Summer in Switzerland: The Travels of Byron and Shelley

When the two poets descended on the Swiss lake in , the plan was meeting in Switzerland when she heard that Byron was traveling there). That summer produced Mary Shelley's Gothic classic “Frankenstein, Or, the.
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Beauty and the beast: How Switzerland inspired Frankenstein

Divided into magnificent estates, it serves as home to bankers, sheiks, and European celebrities. The salmon-pink Villa Diodati is still in private hands. Lord Byron at the Villa Diodati, ca.


In the 16th century, it became notorious as a political prison. The dungeon remains an attraction. Guides point out where Byron supposedly carved his name into a pillar, the graffito protected under glass. After their visit, the poets spent the night nearby, where Byron stayed up late writing The Prisoner of Chillon , a poem about Bonivard, and Shelley worked on his Hymn to Intellectual Beauty.

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The writers also made grueling excursions into the Swiss Alps by horse and mule. They wrote vividly about feeling overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the peaks and waterfalls, rumbling avalanches, and the unearthly glaciers.

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The Shelleys returned to London after the summer of , largely because Clairmont had become pregnant as a result of her liaison with Byron. Within seven years, both Shelley and Byron were dead at young ages.

Following in Lord Byron’s Swiss footsteps - SWI

Byron composed The Prisoner of Chillon after he and Shelley visited the medieval Castle Chillon, which held political prisoners in earlier centuries. This engraving from was made by Robert Wallis — after the artist Clarkson Stanfield — At Castle Chillon, whose turrets rise dreamlike from Lake Geneva, waves lap right outside the barred windows of its dungeon; the imposing fortress still attracts curious writers and tourists.

Page, was taken from the volume Finden's landscape illustrations to Mr. And the surrounding landscapes — the Jura mountains to the north-west, the Alps, including the white, flint-sharp peak of Mont Blanc, to the south-east — are frequently evoked. How happy and serene all nature appears! The newly-weds are sailing east along the lake at the time, in a passage that echoes real-life events following those highly-charged evenings in the Villa Diodati.

On June 23 , with the weather showing slight improvement, Shelley and Byron set out on a tour of Lake Geneva, leaving Mary behind to work on Frankenstein.

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They were following in the footsteps of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his novel Julie, or the New Heloise — set around the eastern end of Lake Geneva — as surely as I was following in theirs. They hired a boat and boatman for their eight-day trip to Montreux and its environs.

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I took a train that sped me there in 80 minutes. After surviving a sudden squall on the lake the poets were shown around by a caretaker. The Geneva Transport and Montreux Riviera Cards, available free from your hotel, entitle you to free public transport and other reductions. Booking essential for garden table. The previous year, Mount Tambora in Indonesia had erupted, producing an ash cloud so vast and thick that it blocked out sunlight across the globe, causing temperatures to plummet and crops to fail. In , the year in which Frankenstein was published, the glacier cracked and a torrent of water coursed through the valley below, causing death and destruction in the villages of Bagnes and Martigny-Bourg.

I carried it up to the glacier and read it on the snowy mountainside. There, she found that the glacial landscape described in the novel had been replaced by a fragile natural environment increasingly under threat from rising temperatures and mass tourism.

By Tony Perrottet | NYPL Allen and Wertheim Rooms

Early on, she made a creative decision to overexpose the film slightly, which lends an even more ethereal and slightly ominous atmosphere to her images. In one, three stone figures stand forlorn on pillars, their silhouettes the same grey-blue tone as the rocky surfaces that no longer lie shrouded in a deep layer of snow.

In another, the still surface of an ice-blue lake has an almost hyperreal sheen that speaks of the sublime. Elsewhere, her eye has picked out the traces of tourism: