The Black Book II: From Hajji Malik Al-Shabazz to Barack Obama

This book addresses the need for a realistic political dialogue between the American national minorities and the dominant Anglo-American ethny.
Table of contents

No one is exploited economically as thoroughly as you and I, because in most countries where people are exploited they know it. You and I are in this country being exploited and sometimes we don't know it. It costs us more to live in Harlem than it costs them to live on Park Avenue. And in Harlem you have everything else in that apartment with you roaches, rats, cats, dogs, and some other outsiders disguised as landlords. It costs you and me more for insurance than it does the white man in the Bronx or somewhere else. It costs you and me more for food than it does them. It costs you and me more to live in America than it does anybody else and yet we make the greatest contribution.

You tell me what kind of country this is. Why should we do the dirtiest jobs for the lowest pay? Why should we do the hardest work for the lowest pay? Why should we pay the most money for the worst kind of food and the most money for the worst kind of place to live in? I'm telling you we do it because we live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth. It's the system that is rotten; we have a rotten system. It's a system of exploitation, a political and economic system of exploitation, of outright humiliation, degradation, discrimination — all of the negative things that you can run into, you have run into under this system that disguises itself as a democracy, disguises itself as a democracy.

And the things that they practice against you and me are worse than some of the things that they practiced in Germany against the Jews. Worse than some of the things that the Jews ran into. And you run around here getting ready to get drafted and go someplace and defend it. Someone needs to crack you up 'side your head. There shall be organizers to work with our people to solve these problems, and start a housing self-improvement program. This is where you make your mistake. An outsider can't clean up your house as well as you can.

An outsider can't take care of your children as well as you can. An outsider can't look after your needs as well as you can. Yet you're looking for an outsider to do it. We will do it or it will never get done. We'll make Harlem a rent strike. We'll get every black man in this city; the Organization of Afro-American Unity won't stop until there's not a black man in the city not on strike. Nobody will pay any rent. The whole city will come to a halt. And they can't put all of us in jail because they've already got the jails full of us.

I should stop right here and tell you if you're the type of person who frights, who gets scared, you should never come around us. Because we'll scare you to death.

  1. El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz.
  2. Malcolm X | Biography, Nation of Islam, Assassination, & Facts |;
  3. Louis Farrakhan!
  4. El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz.
  5. Happy Birthday, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X).
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Economically you're dead- dead broke. Just got paid yesterday and dead broke right now. We don't have to ask the man downtown can we demonstrate. We don't have to ask the man downtown what tactics we can use to demonstrate our resentment against his criminal abuse. We don't have to ask his consent; we don't have to ask his endorsement; we don't have to ask his permission. Anytime we know that an unjust condition exists and it is illegal and unjust, we will strike at it by any means necessary. And strike also at whatever and whoever gets in the way. We believe that our communities must be the sources of their own strength politically, economically, intellectually, and culturally in the struggle for human rights and human dignity.

There are some good policemen and some bad policemen. Usually we get the bad ones. With all the police in Harlem, there is too much crime, too much drug addiction, too much alcoholism, too much prostitution, too much gambling. So it makes us suspicious about the motives of Commissioner Murphy when he sends all these policemen up here. We begin to think that they are just his errand boys, whose job it is to pick up the graft and take it back downtown to Murphy. He can't be sending them up here to fight crime, because crime is on the increase.

The more cops we have, the more crime we have. We begin to think that they bring some of the crime with them. So our purpose is to organize the community so that we ourselves since the police can't eliminate the drug traffic, we have to eliminate it. Since the police can't eliminate organized gambling, we have to eliminate it. Since the police can't eliminate organized prostitution and all of these evils that are destroying the moral fiber of our community, it is up to you and me to eliminate these evils ourselves.

But in many instances, when you unite in this country or in this city to fight organized crime, you'll find yourselves fighting the police department itself because they are involved in the organized crime. Wherever you have organized crime, that type of crime cannot exist other than with the consent of the police, the knowledge of the police and the cooperation of the police. You'll agree that you can't run a number in your neighborhood without the police knowing it. A prostitute can't turn a trick on the block without the police knowing it.

A man can't push drugs anywhere along the avenue without the police knowing it. And they pay the police off so that they will not get arrested. And I know you can't hustle out there without police setting you up. You have to pay them off. The police are all right. I say there's some good ones and some bad ones. But they usually send the bad ones to Harlem. Since these bad police have come to Harlem and have not decreased the high rate of crime, I tell you brothers and sisters it is time for you and me to organize and eliminate these evils ourselves, or we'll be out of the world backwards before we even know where the world was.

