Shatter (Deep Winter Series Book 2)

Shatter (Deep Winter) [Thomas Sherry] on Shatter (Deep Winter Series Book 2) and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle.
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I read all three on my Kindle! Excellent, couldn't put it down, Mr. Sherry is the best! Cedar, I'm not sure if anyone has answered you yet or not, but it does look like they are still available. Here is Tom's blog site with info about the books at the top Tom is currently writting the fourth book, "Distance", and so far it is really looking good too!

  • Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics: Part B: Pt.B?
  • Shatter (Deep Winter): Thomas Sherry: Books.
  • Comedy of Errors!
  • The Mysterious Mr Quin (Agatha Christie Signature Edition);
  • Shatter - Thomas Sherry - Google Книги.
  • Gringa - Beast of Mexico: A romantic suspense book: Book 1 (Series)!
  • Heavy Metal Islam: Rock, Resistance, and the Struggle for the Soul of Islam;

I would definitely recommend these books to anyone. A good read and quite a good bit of info on and insight to prepping and surviving a SHTF scenario. Thanks for writting these books Tom! They're still available--They're on Amazon for Kindle, and a few select news groups this being one of them can get the PDF's for free. Shoot me an email at deepwinterstory comcast. The fourth installment, 'Distance', is being posted on my blog as I get time to write--about half of the book is now on line.

Take care and have a blessed Christmas!

Deep Winter

Pathfinder Survival Demonstrator Posts: It's awesome that Tom is willing to send out PDF's for free, but each book is well worth 5 bucks. I got all 3 of them from Lulu awhile back and couldn't put them down. I can't wait for Distance to be finished.

Tove Lo - Scars (From "The Divergent Series: Allegiant" ) (Audio)

I'm not into spoilers so all I'll say is that I'm a voracious reader and I am not shy about trashing a series if I think it doesn't "deliver" or isn't believable. This series definitely does! One person found this helpful. I can't count how many times I have read the series. Easily some of the better written fiction out there while still containing useful information. Plus its from my home state and even mentions the first ship I was stationed on Even if it was destroyed. I really enjoyed Mr Sherry's book but do not make the mistake that I made which was to read Shatter first.

Shatter Deep Winter Series Book 2 –

Read Deep Winter first. I admit that I was confused about the characters for about the first pages. This is a very detailed book on how an ordinary family survives a natural catasrophe and nuclear war. The author does a good job on character development and is very detail oriented on such mundane items as gardening, etc. I am not complaining because I really enjoyed these details. So I will now order Deep Winter to see how this family found themselves in this situation. I look forward to seeing more books from this author.

The story continues as Matt, Karen et al try to survive the multiple challenges of survival without governmental assistance. Unique solutions to some of the challenges, lots of day to day tips and tricks, and over all of it the faith and will to not only survive but thrive in their new reality. The writing is outstanding. Literally I could not put it down. Try the first book, read a sample of this one and you will definitely buy it! The end is a huge cliffhanger!

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I'm writing this book mainly to inform people interested in the series that the author has finished the third book in the trilogy, "Remnant", and it's available chapter-by-chapter on his blog, [ Yes, the grammatical errors can be distracting, but don't let that stop you from enjoying story, because the meat of the story is worth it.

A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse " are great stories, don't get me wrong, but they are not first novels you would want to give to your spouse or girlfriend to introduce her to the survivalist mentality. Anything that involves beating off hordes of "Mutant Zombie Bikers" will probably get you the raised eyebrow from the significant other.

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I feel the premise behind Deep Winter and Shatter, an earthquake causing a local disaster scenario, much more plausible than an EMP strike or an economic crisis that reaches pre-industrial revolution levels. So in summary, the Deep Winter series is a great read, especially now that it's finished and the third part is available to read online,and don't give much weight to the reviews boohooing the writing style. The author has done an amazing thing in writing three full length novels without the support of a publisher, and the story is worth the read. This was a well written and researched novel.

The families in the book are the kind of people I would hope to exist in such an environment: I would rate this as good for all ages, but I believe the amount of detail would bore teenagers. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. The second book in the series, Shatter is a good novel and a useful survival guide at the same time.

