End of This Age

The Philadelphia Trumpet, in conjunction with the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course, presents this brief excursion into the.
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Do you contemplate that amazing sacrifice He made? Now if Christians are unthankful, then what are those outside the faith like? We certainly live in a time of ungreatfulness. Spare a thought for those who DON'T have today! There will be some people reading this that have great troubles and difficulties in their lives. But you CAN be thankful. Now this sign of the end of the world is an amazing one. Do you know why? Because I only need to talk about professing Christians here. Go back just 50 years and you would find a world with Christians who were far more holy and humble than they are today.

Many believe that we need not keep the ten commandments anymore, just as long as we "believe" in Jesus. And what does this lead to? A people who continue living in sin and being unholy. These men have certainly crept into the churches and as a result the churches are full of unconverted, unholy people today, who have turned the grace of God into a licence to sin! Much more so today than in times past.

Churches today have become more like social places, theatres and concerts, rather than holy places of worship. Christians have lost the Bible truth about how to worship in Church. There is little effort today being made in turning away from sin and living a holy life for God. And if this is the state of the majority of Christians, then what is the rest of the world like? Yes, this end of the world sign is being fulfilled today.

We are sure living in the last days. Just look at how homosexuality is being pushed and accepted around the world today. The picture on the right is just one of the many articles from the news today, showing that homosexuality is becoming the "norm". And not just in the world, but in the churches too! And not only that, many churches are now placing these people in leadership positions! Homosexuality is being pushed through television also, with many programs portraying homosexuality as normal.

This is all in complete disobedience to God's clear Word Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals , nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

We live in an age today where people will not take correction or rebuke for their sins. If you warn Christians for wrong doing, many of them will just say "stop judging me! Even though the Bible says that the Word of God is to be used for instruction, correction and rebuke.

If you are seen to be a good, holy person, then the world will sneer at you, being labelled as a "goody two shoes". The world is so full of sin today that it cannot handle people who are good. This Bible sign is applicable more for our day than any other before us, and shows we are living in the last days. You will now see how Paul above in 2 Timothy is talking about our day.

These signs of the last days are so clearly speaking about our generation. Do people love themselves today by putting themselves before God and other people? We seem to be more concerned about how we look on the outside, rather than how we look on the inside our heart. If you walked down the street just 50 years ago, you would have seen the majority of people dressed modestly in smart, humble clothing, covering their bodies.

Today if you do the same you will see the majority of people dressed in tight revealing clothing to make themselves look "sexy". Today, the television, radio, newspapers, magazines and internet are full of adverts to try and lure us into buying the next best thing, to make us look better than the next person. Yes, this is certainly a sign for the time we live in. And what makes this sign appropriate more for our day is the fact that it applies to the majority of professing Christians also!

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The church is full of people who have no idea what it truly means to worship God, and think more of themselves than they do of God and other people. Just look at America! The majority of people there profess to be Christian. So why is it that there are thousands of people starving to death everyday? Because professing Christians are too busy with themselves to worry about the needy. Now this is an end time sign pointing purely to Christians. And is it fulfilled in our day? Not many, which is why Jesus said The final judgment just before the second coming, described as the seventh bowl of the wrath of God vv.

Putting all these Scriptures together, it indicates that the great tribulation will mark the death of hundreds of millions of people in a comparatively short period of time. Because the great tribulation is unprecedented in history and consists largely in judgments of God on an unbelieving world, many interpreters have come to the conclusion that the church will not have to go through this period.

If the church must endure the great tribulation, the chances of survival are quite remote as it is obvious that many who do turn to Christ in that period perish as martyrs.

The End of This Age Is Not the End of the World! | leondumoulin.nl

Having introduced the specific sign of the second coming, which is the great tribulation, Jesus then described other details of the period. Just as there have been false Christs throughout the age, so there will be an intensification of this at the end of the age. One who believes the prophetic Scripture will have no difficulty identifying the second coming of Christ, because it will be a public event. Accordingly, Christ, in According to Revelation 1: This declaration is supported by a cryptic statement in Matthew Just as when an animal dies, the vultures gather, so when there is moral corruption, there must be divine judgment.