Drug addiction turns your little sister into a prostitute before she gets into her teens; makes a criminal out of your little brother before he gets in his teens drug addiction and alcoholism. And if you and I aren't men enough to get at the root of these things, then we don't even have the right to walk around here complaining about it in any form whatsoever. The police will not eliminate it. Where this police brutality also comes in the new law that they just passed, the no knock law, the stop and-frisk law, that's an anti Negro law.

That's a law that was passed and signed by Rockefeller. Rockefeller with his old smile, always he has a greasy smile on his face and he's shaking hands with Negroes, like he's the Negro's pappy or granddaddy or great uncle. Yet when it comes to passing a law that is worse than any law that they had in Nazi Germany, why, Rockefeller couldn't wait till he got his signature on it. And the only thing this law is designed to do is make legal what they've been doing all the time.

They've passed a law that gives them the right to knock down your door without even knocking on it. Knock it down and come on in and bust your head and frame you up under the disguise that they suspect you of something. Why, brothers, they didn't have laws that bad in Nazi Germany. And it was passed for you and me, it's an anti Negro law, because you've got an anti-Negro governor sitting up there in Albany — I started to say Albany, Georgia — in Albany, New York. Not too much difference. And there's not too much difference between the government that's in Albany, New York, and the government in Albany, Georgia.

We must declare an all out war on organized crime in our community; a vice that is controlled by policemen who accept bribes and graft must be exposed. We must establish a clinic, whereby one can get aid and cure for drug addiction. This is absolutely necessary. When a person is a drug addict, he's not the criminal; he's a victim of the criminal. The criminal is the man downtown who brings drug into the country. Negroes can't bring drugs into this country.

You don't have any boats. You don't have any airplanes. You don't have any diplomatic immunity. It is not you who is responsible for bringing in drugs. You're just a little tool that is used by the man downtown. The man that controls the drug traffic sits in city hall or he sits in the state house. Big shots who are respected, who function in high circles those are the ones who control these things. And you and I will never strike at the root of it until we strike at the man downtown. And once they get into trouble, because they have no one to look out for them, they're put in some of these homes where others who are experienced at getting in trouble are.

And immediately it's a bad influence on them and they never have a chance to straighten out their lives. Too many of our children have their entire lives destroyed in this manner. It is up to you and me right now to form the type of organizations wherein we can look out for the needs of all of these young people who get into trouble, especially those who get into trouble for the first time, so that we can do something to steer them back on the right path before they go too far astray.

We must set a good example for our children and must teach them to always be ready to accept the responsibilities that are necessary for building good communities and nations. We must teach them that their greatest responsibilities are to themselves, to their families and to their communities. Charity, however, does not mean that to which we are legally entitled in the form of government benefits. The Afro-American veteran must be made aware of all the benefits due to him and the procedure for obtaining them. Many of our people have sacrificed their lives on the battlefront for this country.

There are many government benefits that our people don't even know about. Many of them are qualified to receive aid in all forms, but they don't even know it. And I mean you've got much coming to you.


We must take pride in the Afro American community, for it is our home and it is our power," the base of our power. And now it is important for us to know that our history did not begin with slavery.

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We came from Africa, a great continent, wherein live a proud and varied people, a land which is the new world and was the cradle of civilization. Our culture and our history are as old as man himself and yet we know almost nothing about it. This is no accident. It is no accident that such a high state of culture existed in Africa and you and I know nothing about it. Why, the man knew that as long as you and I thought we were somebody, he could never treat us like we were nobody.

So he had to invent a system that would strip us of everything about us that we could use to prove we were somebody. And once he had stripped us of all human chacteristics stripped us of our language, stripped us of our history, stripped us of all cultural knowledge, and brought us down to the level of an animal — he then began to treat us like an animal, selling us from one plantation to another, selling us from one owner to another, breeding us like you breed cattle.

Why, brothers and sisters, when you wake up and find out what this man here has done to you and me, you won't even wait for somebody to give the word. I'm not saying all of them are bad. There might be some good ones. But we don't have time to look for them. We must launch a cultural revolution to unbrainwash an entire people. Why, brothers, that's a crazy revolution. When you tell this black man in America who he is, where he came from, what he had when he was there, he'll look around and ask himself, "Well, what happened to it, who took it away from us and how did they do it? When you let the black man in America know where he once was and what he once had, why, he only needs to look at himself now to realize something criminal was done to him to bring him down to the low condition that he's in today.

Once he realizes what was done, how it was done, where it was done, when it was done, and who did it, that knowledge in itself will usher in your action program. And it will be by any means necessary. A man doesn't know how to act until he realizes what he's acting against. And you don't realize what you're acting against until you realize what they did to you. Too many of you don't know what they did to you, and this is what makes you so quick to want to forget and forgive.

