Earth Angels

Have you ever heard the term Earth Angel? No, they're not perfect and pristine individuals, and yes, it's possible, you could be one yourself!.
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But there is much more that earth angels can accomplish and many characteristics that may go unnoticed. If you think you or someone you know could be an earth angel, take a look at these indicators to help you out. Even the healing arts are present wherever these special individuals tread. In social situations , these unique individuals may become overwhelmed. This is because there is an abundance of energy when they are surrounded by large groups of people. This energy can sometimes be too much for sensory perception.

It feels natural for the earth angel to spread the pure love. Many times, when others struggle to be loving, they can easily express this emotion.

Earth angels

They are also drawn to the more loving atmospheres as well. An earth angel will look much younger than they really are. This could be because of how they deal with stress or simply because they are different. Many will be drawn to the pure energies of the earth angel.

Seven Signs of an Earth Angel

Others will want to talk about their problems and concerns and feel a deep connection with this unique influence. One of the rather negative aspects of the earth angel is that they generally have trouble with responsibilities or time management. This is usually caused by their preoccupation with helping others and meeting responsibilities that their friends have.

Earth Angels! What Are They? Am I One? Are YOU An Earth Angel? Find Out Now...

Although they might struggle with responsibilities, as an earth angel, they still remain independent. An earth angel never likes to ask for help, mainly because they feel they are sent to help others instead. In relationships, earth angels tend to always seek assurance from your partner. This is because of their open honest nature.

Earth angels tend to accept people just as they are. They are usually open-minded, veering away from being too judgmental. They feel energized and closer to their element when they are in nature. An earth angel thrives in the natural arms of the open air, the trees, and the earth. Earth angels have the ability to quickly tell the difference between negative and positive situations.

7 Signs of an Earth Angel | Exemplore

They can sense danger from afar, and they can also make wise, well thought out decisions. This is because their intuition is quite powerful. Being alone , to the earth angel, is just fine. Although they love being able to help people, they also love being able to enjoy solitude and recharge those healing energies. You feel what others feel. As an earth angel, they absolutely hate to see others in pain.

They will go out of their way to try and soothe the hurts and sadness of others, even to the point of neglecting your own troubles. These unique personalities avoid conflict as much as possible. Considering conflict, fighting and arguing is negative, the earth angel will try to find better solutions to disagreements that can be beneficial to all. You know that each individual on the planet is simply trying to lead their most beneficial life.

You look for that spark of goodness in every person - and they usually show it to you. While you enjoy interacting on a one-to-one basis, you also love being alone. You find it deep within your soul. You love to explore your relationship with your Source, and you love the connection you feel to the universe. At grown-up parties, you can be found amusing the kids in the playroom. They are so much more real than the dress-up peacock party-goers. Your connection with children feels genuine and your inner being loves to get down and party with the inner beings of the children.

A dog in distress will calm beneath your touch. A feral cat will approach you and make you her own. You are thrilled by the smallest things in life. You see the whole world as your gift. From early morning birdsong to the deep restfulness of your bed, life is a string of happy moments. And if you do, there will always be another opportunity. You know that magic happens all the time. Eventually science might catch up but you know that one of the tools available to us is that we can manipulate energy.

That our emotions and feelings have the power to attract a good life.

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That whatever we are thinking is reflected right back at us in our environment and the people around us. You may start slow, but as you grow older you become adept at guiding your thoughts to wherever they will do the most good. While you like to get excited, you also know that a serene and peaceful center is what creates a beautiful life.

You are not a worrier. You are not a controller. You are an 'allower'. You know that most problems will be dealt with if a little time is allowed to caress them into a resolution. You know your intuition will suggest any action you need to take.

2. You love alone time.

Serenity lives in you. Peace wraps around you. Yes, anyone can become an earth angel, but it often requires a change of attitude, beliefs and behavior. Some people can manage it, others can only aspire to it. It involves inner changes and shifts. It requires the ability to let go of the past, not worry about the future and embrace the now moment.

It means trusting that everything works out in the end. It means knowing that death is not a negative event. It means being able to see the perfection in everyone. You can be yourself. You can be authentic. It is more about becoming aware that life has a deeper meaning and most of that meaning is based on joy and looking for the positive aspect of any person and situation.

Earth Angels- 31 Signs You’re An Earth Angel & What to Do If You Are!

Having said that, they also love to engage with others for short periods. They love to learn all the time. They are not afraid of facing up to their own shortcomings, yet they are happy to ignore those of others, focusing only on the good. They also know to extend forgiveness to themselves. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account.

Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I have always known I was different I was the oddball I have been given many hard challenges in my life. Now I understand what my purpose in life is. Being an earth angel has rewards and hard times I now have inner peace. Yes i am a potential earth Angel and needs help to develop my gift and put it to good work please. I know some earth angels. They are wonderful, giving people. Now I know more about why. We get to choose in every moment. We are creating our future constantly.

It is all about the paths we follow, isn't it? The moment-to-moment flow of choices about what we focus our attention and energy on I enjoyed reading through this. I can think of someone I know who fits the image of an Earth Angel. Something more important came to my mind as I was reading this: Your description of an Earth Angel goes to show what we all should aspire to become. Another amazing article by a great lady!