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And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: This will be a coming of the Lord to judge and subdue the earth and to bring in His earthly kingdom, and is in contrast to the rapture of the church, which is an entirely different event and with a different purpose.

Some believe this has a particular reference to the nation Israel as an elect nation. Probably the reference is to all those who are chosen, that is, the saints of all ages, whether in heaven or on earth, for all these will converge upon the millennial kingdom scene. While Matthew mentions only the elect of heaven, Mark Taken as a whole, the second coming of Christ is a majestic event, not instantaneous like the rapture, but extending over many hours.

This perhaps explains why everyone can see it, because in the course of a day, the earth will rotate and the entire world will be able to see the approach of Christ accompanied by the hosts of heaven, which will descend to the earth in the area of the Mount of Olives Zee The entire passage from Matthew In interpreting the illustrations which follow, while there may be secondary applications of the truth to the church awaiting the rapture, the laws of exegesis would dictate that the illustrations should relate to the doctrine of the second coming of Christ.

Accordingly, while this passage may have a general application to saints in the present age, it will have a particular application to those who will await the second coming of Christ to the earth. Accordingly, in interpreting illustrations, the question should be raised, What does the context indicate? This is especially appropriate in consideration of the fig tree. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

Commentaries which try to refer this entire passage to the destruction of Jerusalem in a. Campbell Morgan and Willoughby C. Allen, or apply it to the destruction of Jerusalem, as does R.


Actually, while the fig tree could be an apt illustration of Israel, it is not so used in the Bible. The reference to the fig tree in Judges 9: Neither the reference in Matthew Accordingly, while this interpretation is held by many, there is no clear scriptural warrant. A better interpretation is that Christ was using a natural illustration. Because the fig tree brings forth new leaves late in the spring, the budding of the leaves is evidence that summer is near.

In a similar way, when those living in the great tribulation see the signs predicted, they will know that the second coming of Christ is near. The signs in this passage, accordingly, are not the revival of Israel, but the great tribulation itself. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. What is the meaning of the expression this generation? Some have cited this as an illustration of an error on the part of Christ, for a generation is normally from thirty to one hundred years, and obviously, the prophecy of the second coming was not fulfilled in that period.

Commentators offer a variety of opinions. Some take generation to refer to an indefinite period of time. Arndt and Gingrich, while offering the possibility that generation means nation or race, prefer age or period of time, and, accordingly, take it as instructing the disciples that the age leading up to the second coming will not end until the event of the second coming itself. In other words, the same generation that will experience the great tribulation will also witness the second coming of Christ. In any case, Christ points out that while prophecy is absolutely certain of fulfillment, the day of the second coming is not revealed, although the approximate time will be known by those living in the great tribulation.

To illustrate this approximate time of the second coming, He used the historic flood in the time of Noah. While those observing Noah building the ark could anticipate that a flood was impending, it was obvious that the flood could not come until the ark was completed. So also with the second coming.

Unlike the rapture, which has no preceding signs and therefore could occur any time, the second coming of Christ to the earth to set up His kingdom cannot occur until the preceding signs have been fulfilled. When the ark was completed and Noah and his family and the animals were in it, those observing could anticipate that the predicted flood could occur any day.

But even then, they could not predict the day nor the hour. Like the days of Noah, the time of the second coming will be a period of judgment on the earth. According to Matthew Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Here, however, the situation is the reverse. The one who is left, is left to enter the kingdom; the one who is taken, is taken in judgment. Several European companies want to support a project to build a gas pipeline from Nigeria to Algeria so Europe can get more of its natural gas from Africa. Pipelines are easy to break. Narrow straits of water can be strewn with mines, making it too expensive to insure ships to cross them.

If Iran can gain enough power in these areas—a goal it is working toward—it can hold Europe to ransom. Russia famously brought Ukraine back to heel during the winter of by cutting off its natural gas supplies. Iran could soon have the same power over Europe. At the same time, a quarter of eurozone gas imports came from or through these areas. When we examine southern European countries on their own, we see an even more disturbing picture.

