The Hidden Dangers of Soy

The word "soy" crossed out with the title "The Hidden Dangers of Soy Soy dangers lurking in soy's many incarnations like soy protein powders, soy formulas.
Table of contents

The fact of the matter is that soy is not the "health food" it's cracked up to be.

Further Reading

The Hidden Dangers of Soy. Could Soy be Killing Your Family? Soybean Industry in America.

  • The Hidden Dangers of Soy.
  • The Rebbes Army: Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch!
  • The Hidden Dangers of Soy | Brain Blogger;
  • Current Evidence Based Protocols on the Use of Therapeutic Modalities?

Should You Avoid Soy? Allergy Info and Tips. Campaign for Healthy Living.

From prepared meat to bread, from vegetable oil to soups, soy, its anti-nutrients and estrogens are everywhere. Soy is wrecking lives and creating everything from allergies to infertility, weight gain to depression, and fibroids to sexual dimorphism. Find out how and what you can do!

Soy: It's Bad for You, and It's Everywhere, Even in Vitamins

The Western version of soy is not a food-it is a poison, and millions are allergic to it. This book chronicles one woman's heroic efforts to trace her life-threatening illnesses to soy consumption.

The Health Dangers of Soy

Once done, her next battle was to avoid this omnipresent "food," that is cleverly disguised to trap the unwary A must-read for all who believe the propaganda that soy is a health food, and for those who know it isn't, and are fighting a losing battle to keep it out of their lives. There was considerable research done since WW II about the harmful substance within the soybean. Soy contains several naturally occurring compounds that are toxic to humans and animals. The soy industry frequently refers to these toxins as anti-nutrients, which implies that they somehow act to prevent the body from getting the complete nutrition it needs from a food.

The soy toxins such as phytic acid can certainly act in this manner, but they also have the ability to target specific organs, cells and enzyme pathways, and their effects can be devastating. As with any toxin, there will be a dose at which negative effects are not observed.

The Hidden Dangers of Soy by Dianne Gregg

Jul 31, Hillary rated it liked it. Jan 15, Trena rated it really liked it. Soy is seen by many as a health food.

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  5. This book is full of testimonies that say it's anything but healthy. Cathie Danberg rated it it was amazing Jan 08, Juliann Breck rated it it was amazing Dec 20, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Mar 30, Cynthia Smith rated it liked it Sep 13, Kori rated it did not like it Feb 05, Brynn rated it liked it Oct 04, Oliver Rixon rated it it was amazing Jan 19, Janne rated it did not like it May 31, Mike rated it really liked it Dec 17, Sarenna rated it really liked it Jan 12, Rae rated it liked it Feb 27, Elaina Luther added it Jun 14, Emily added it Jul 13, Sparkles10 marked it as to-read Sep 08,