Mac OS X Pour aller plus loin ! (Mon Mac & Moi) (French Edition)

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You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. I do trust him, I like his vision, I like his diplomatic talent, appreciate that he deeply and truely cares for the future of the World Wide Web and the future of the W3C, and I love his technical expertise.

After some thoughts, Florian accepted. Kodansha one of the largest publishing company in Japan has agreed to sponsor his participation to the AB. You can read his official candidacy in french , english , japanese , chinese and korean. And if you're not the AC-rep but your employer is a W3C Member, please consider telling your AC-rep about Florian's candidacy with a recommendation to vote for him. By glazou on Thursday 1 February , So let's take a closer look at that new beast and evaluate how it deals with that painful task.

And which version of EPUB?

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After installation on a Mac , I created a new trivial text document; it contains a paragraph, a level 1 header, an image, a table, and a unordered list of three items. I did not touch at all fonts, styles, margins, etc. Then I discovered LibreOffice now has two new menu items: Let's unzip the saved package and take a look at its guts:.

Firefox Quantum viewing the resulting section This is an excellent start, really, and splitting the document at headers or page breaks is an excellent idea. Some generated styles overline?!? This will help some individuals but I am not sure it will help EPUB publication chains, at least for now. I added an extra test: LibreOffice's trunk does a significantly better job: By glazou on Thursday 18 January , I had been observing the electronic book market since the early days of Cytale and its Cybook but I was not involved into it on a daily basis.

That seemed not only an excellent idea, but also a fairly workable one. I immediately discovered a technology that was not far away from the Web but that was also clearly not the Web. In particular, I immediately saw that two crucial features were missing: More importantly, the market was, in my opinion, not ready to absorb so quickly two major and one minor revisions of EPUB given the huge cost on both publishing chains and existing ebook bases. I also thought - and said - the EPUB 3. Working together, Publishing W3C will bring exciting new capabilities and features to the future of publishing, authoring and reading using Web technologies.

Since the beginning of , and with a steep acceleration during spring , the Publishing W3C activity has restarted work on the EPUB 3. If I had some reservations about the work division between these two entities, the whole thing seemed to be a very good idea. In fact, I started advocating for the merger between IDPF and W3C back in , at a moment only a handful of people were willing to listen. It seemed to me that Publishing was a underrated first-class user of Web technologies and EPUB's growth was suffering from two critical ailments:.

As I recently wrote on Medium , I am not any more. I am not convinced by the current approach implemented by Publishing W3C on many counts:. I only felt the need to express my opinion, in both public and private fora. Unsurprisingly, the feedback to my private warnings was fairly negative. In short, it works as expected and I should stop spitting in the soup. Well, if that works as expected, the expectations were pretty low, sorry to say, and were not worth a merger between two Standard Bodies.

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I have then decided to work on a different format for electronic books, called WebBook. A format strictly based on Web technologies and when I say "Web technologies", I mean the most basic ones: Not all details are decided or even ironed, the proposal is still a work in progress at this point, but I know where I want to go to. I will of course happily accept all feedback.

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If people like my idea, great! If people disagree with it, too bad for me but fine! Convince me and your suggestions will make it in. I have started from a list of requirements, something that was never done that way in the EPUB world:. I also made a strong design choice: WebBook will start small, simple and extensible, and each use case will be evaluated individually, sequentially and will result in light extensions at a speed the Publishing industry can bear with.

You'll find in the spec references to:. I hope this proposal will show stakeholders of the Publishing W3C activity another path to greater convergence with the Web is possible. Should this proposal be considered by them, I will of course happily contribute to the debate, and hopefully the solution. By glazou on Thursday 11 January , I have published something on Medium.

By glazou on Monday 25 December , Les Japonais demandent un 3. Relancer EPUB sur une 3. By glazou on Tuesday 19 December , Et encore, quand ils marchent, parce qu'il arrive souvent qu'ils ne fonctionnent jamais correctement voire jamais tout court. La solution est un changement de perspective: Un demi-milliard d'euros et ce n'est toujours pas fini.

C'est parfaitement faisable et c'est faisable vite si on le veut. By glazou on Thursday 7 December , It's the one dedicated to shading patterns. In words we're used to, predefined background images serving as pattern masks. Feel free to use it under MPL 2. By glazou on Thursday 23 November , The title of this article says it all.

First attempt, works fine, trivial to add to any XUL window. This is a code I wrote for Postbox , used here with permission. By glazou on Thursday 16 November , I am insanely happy and a bit proud too, ahem to let you know that BlueGriffon 3. As I wrote earlier on this blog, implementing Responsive Design in a Wysiwyg editor supposed to handle all html documents whatever their original source has been a tremendous amount of work and something really painful to implement.

By glazou on Friday 3 November , After nearly two years of failed attempts and revamped algos, it's finally time to shout that Wysiwyg Responsive Design in BlueGriffon is ready to ship, and that deserves a major version number for BlueGriffon It was really, really painful and hard to implement given the fact BlueGriffon is and must remain a Wysiwyg editor able to edit any arbitrary document, whatever its source. It means being always able to add styles as requested by the user: Most editors can't do that. They let you create and edit only "Mobile First" or only "Desktop First" media queries, or they're a source editor.

With BlueGriffon, even a site that is pure Media Queries' hell like http: By glazou on Wednesday 18 October , Dear Apple, this is the fourth time in a row one of your system upgrades on iOS or OS X make me loose a day or two - when it does not make me loose a lot of data - and I am fed up with it. My last experience with your High Sierra upgrade is truly shocking:.

My Mac went bricked at 10am. All in all, it took me 6 hours and 36 minutes to find how to get it fixed, stop being scared of launching that process that could wipe all my HD out, and do it. Let's be very clear: The High Sierra installer is still broken and thousands of people are hit by that breakage. I had to recommend my less geeky dad, kids, friends to avoid High Sierra's installer if I am not around.

Wake up Apple, you're reaching unacceptable limits here. Your hardware starts sucking incredibly noisy and ugly keyboard, bad touchpad design, useless and expensive touchbar, USB-C hell, no more SD slot and some of your software are now below expectations.

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  5. Arthurs letzter Schwur (Die Artus-Chroniken 3) (German Edition);
  6. By glazou on Tuesday 18 July , I have been using a MacBookPro with touchbar for a month now and I can start giving some impressions about it:. By glazou on Monday 29 May , By glazou on Saturday 27 May , La campagne promeut une nouvelle canette, plus petite, avec le slogan suivant:.

    Le slogan actuel me dit que pour une mini-canette, je ne vais avoir qu'un mini-plaisir. By glazou on Monday 15 May , I have said multiple times the way people are elected is far too conservative, giving a high premium to "big names" or representatives of "big companies" on one hand, tending to preserve a status-quo in terms of AB membership on the other. Even with the recent voting system changes, the problem remains.

    If I except the mentions of agility and Process, let me express a gut feeling: Candidacy statements from ten years ago look exactly the same. They quote the same goals. They're even phrased the same way But in the meantime, we have major topics on the meta-radar non-exhaustive list:. Given how far the candidacy statements are from what I think are the real and urgent issues of the W3C, I'm not even sure I am willing to vote I will eventually cast a ballot, sure, but I stand by my opinion above: I am now 50 years old, I have been contributing to W3C for, er, almost 22 years and that's why I will not run any more.

    Conclusion for all W3C AB candidates: What do you propose, how do you suggest to implement it, what's your vision for W3C By glazou on Wednesday 10 May , Notre bon Tristan je feede mon propre Tristan-Nitot-Tracker Mais il faut revenir aux fondamentaux: By glazou on Tuesday 9 May , Il aurait aussi pu attendre ; une mission, un strapontin, que sais-je, voire rien du tout, mais pas maintenant. Une simple ligne de commande peut vous aider: Saturday 28 July Gerv, oh Gerv: There are multiple reasons for that: Its Process, that rules the daily life of the Membership, cannot be changed fast even in front of a major hickup.

    It's not an exaggeration to say that important problems do take years to fix, even when there is an clear, critical and immediate issue. Even the candidates, successful or not, don't know their scores. It's the only organization I know where votes of the Membership can be biaised by changes to the requests during the course of a vote It's the only Standards Committee I know where the management regularly interferes with the local Process. The finances of the W3C are also opaque, with a Staff that has seen a salary freeze for many years now, a non-incorporated structure even as a Foundation and extremely complicated relationships between the MIT-based foot of W3C and its european or asian feet.

    As an example, nobody really cares about the W3C versions of html and DOM because they're not what's implemented, because they diverge from implementations; it's just not usable in a real production environment. The original Charters of the Publishing Groups were not conformant to W3C Process; the spirit of these Groups itself is not conformant the W3C spirit and usual way of producing Standards.

    As I said above, W3C is at crossroads but it has experience and expertise about delivering Standards to billions of people, like it or not. He's on a sabbatical now but he's been mostly absent from W3C daily activities for the last decade. The W3C is unable to acknowledge that absence and materialize it in its Process. Even the attendance cost to the Plenary Meetings can be too much for some of them. We started discussing a sponsoring scheme for Invited Experts a decade ago and we're still nowhere at all.

    Let's unzip the saved package and take a look at its guts: And since there is no CSS-reset either The final rendition in a browser is then buggy, font-wise. The font-family declarations in the document don't use a fallback to serif.