In Spain, 54 percent of crude oil and 77 percent of gas imports are vulnerable to Iranian disruption. Iran is expanding the reach of its terrorist activities and creating goodwill with African nations to further spread its ability to strike at Europe. Not all the facts are readily available. But Iran clearly has an extensive network—including rebel groups, rogue states and Islamists—throughout Africa. The Shiite terrorist group is active throughout the world, but especially in northwest Africa.

Over a century ago, a large number of Shia Muslims from Lebanon migrated to the area. Hundreds of thousands now live there, providing an excellent recruiting ground for Hezbollah. Today, northwest Africa is a vital fundraising hub. Iran also appears to be building up weapons caches throughout the area for Hezbollah to use, should Tehran want the organization to become more active. The operatives had thousands of rounds of ammunition and a small arsenal of weapons. Just days earlier, on May 13, two men were sentenced to five years in prison for their involvement in a plot to ship metric tonnes of heavy weapons and ammunition to Gambia.

Conflict Armament Research reports that this could have been the third such shipment. In February, Nigerian authorities arrested three men they accused of being members of an Iranian-trained terrorist cell that planned to attack U. In June, the U. Treasury Department identified four men—one in Sierra Leone, one in Senegal and two in the Ivory Coast—as Hezbollah leaders in their respective areas, responsible for transferring funds to the organization. The terrorists have been caught smuggling and hoarding weapons, but not using them. These individuals remain an asset that Iran can call upon at will.

Working in conjunction with other terrorist groups or rebel armies, Hezbollah could do more than carry out terrorist attacks. It has the potential to destabilize nations. The relationship between Iran and al Qaeda is dangerously misunderstood. The war in Syria, at first glance, supports this view. The Sunni-Shia divide is real and significant. The two groups have fought in the past—but they have also patched things up and fought the West together. Moreover, al Qaeda is not a unified bloc, but rather a loose coalition of militants fighting under the same brand name.

Al Qaeda and Iran maintain a cozy relationship, according to U. In the summer of , the Treasury announced that the U.

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Cohen said in his October written testimony emphasis added throughout. Yet Iran and al Qaeda were still working together. What will be the fruits of this relationship? These kinds of links can often take years to fully uncover. Have more recent attacks in Africa been carried out as a joint venture between al Qaeda and Iran?

In May, Egyptian authorities arrested three militants armed with 22 pounds of explosives and bomb-making equipment. Egyptian Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim told journalists that the group had received instructions from an al Qaeda leader called Dawoud al Asadi—an alias for the leader of al Qaeda in Iran. To cement the connection even further, Ibrahim said that one of the three terrorists had received military training in Iran. Under its agreement with Iran, al Qaeda had to keep the Iranian government up to date with its activities.

Did Iran merely know about the Benghazi attack, or was it a key part of it? As with the attack on the embassies in Kenya, the proof might not emerge for years. But in another part of Africa, there is, almost literally, a smoking gun. In September , the Nigerien military captured weapons and ammunition from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb aqim. It included ammunition that Conflict Armament Research identified as originating in Iran.

In May , the Nigeriens intercepted a shipment of weapons that also contained Iranian-manufactured ammunition. To the east, in Somalia, al Shabaab also maintains strong links to Iran and is affiliated with al Qaeda. The United Nations monitoring group in Somalia discovered several instances of Iran supplying it with weapons, including surface-to-air missiles. Around the same time, the icu sent of its best fighters to Lebanon to fight alongside Hezbollah.

Some of the fighters stayed after the fighting for advanced training.

In return, Hezbollah arranged for Iran and Syria to give the icu some extra support. Since then, the icu has changed its name to al Shabaab and became the official Somalian wing of al Qaeda. In July, un monitors reported that Iran could be using illegal fishing boats to ship weapons to al Shabaab. Monitors are also investigating a ship seized in January in Yemen that was packed with weapons and fuel. The UN believes some of that cargo could have been bound for Somalia. On their own, each of these incidents of cooperation between al Qaeda and Iran would be interesting, though not conclusive.

