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Table of contents

Notice that the tibia and femur will rotate inward with the foot. This rotation will cause the knee to rotate inward and subsequently be out of alignment. When the knee shifts towards the middle of the body, a person may turn her foot outward to keep the knee pointing forward. This compensation places further stress on the foot as forces can no longer pass over all the toes when walking. It can also place undue stress on the underside of the foot. Since overpronation also causes the heel to roll inward, the calf muscle which attaches to the heel may no longer function optimally, creating an imbalance in the lower leg and ultimately preventing the foot from dorsiflexing.

When your client transfers weight when she walks, squats or lunges, she must pronate to help dissipate force. The key is to assess whether she overpronates or can not slow forces down into pronation with her muscles , thereby placing undue stress on the joint s. Watch the center of her knee. Note whether the knee moved inward or away from the center line of the body see Figure 5.


This overpronation causes the lower and upper leg to inwardly rotate, which adds further stress to the knee. It is natural for there to be some movement of the knee towards the midline of the body when your client squats and transfers weight forward. The key is to watch for coordinated motion between the ankle and knee. For instance, if the foot collapses and the knee juts inwards during the squat, there is probably a weakness that needs to be addressed. Squats, single leg squats, leg press, lunges, the elliptical machine and running all involve ankle and knee flexion. If the foot overpronates during these activities, the knee joint can not function optimally.

Similarly, if the knee moves excessively towards the midline of the body, the foot will overpronate, which will limit dorsiflexion. These structural malalignments can cause foot problems like plantar fasciitis, bunions and shin splints. They can also cause both medial and lateral knee conditions such as IT band pain, chrondromalacia and ligament irritation.

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Here are three exercises to help your clients overcome the structural deviations discussed herein. Structural assessments and corrective exercises can be integrated into any fitness program. Simply conduct your regular exercise programs and incorporate strategies that address any musculoskeletal imbalances you identify during the assessment process. The topic of the next installment of this series will be the lumbo-pelvic hip girdle.

You will learn how to assess this area of the body, how it relates to other structures and some sample corrective exercises you can incorporate into your personal training programs. This is a great question. This article on the foot, ankle and knee addresses some of the most common musculoskeletal imbalances that a health and fitness professional will encounter.

Overpronation is much more prevalent than oversupination.

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As such, overpronation and its related compensatory patterns elsewhere in the body are discussed in this introductory article. You will find that some of your client's oversupinates. However, this is caused by less common compensations. For example, if someone shifts their weight onto one leg more than the other this can cause the foot to supinate as their weight rolls to the outside of the foot that holds more of their body weight.

Alternatively, someone may have a leg length discrepancy where they may try to lengthen the shorter leg by raising the arch of the foot i. There are many other patterns that can cause oversupination. Discounts are available to current PTontheNet members. About the Feet and Ankles The feet and ankles act as shock absorbers when the body interacts with a contact surface. Causes and Cures Justin Price Articles. Part 1 Emily Splichal Articles. Assessment Demo for Chronic Pain: Torso Rotation by Justin Price Videos.

Corrective Exercise - Part 1: The Foot, Ankle and Knee

Correcting the Cause, Not the Symptoms: Application Evan Osar Articles. The Basics Evan Osar Articles. Addressing Overpronation Justin Price Articles. Achilles Tendonitis Michael Greenhouse Articles. Corrective Exercise - Part 3: Club Foot Anthony Carey Articles. Toe Walking Lenny Parracino Articles.

Corrective Exercise - Part 2: Anterior Knee Pain - Pain Site vs.

Pain Source Michael Boyle Articles. Biomechanics of the Foot by Chuck Wolf Videos. Balanced Perspective by John Blievernicht Videos. Neuropathy on the Foot Craig Burris Articles. Calf Massage Justin Price Articles.

Calf Stretch Justin Price Articles. Feet and Ankle Muscles: The Gallery Shop stocks a variety of cards and beautiful objects largely made by regional artists. For special gifts we have handcrafted jewellery, ceramics, books and paintings by Indigenous inmates from Goulburn Correctional Centre. Dog made Assistant Director at the Maritime Museum. Sidestepping into the past of Rugby League history. Maitland Regional Art Gallery.

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Corrective Exercise - Part 1: The Foot, Ankle and Knee | Article | PTontheNet

Opening Hours Monday- Friday The Gallery Shop The Gallery Shop stocks a variety of cards and beautiful objects largely made by regional artists. Drop in at 2pm - perfec…. Poor creature from Canberra. Must be a load lighter now! Interesting read in The Saturday Paper http: We have three new exhibitions on view Curated by Al Munro, 'Wanderland' by Irianna Our touching Goulburn to Gallipoli exhibition featured this beautiful video by Jean Francois Lanzarone. Leaving the Hume Highway, you're welcomed by a 15 metre high Discover Places Galleries Museums Aboriginal cultural centres.