No, brothers, when you see what has happened to you, you will never forget and you'll never forgive. And, as I say, all of them might not be guilty. But most of them are. Most of them are. It must begin in the community and be based on community participation. Afro-Americans will be free to create only when they can depend on the Afro-American community for support, and Afro-American artists must realize that they depend on the Afro-American community for inspiration.

Our artists we have artists who are geniuses; they don't have to act the Stepin Fetchit role.

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But as long as they're looking for white support instead of black support, they've got to act like the old white supporter wants them to. When you and I begin to support the black artists, then the black artists can play that black role. As long as the black artist has to sing and dance to please the white man, he'll be a clown, he'll be clowning, just another clown.

But when he can sing and dance to please black men, he sings a different song and he dances a different step. When we get together, we've got a step all our own. We have a step that nobody can do but us, because we have a reason for doing it that nobody can understand but us. History is a people's memory, and without a memory man is demoted to the level of the lower animals.

The only black man on earth who is called a Negro is one who doesn't know where he came from. That's the one in America. They don't call Africans Negroes. Why, I had a white man tell me the other day, "He's not a Negro. But it shows you that they know this. You are Negro because you don't know who you are, you don't know what you are, you don't know where you are, and you don't know how you got here. But as soon as you wake up and find out the positive answer to all these things, you cease being a Negro.

Culture is an indispensable weapon in the freedom struggle. We must take hold of it and forge the future with the past.

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  • This is our aim. It's rough, we have to smooth it up some. But we're not trying to put something together that's smooth. We don't care how rough it is. We don't care how tough it is. We don't care how backward it may sound. In essence it only means we want one thing. We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary. I'm sorry I took so long. But before we go farther to tell you how you can join this organization, what your duties and responsibilities are, I want to turn you back into the hands of our master of ceremonies, Brother Les Edmonds.

    One of the first steps we are going to become involved in as an Organization of Afro-American Unity will be to work with every leader and other organization in this country interested in a program designed to bring your and my problem before the United Nations. This is our first point of business. We feel that the problem of the black man in this country is beyond the ability of Uncle Sam to solve it.

    It's beyond the ability of the United States government to solve it. The government itself isn't capable of even hearing our problem, much less solving it. It's not morally equipped to solve it. So we must take it out of the hands of the United States government. To do this, we will have to work with many organizations and many people. We've already gotten promises of support from many different organizations in this country and from many different leaders in this country and from many different independent nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

    So this is our first objective and all we need is your support. But this is the latest info we have as we go to print. Good evening Auburn family and Auburn friends! The Golden Bo Trophy awaits! Downtown needs to be a place for Auburn students and their friends. All others need to be shown to the city limits. A high school coaching legend and a true Auburn man.

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    Just click on the title of this article to watch episode 1. I use in my analysis a decade-long culmination of championship SEC teams in five distinct categories on both sides of the ball and compare and contrast the various game totals throughout the season. Serving the Auburn Community since She later took the name Khadijah Farrakhan. She lived in Boston, [ when? Due to complications from the pregnancy, Walcott dropped out after completing his junior year of college to devote time to her and their child.

    They are still married.

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    Farrakhan has nine children: In the s, Walcott started his professional music career by recording several calypso albums as a singer under the name "The Charmer". He also performed on tour. The Saviour's Letter must be copied verbatim , and have the identical handwriting of the Nation of Islam's founder, Wallace Fard Muhammad.

    As a result, he received his "X. They acknowledged that European surnames were slave names , assigned by the slaveowners to mark their ownership. Only Hagan ever admitted his role. Warith Deen Mohammed , the seventh son of Elijah and Clara Muhammad, was declared the new leader of the Nation of Islam at the annual Saviours' Day Convention in February , a day after his father died. He made substantial changes to the organization in the late s, taking most members into a closer relationship with traditional orthodox Islam, and renaming the group "World Community of Islam in the West", and eventually the American Society of Muslims , to indicate the apparent change.

    He rejected the deification of the founder Wallace D. Fard as Allah in person, the Mahdi of the Holy Qur'an and the messiah of the Bible , welcomed white worshippers who were once considered devils and enemies in the NOI as equal brothers, sisters, and friends. At the beginning of these changes, Chief Min. Warith Deen Mohammed gave some Euro-Americans X's, and extended efforts at inter-religious cooperation and outreach to Christians and Jews. In , Imam Farrakhan distanced himself from Mohammed's movement. In a interview with Emerge magazine, Farrakhan said that he had become disillusioned and decided to "quietly walk away" rather than cause a schism among the members.

