The Unknown Warrior (Code Name Nimrod)

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. James Leasor was one of the bestselling British authors of Look inside this book. The Unknown Warrior (Code Name Nimrod) by [Leasor, James].
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The Return of NIMROD~ Dr. Chuck Missler

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The Unknown Warrior

Would you also like to submit a review for this item? You already recently rated this item. Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. Code name Nimrod Author: The true story of the spy who ensured the success of the Normandy Invasion.

Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Details Additional Physical Format: It's a little bit different to other historical novels that I've read before in that it had more of a historical textbook feel about it in some places, which again, isn't abad thing.

It helped to ground the events a little mroe in reality, as this book, in fact, is I first picked this up because I was attracted by the title and the cover. It helped to ground the events a little mroe in reality, as this book, in fact, is based on a true story. It's about a soldier, who signed up to the titular X Troop and was subsequently sent behind enemy lines to personally deliver false facts about the Normandy landings i.

This is a fascinating account of true events and is quite tense in more than a few places.

The Unknown Warrior by James Leasor

Very good book and something which I hope to return to again in the future. Jun 28, Whitney rated it really liked it Shelves: I don't recommend for someone who doesn't already have a fairly developed interest in this period in history since it can have a kind of "this belongs in an archive to be read by future historians" feel but if you can get past the gritty style it's a great read.

Nov 11, Hope rated it really liked it Shelves: As a confirmation of these messages Nimrod is dropped into France masquerading as a German spy with vital information about the upcoming invasion. For one thing, the subject is too gritty. Secondly, many books are written from eye witness accounts or painstaking research, neither of which assumes that the author is an engaging writer.

One exception was war correspondent, Ernie Pyle. What keeps the reader going are the fascinating facts. Aug 20, Steve Mount rated it really liked it. An interesting true story, hinging on one of my favorite anecdotes about WWII - the deception the Allies perpetrated against the Axis in the form of misinformation, faux units, rubber tanks, and fake radio chatter. This is the story of Nimrod, an agent sent into France with "critical information" to support the "fact" that the Allied invasion was coming at Calais, not Normandy.

The story has several plodding sections. Upon reflection, they were necessary to pad out the book and add to its backgr An interesting true story, hinging on one of my favorite anecdotes about WWII - the deception the Allies perpetrated against the Axis in the form of misinformation, faux units, rubber tanks, and fake radio chatter. Upon reflection, they were necessary to pad out the book and add to its background, but several times I just had to put the book down and come back to it later.

All in all, a worthy look at a fascinating period of WWII. Jan 17, Agadah rated it it was amazing. A story, based on fact, about the X Troop during the 2nd World War who dedicated their lives for the protection and survival of Great Britain and the western civilised world. A wonderful and well written book moving from one tense moment to the next This is a book for those who are interested in untold tales of the 2nd World War.

Very good read, a page turner, covering some fascinating history. Leasor manages to make an implausible story ring true, which it should as at the end of the book he backs up the history with some thorough references and background. Oct 09, Janet rated it liked it. Very interesting Quick read If you like spy novels this one is worth reading I might recomend you catch up on your georgaphy of Egland and France.

Code name Nimrod

Jun 16, George Johnston rated it it was amazing. I read this years ago under the title X Troop and really enjoyed it i didn't realise that there were Germans who actively took part in the struggle against Nazism. This was a great book. Quick, gripping, and a true story. I'm surprised they haven't made this story into a movie yet! Dwight rated it liked it Jan 03, Alan rated it really liked it Jun 20, Clay rated it really liked it Nov 18, Bethany Godwin rated it it was amazing Aug 18, Chuck rated it really liked it Sep 04, Thetodd rated it it was amazing Nov 18, Glenn rated it really liked it Jan 03, Doyle rated it liked it Jan 07, Erin rated it it was amazing Feb 21, Chris Kelly rated it really liked it Feb 20, Frank Irwin rated it it was amazing Nov 10,