A Compendium of Managerial Essentials

All in positions within middle to upper management of major companies. A Compendium of Managerial Essentials Aug 27, by Dick Yarp ยท Kindle Edition.
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Drucker's writings are the antithesis of faddish, flaky management theories; he advocates a very solid, non-flashy, heads-down, customer and results focused approach to management that also manages to be humane. There are so many nuggets of wisdom sprinkled throughout TED that I would not be doing justice to the book to highlight only a few of them.

One impression that comes across strongly, reading thoughts that Drucker put to paper decades ago, is just how true and applicable they are today. Having heaped much praise on Drucker and TED, I'm obligated to point out the book's major flaw, which is a function of the way it was put together. Drucker has produced so much writing on so many topics that it is perhaps an impossible task to condense the highlights into a single volume, and still retain anything close to the full force of his arguments. Reading TED, it appears that what most often was edited out but not always, to be fair was the evidence anecdotal or otherwise in support of his theories.

You still get the theories and the declarative statements, but what is often missing is the supporting evidence and examples of the application of the theories, to provide a proper context. A veteran manager can supply these from one's own personal experience, as I was often able to do, but I feel that inexperienced readers, such as the students who Drucker claims are part of the target audience for TED, might struggle with the book.

Given that Drucker and his editor decided to make a single volume rather than two or three, TED is a worthwhile summary of a lifetime's work from a great management thinker, and a decent overall survey of 20th century management theory and practices. One person found this helpful. By Aequitas on May 2, This is a very well reviewed book however I felt as though I was reading a college textbook from years ago. This would be on the far spectrum compared to easy reading leadership books.

Not even sure if I made it through the whole book.

Management Essentials for Doctors by Rory Shaw

Just not my style. Top rated Most recent Top rated. All reviewers Verified purchase only All reviewers All stars 5 star only 4 star only 3 star only 2 star only 1 star only All positive All critical All stars All formats Format: Paperback All formats Text, image, video Image and video reviews only Text, image, video. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later.

There was a problem loading comments right now. It's never too late to start. Kumar on January 8, I have to admit that I am a latecomer to Drucker. I decided to give it a try when someone whom I respect immensely mentioned his name in passing.

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I have to say that I have been very impressed with the clarity of thought, the simplicity of his ideas, and more importantly the longevity of his advice considering that some of his initial work was with GM when Alfred Sloan was around. I, perhaps like other people, mistakenly wrote Drucker off in favor of new authors on the block. However, that's been my loss until recently. Furthermore, I decided to try some of his ideas relating to performance management, employee morale and setting expectations - the bread and butter of most business settings.

The simplicity of his ideas coupled with their easy applicability is what impressed me. I will definitely try some of his other books, having gone through this and would recommend this to anyone else not sure about Drucker. So, why the 4 stars instead of 5?

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The book, in an attempt to cover his best writings, covers everything from business strategy to social entrepreunership to business history. That leaves the reader wanting more details and examples in the individual articles.

There probably does not exist a major league manager who has not been influenced by Drucker. This is a compilation of his books spanning his career thus far on the topic of management. Drucker is always tight in his style and words with thoughts that at first make one sit up and take notice. The first chapter sets the tone for the rest. This quote says it all: The answer to the question, What is our business?

That business purpose and business mission are so rarely given adequate thought is perhaps the single most important cause of business frustration and business failure. He calls it irrelevant.


Of the highest relevancy for Drucker are two basic functions: Hurray, say all the marketing types! Wish the top management could join in the understanding. Drucker's views are wide open to reality searching with broad vision over the world panorama. This book is exceptional collection of some of Drucker's best writing. Well chosen for their punch and coverage of such a vital, modern topic as management, this book will serve practioners as well as those who desire an understanding of the topic. By Benjamin Rossen on January 10, For a long time I had been intending to read something of Drucker.

He is, after all, the grandfather of management science.

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But I kept putting it off, for I am a busy executive and need answers to my current management problems. The old man, I thought, would have less to tell me then, say, Roberts in "The Modern Firm" which is an excellent book or some of my internal reports. Here I could quickly peruse a medley of the Drucker's outdated thoughts, and move on.

Oh how wrong I was. Drucker's writing is as fresh and relevant today as when first written. His prescient insights foreshadow many recent works. Indeed, I found the essence of Tom Collins in the first few chapters; condensed and not said in quite the same way, of course, but the principle insights were the same. Drucker has reminded me that fundamental truths are timeless.

And there is something else I especially like; the tone. Drucker writes like a commander. He has confidence - not a blaring promotional edge - but a sense of solidity and authority that comes from saying things meaningful, clear, practical, logical; things from someone with his feet firmly on the ground. Don't miss this book if you are not sure of where to start with Drucker. It may whet your appetite for more Drucker. It is worth noting that the selections in this volume were made by Drucker himself from books and articles written during a year career, one which continues in his 93rd year.

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