As in the first book, Deep Winter, the author goes into some detail on how to address survival issues in a practical manner. He looks at potential societal issues and how these might play out in a disaster which loosens the grip of the Federal Government on American life. The characters are believable, and the plot calls for little "willing suspension of disbelief. The book has a healthy dose of evangelical Christianity throughout. The protagonist is a vehement Christian.

My own experience with the survivalist community in the Appalachian mountains makes me believe this is not atypical for the self reliant set. She's the only thing standing in his way. He never expected to become obsessed with his beautiful enemy A novel set in a neoliberal dystopia. Share your thoughts with other customers.

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Read reviews that mention main disaster sherry survival happen christian genre survive fiction novels kindle rick shatter boring editing disasters food prepared earthquake lack. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. There is some truth in the bad reviews, but despite the flaws, I enjoyed the book.

A large number of survival stories have an element of smugness that the protagonist has survived because he "prepped," and that can be found here to an extent. Even the stories of those who had not prepped are told showing them to realize quickly that they have to hit the stores and buy everything in sight, because the story of someone who was clueless would be painful and short.

Personally, I don't mind that the protagonist is a "Bible" Christian and quotes Scripture a few times. It is nice that he includes Catholics in his general approbation. I like the references to praying for people, and am interested that he mentions praying for the dead, which usually Protestants of that stripe don't do.

I do wonder, though, how well Christianity fits with the "me and mine come first" and the "only the upright and hardworking should be helped" attitude displayed here. His judgment of and behavior towards his alcoholic brother doesn't really fit with forgiving "seventy times seven" times! I agree that letting this brother join their group would be destructive, but the protagonist just seems heartless. I wonder if Christianity wouldn't ask us to share with everyone until all starved together, rather than making sure that "My family and I" are OK no matter how many of the starving we avert our eyes from, which is what we see in so many survival books.

They are right about what it may take to survive. But, ultimately, is survival a Christian value? Is it the highest value?

None of these survival stories in which the characters are upright family oriented "Bible" Christians really seem to face that sometimes Christians are called to die, and not just by bravery in a gun battle in defense of their family. They might be called to die by sharing what they cannot afford to share if they are to live. Or at least, a really serious Christian story of desperate circumstances would face this issue. I agree, the writer ought to know better to write "to Karen and I" "with John and I" which he does consistently throughout the book.

He ought to know that "who's" means "who is" and if he means "whose, " that is how you write it! I winced at these and let them go. Finally, when the author is congratulating himself under the thin guise of his alter ego protagonist on having researched everything and kept files on how to do this, that, or the other thing, he really ought to get the details right. I don't know much about most of the weapon, machinery, and construction subjects he writes about.

But I do know a bit about chickens. The production goes down dramatically with declining day length and no artificial light, for one thing, which he referred to and then did not have happen. And then there is the issue with the roosters. He puts three of the roosters in a separate pen, then they eat two of them, leaving two roosters for hens, one of whom isn't even in with them. The usual ratio of roosters to hens in order to have fertile eggs is one rooster to ten hens. With a young vigorous rooster, you could get by with fewer.

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  5. Then he talks about how many eggs they are going to "let hatch" and mentions a brooder for the chicks. But he doesn't mention an incubator for the eggs, something which would require steady electricity to keep the eggs warm, and turning them twice a day. If he means for the eggs to be hatched by the hens, he should have chosen a different breed, as Rhode Island Reds are infrequently broody, that is, they infrequently will decide to sit on eggs to hatch them. I have had chickens for 20 years and have never had a Red go broody. In any case, with only one rooster in with the hens, most of his eggs are not going to be fertile anyway, and he won't know which ones those are.

    Despite all this, I did enjoy the book. A story that doesn't start with an EMP! I'm not an author, nor a professional reviewer, so you can take what I say with a grain of salt, but I found this series of books to be well enough written for my standards, full of very good information and ideas, thankfully not a lot of vulgar language, and worth it to keep on the shelf for future re-reading. For those of you complaining about it being too religious, too much branding, etc - just remember, there are people like us who enjoy stories without drugs, sex, murders, vampires, witches, and vulgar language.

    Sherry for writing this series for those of us who appreciate a good story without all of the "horridness"! I like the branding because it gives me a starting point for research into products in certain areas in which I have no knowledge. I especially enjoyed the different type of scenario the book uses. Earthquakes and volcanoes, what to do, how to do it, what to use, etc.