    This was done without publicly stating the intent. In , Farrakhan and his supporters held their first Saviours' Day convention in Chicago, Illinois, and took back the name of the Nation of Islam. The event was similar to the earlier Nation's celebrations, last held in Chicago on February 26, At the convention's keynote address, Farrakhan announced his attempt to restore the Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad's teachings. Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi had also offered Farrahkan guns to begin a black nation. Farrakhan said that he told Gaddafi that he preferred an economic investment in black America.

    On October 24, , at a press conference at the J. In this 'Vision-like' experience he was carried up to "a Wheel, or what you call an unidentified flying object ", as in the Bible's Book of Ezekiel. During this experience, he heard the voice of Elijah Muhammad , the leader of the Nation of Islam. As I attempted to read the cursive writing, which was in English, the scroll disappeared and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began to speak to me. I want you to hold a press conference in Washington, D.

    During that same press conference Farrakhan stated that he believed his "experience" was proven stating, "In , in the New York Times' Sunday magazine and on the front page of the Atlanta Constitution, the truth of my vision was verified, for the headlines of the Atlanta Constitution read, "President Reagan Planned War Against Libya. According to Stanford University historian Clayborne Carson , "[her family] resented Farrakhan and had good reason to because he was one of those in the Nation responsible for the climate of vilification that resulted in Malcolm X's assassination".

    That year in October, Farrakhan convened a broad coalition of what he and his supporters claim to have been one-million men in Washington, D. The count however fell far below the hoped-for numbers. The National Park Service estimated that approximately , were in attendance. The event was organized by a wide variety of civil rights and religious organizations and drew men and their sons from across the United States of America. While Farrakhan was the keynote speaker, many distinguished African American intellectuals addressed the throng including: In comments in , Farrakhan stated that there was a foot 7.

    He implied that the levee's destruction was a deliberate attempt to wipe out the population of the largely black sections within the city. Farrakhan has raised additional questions and has called for federal investigations into the source of the levee break.

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    The report from the ILIT said "The findings of this panel are that the overtopping of the levees by flood waters, the often sub-standard materials used to shore up the levees, and the age of the levees contributed to these scour holes found at many of the sites of levee breaks after the hurricane. In , Farrakhan publicly criticized the United States and supported then-Senator Barack Obama who was campaigning at the time to become the president of the United States of America.

    The Obama campaign quickly responded to convey his distance from the minister. Obama is not the Messiah for sure, but anytime, he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness, that's not necessarily Satan 's work, that is I believe the work of God. Following the presidential election , Farrakhan explained, during a BET television interview, that he was "careful" never to endorse Obama during his campaign. And unfortunately, or fortunately, however we look at it, the media said I 'endorsed' him, so he renounced my so-called endorsement and support.

    But that didn't stop me from supporting him. As of , Farrakhan no longer supports Obama, whom he has since called the "first Jewish president", due to Obama's support for the military intervention in Libya , which Farrakhan strongly opposed due to his own support for Muammar Gaddafi.

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    On May 28, , Farrakhan, speaking at the American Clergy Leadership Conference , lambasted Obama over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Libya intervention, calling him an "assassin" and a "murderer. But he has turned into someone else, Farrakhan told the crowd. Farrakhan, a critic of military interventionism overseas, [41] was strongly opposed to Obama's proposal to intervene in Syria in On May 8, , Farrakhan publicly announced his embrace of Dianetics and has actively encouraged Nation of Islam members to undergo auditing from the Church of Scientology.

    You can still be a Christian; you just won't be a devil Christian. You can still be a Jew, but you won't be a satanic Jew. Since the announcement in , the Nation of Islam has been hosting its own Dianetic courses and its own graduation ceremonies. At the third such ceremony, which was held on Saviours Day , it was announced that nearly members of the organisation had undergone Dianetic auditing. The Organisation announced it had graduated auditors and had delivered 82, hours of auditing. The graduation ceremony was certified by the Church of Scientology , and the Nation of Islam members received official certification.

    He stated that "The unfolding story of the Nation of Islam and Dianetics is bold, it is determined and it is absolutely committed to restoring freedom and wiping hell from the face of this planet. Farrakhan announced that he was seriously ill in a letter on September 11, that was directed to his staff, Nation of Islam members, and supporters.

    The letter, published in The Final Call newspaper, said that doctors in Cuba had discovered a peptic ulcer. Farrakhan was released from his five-week hospital stay on January 28, , after major abdominal surgery. The operation was performed to correct damage caused by side effects of a radioactive "seed" implantation procedure that he received years earlier to successfully treat prostate cancer. Following his hospital stay, Farrakhan released a "Message of Appreciation" to supporters and well-wishers [49] and weeks later delivered the keynote address at the Nation of Islam's annual convention in Detroit.

    In December , Farrakhan announced that he had not appeared publicly for two months because he had suffered a heart attack in October.