Celebration of Fools: An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of JCPenney: An Inside Look at the Rise an

Celebration of Fools: An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of JCPenney. Reviewer( s). Sylvia Keyes (Professor, School of Management, Bridgewater State.
Table of contents

Seibert, my first CEO. I lived the 90's with Penney and have found Mr. Hare's account very accurate. I still am Penney Proud, very thankful of my 19 years with her.

Customer reviews

Sad tale of a great company that forgot who its real customers were. I worked for JCP during some of the days when we forgot Mr. I've worked at JCPenney for over 25 years before reading this book. It is currently making its rounds through my store.

It's a great book of JCPenney history for anyone who wanted to know or to remember where we were and where we're headed. Very interesting history and useful lessons.

Introduction | Celebration of Fools: An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of JCPenney

Dialog recreated to make the book more interesting to read? What's up with that? I got 5 pages into the book and couldn't stand it anymore. Feedback If you need help or have a question for Customer Service, contact us. Would you like to report poor quality or formatting in this book?


Click here Would you like to report this content as inappropriate? Nobody was remotely complimentary , everyone highly exercised. But one speaker's moment was so dramatic and struck such a nerve that his remarks were summarized in virtually every newspaper account from Dallas to St. Giving Them an Earful. Here is the sort of thing that she read, representative of the handful of reporters who attended: Penney Shareholders Hammer CEO Reuters Officially, the shareholders meeting was moved to Lenexa in order to emphasize the company's excellent capability in catalog fulfillment.

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Prevention and Detection for the Twenty-First Century: Prevention and Detection for the Twenty-First Century. The Definitive Guide Definitive Guides. What is Lean Six Sigma. If you may any questions please contact us: This website uses cookies. And a special resource for information and fact checking was Mary Elizabeth Curry's Ph.

The Merchandising Genius of J. Penney , which was published by Garland Publishing in Penney Company was an odd duck in many ways. One quirk involved its communications to outsiders.

CELEBRATION OF FOOLS: An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of JCPenney

On the one hand, historical material was generously available to almost anyone. On the other, the organization was traditionally tight with any current internal information. As a rule, when a Penney executive spoke to an external audience, it was on a general topic like textiles. In contrast to today's corporate blabbermouths, Penney executives just hated to talk about internal affairs in public which made the speech described in Chapters 18 and 21 so unusual.

The only predictably forthcoming inside information would be obligatory reports to stockholders and the financial community, and toward the end of the s even these became artless obfuscations. Therefore, because of the Penney insularity , I could not even have considered this book without inside knowledge. The book's research associate, Michael Ponder, had 23 years with the company and provided a thorough understanding of the chain's history.

Can JC Penney be saved from itself?

He also provided important research and insights. The eyes, ears, and heart of the narrative grew out of my own year experience as a speechwriter in Fortune executive suites. Nearly half of that period was spent at J.

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Penney writing for top executives, including the last two CEOs of the twentieth century. Between Ponder and myself we thoroughly covered the company's present and past. In order to dramatize early company events, I have created incidents and dialogue for company pioneers like Jim Penney and Earl Sams. This was necessary because, other than Sams's remembrance of Berta Penney, no record of such scenes apparently exists. This work was done, however, after careful study of the histories and personalities involved, and I am confident that the situations depicted are reasonable reflections of those days and people.

Later historical scenes were largely developed with the aid of the oral histories.

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  • Celebration of fools [electronic resource] : an inside look at the rise and fall of JCPenney.
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