Together they paint a pattern of broad cooperation across Africa and the Middle East. Hezbollah and al Qaeda are undoubtedly the two most powerful terrorist groups in the world. The prizes included a land route to India, lucrative trade deals and access to any resources that could be discovered. Today, some people speak of a new colonization of Africa. Iran wants to be able to cut off those resources, even for just a short time.

So Germany arms friendly governments to fight Islamists. Germany is also looking for allies as it prepares to confront Iran, and bases it can use to push Iran back. Meanwhile, Iran looks for friends among nations the West has rejected or ignored. It funnels weapons to its terrorist allies as it tries to exploit weaknesses in the nations Europe supports. How involved Iran was is unknown. The fall of Qadhafi in Libya sent a torrent of weapons into the area. Algeria could be the next flash point. He suffered a mini-stroke in April and may not live much longer.

His death could give the Islamists a chance to take over. The last part of Daniel Right now, in Africa, both of these powers are preparing for that clash. The Great Game is played primarily by individuals out of the public eye. In how many other countries are Iranian and European agents vying for control? In his article in April, Mr. These two powers are preparing to fight—they are jockeying for position. Once the situation comes to blows, Iran wants to be able to cut off the resources Europe desperately needs, strangling its economy.

Meanwhile, Germany wants to be able to quickly take control of the region. The media may ignore it, but the events in this region give a powerful warning to the world. In the silent war in Africa, we see a preview of the conflict that is about to ignite world war. T alk with your child about your suspicions. You should already be talking with your child regularly. Make sure you get the whole picture. Ask your child if he or she has been bullying other children. Your child could be getting bullied out of retaliation. Jesus Christ taught those who live violently will die violently Matthew Although God expects all humanity to be humble peacemakers Matthew 5: Personal confidence disarms bullying.

The film Bully shows that in most cases the young people willing to stand up for themselves and others are no longer bullied. Bullies continue to menace others only when they remain successful at instilling fear that undermines personal confidence. Do you know how to build confidence in your child? Strong personal confidence comes by contact with you.

Your child needs to know that he or she has your full support. It is critical that you teach your child to stand up for others who are bullied.

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  8. This does not mean that your child should step into the middle of a fistfight. However, you should emphasize the importance of brave leadership—the ability to be courageous enough not to go along with a crowd that lives to bully Proverbs 1: Also, instruct him or her to know when to seek help from school authorities. Be sure your child does not run from a bully. Bullies can only maintain power over your child when he or she exhibits fear, frustration or emotional upset over the experience.

    Running away only encourages and empowers the bully.

    Summary of the Biblical 'Last Days'

    Some bullies will threaten harm if their requests are not met. Your child should not give up his or her lunch. If he or she does, the bully is sure to do it again. Take the first step and set up a meeting. Calmly discuss what is happening between your children. Be sure to remain open-minded that your child may be contributing to the problem.

    Most parents will be thankful you came to them directly and will work to resolve the problem. Sadly, some will not. If you cannot resolve the problem at the parental level, and the bullying persists, then get help from either law enforcement or school authorities. If your child is being bullied off school grounds, then legal and law enforcement should be contacted. If the bullying incidents take place on school grounds, take up the matter with school officials or authorities. If school authorities do not help you solve the problem, your best alternative may be to change schools. Some school districts are better at handling bullying problems than others.

    Becoming the Archetype- End of Age

    Some families have actually had the best success at solving a bullying problem by changing schools. Suspect your child is being bullied? The Philadelphia Trumpet, in conjunction with the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course, presents this brief excursion into the fascinating study of the Bible. Simply turn to and read in your Bible each verse given in answer to the questions. You will be amazed at the new understanding gained from this short study! From the September Trumpet Print Edition. The Bible reveals the answers to these questions—and more.

    What did He declare would happen if these days of tribulation continued?

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