it usually happens among such as have left the centre of union. These, by their tyranny and the fury of their contests, had thrown the churches of Syria and Egypt into much confusion, and a great part of the monks of Syria were at that time become remarkable for their loose morals and errors against faith.

Eulogius learned from the fall of others to stand more watchfully and firmly upon his guard, and was not less distinguished by the innocence and sanctity of his manners than by the purity of his doctrine. Having, by an enlarged pursuit of learning, attained to a great variety of useful knowledge in the different branches of literature, he set himself to the study of divinity in the sacred sources of that science, which are the holy scriptures, and the tradition of the church explained in its councils, and the approved writings of its eminent pastors.

From the study of his retreat he made this his chief study, to which he directed every thing else; and, as his industry was indefatigable, his parts quick, his apprehensions lively, and his judgment solid, his progress was such as to qualify him to be an illustrious champion for the truth, worthy to be ranked with St. Gregory the Great and St. Eutychius as one of the greatest lights of the church in the age wherein he lived. His character received still a brighter lustre from his sincere humility and spirit of holy compunction and prayer.

In the great dangers and necessities of the church he was drawn out of his solitude, and made priest of Antioch by the patriarch St. Anastasius, who was promoted to that dignity in , and, dying in , was succeeded by Anastasius the Younger. Eulogius, whilst he lived at Antioch, entered into the strictest connexions with St. Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople, and joined his forces with that holy prelate against the enemies of the truth. The Emperor Justinian and his nephew and successor, Justin the Younger, had been the plunderers of their empire, and the grievous oppressors of their subjects; the former to support his extravagance and vanity, the latter to gratify his insatiable avarice and scandalous lusts.

He applied himself to heal the wounds caused during the former reigns, both in the church and state. His charities in all parts of the empire were boundless, and all his treasuries were open to the poor. Amongst the evils with which the church was then afflicted, the disorders and confusion into which the tyranny of the Eutychians had thrown the church of Alexandria, called aloud for a powerful remedy, and an able and zealous pastor, endued with prudence and vigour to apply them. Upon the death of the patriarch John, St. Eulogius was raised to that patriarchal dignity towards the close of the year , at the earnest desire of the emperor, who, having reigned only six years and ten months, died the same year, leaving his son-in-law, Mauritius, his successor in the imperial throne.

Our saint was obliged to make a journey to Constantinople about two years after his promotion, in order to concert measures concerning certain affairs of his church. He met at court Saint Gregory the Great, and contracted with him a holy friendship, so that, from that time, they seemed to be one heart and one soul.

Among the letters of St. Gregory, we have several extant which he wrote to our saint. Eulogius composed many excellent works against the Acephali, and other sects of Eutychians. Photius has preserved us valuable fragments of some of these treatises; also of eleven discourses of our saint, the ninth of which is a commendation of a monastic life; likewise of his six books against the Novations of Alexandria, in the fifth of which he expressly sets himself to prove that the martyrs are to be honoured.

Gregory the Great, to whose censure the author submitted it, sent him his approbation, with high commendations, saying: We admire the great actions and the glorious triumphs of the saints; yet it is not so much in these that their sanctity consisted, as in the constant habitual heroic disposition of their souls.

There is no one who does not sometimes do good actions; but he can never be called virtuous who does well only by humour, or by fits and starts, not by steady habits. It is an habitual poverty of spirit, humility, meekness, patience, purity, piety, and charity, which our Divine Master recommends to us. We must take due pains to plant the seeds of virtues in our souls, must watch and labour continually to improve and strengthen them, that they may be converted into nature, and be the principle by which all the affections of our souls, and all the actions of our lives are governed.

If these pure heroic sentiments perfectly possess and fill our hearts, the whole tenour of our conduct, whether in private or in public life, will be an uniform train of virtuous actions, which will derive their perfection from the degree of fervour and purity from which they spring, and which, according to the essential property of virtue, is always improving, and always improvable.

Eulogius of Alexandria Patriarch of that see from to He was a successful combatant of the heretical errors then current in Egypt , notably the various phases of Monophysitism. He was a warm friend of St. Gregory the Great , corresponded with him, and received from that pope many flattering expressions of esteem and admiration.

Among other merits the pope makes special mention of his defence of the primacy of the Roman See Baronius , Ann. Extremely helpful info particularly the final part: I take care of such information a lot. I was seeking this particular info for a long time. Thank you and best of luck. I just couldn't go away your web site before suggesting that I really loved the usual info an individual supply to your guests? Is gonna be again regularly to check out new posts. You realize therefore considerably in terms of this matter, made me in my opinion consider it from so many various angles.

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