Living in Quiet Rage

Dr. Bierwiler follows his first novel, Mist on the River, with the story of Bill "Doc" Harrison, Jr. from a childhood family tragedy in Spokane, Washington through his .
Table of contents

Focused on the destructive nature of living conflict, chronicling the causes, the behavior that resulted, and the aftermath. Chronicles the training and philosophies that were instrumental in my learning to manage conflict. Learning to manage conflict within myself prepared me to help others work through their own challenges.

Introduces the great work done by Susan Anderson in identifying post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD induced by abandonment. In my case specifically, PTSD induced by abandonment exacerbated my already volatile tendency. Learning to Manage Conflict. My five-step process evolved out of the sheer need to create a repeatable, explainable, and deliverable model to help others through a codified approach. Helping Others Learn to Manage Conflict.

The chapters devoted to each of the five steps focus on my work with people struggling with conflict. Each chapter explains the theory behind the step, and chronicles one or more actual coaching engagements, focusing specifically on the topics associated with that step. The Super Wicked Problem. While becoming a Certified Professional Coach, I learned some painful things about myself.

Quiet Rage: The Documentary

One of which was: I was the source of the conflict that I was experiencing in my life, and when I stopped being that source, all of the conflict melted away. Now, I use a concept called a Super Wicked Problem to help others understand how they themselves may be the source of the conflict that they are experiencing in their own lives.

A Super Wicked Problem exists when: The most effective method to combat a Super Wicked Problem is to first understand how you are participating in the problem, and then stopping that participation. Focuses on framing the book, setting the readers expectations for what will follow.


Focuses on the dynamics and circumstances that invited the change in me. Chronicles my training as a certified professional coach. Introduces the idea of change as a function of elevated self-awareness and increased other-awareness. Focuses on the events that shaped me, my worldview, my defensive orientation, and my continuous strife.

Focuses on my old view of the world—Life is hard. In my coaching, I find that, just as I did, people hold themselves back, personally and professionally, based on their ability to get along with others. So learning to manage conflict within myself, along with understanding how my history complicated that effort, was essential to my creating a more peaceful existence for myself.

The only way to combat a Super Wicked Problem is understanding how we are participating in the problem, and then stopping that participation. Conflict can only exist if we actively participate in it.

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  6. Us Against Them: Ethnocentric Foundations of American Opinion (Chicago Studies in American Politics).

Focuses on identifying our personal values and our values-driven behavior. Introduces my approach to helping people discover their personal values.

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  3. Quiet Rage: The Documentary — Stanford Prison Experiment!
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Focuses on identifying the situations that are prone to offend your personal values. Focuses on identifying your default mode of reaction. People react as Victims, or In Conflict. Focuses on me and what drove my emotional reactions over the years, how conflict pervaded my life, how self-survival mode quickly turned into self-destruct mode, and how a strength too strong, became an epic weakness. Focuses on techniques to interrupt the emotional reaction.

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The single most important key to managing conflict, is removing the perceived intentionality associated with the behavior of others, towards us. That alone, will free us from conflict. Focuses on my working through three seemingly intractable problems. Some that stifle reason, disable rational arguments, and essentially paralyze every conceivable cognitive weapon that could be brought to bear against them, requiring, wildly, unsubstantiated assertions, or eliciting hyper-passionate emotions—my abandonment, for example. Conflict at its purest, ugliest, and rawest form.

In , twenty-four male students are selected to take on randomly assigned roles of prisoners and guards in a mock prison situated in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. A filmmaker sets out to discover the life of Joyce Vincent, who died in her bedsit in North London in Her body wasn't discovered for three years, and newspaper reports offered few details of her life - not even a photograph.

An urban mystery unfurls as one man pieces together the surreal meaning of hundreds of cryptic tiled messages that have been appearing in city streets across the U. Kids For Cash is a riveting look behind the notorious judicial scandal that rocked the nation. Beyond the millions paid and high stakes corruption, Kids For Cash exposes a shocking American Stone Phillips presents never-before-seen footage from his "Dateline NBC" interview with serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer recorded in It's important not to think of this as prisoner and guard in a real prison.

The important issue is the metaphor prisoner and guard. What does it mean to be a prisoner?

Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment () - IMDb

What does it mean to be a guard? And the guard is somebody who limits the freedom of someone else, uses the power in their role to control and dominate someone else, and that's what this study is about. In the summer of , Philip Zimbardo, Craig Haney, and Curtis Banks carried out a psychological experiment to test a simple question.

What happens when you put good people in an evil place-does humanity win over evil, or does evil triumph? To explore this question, college student volunteers were pretested and randomly assigned to play the role of prisoner or guard in a simulated prison at Stanford University. Although the students were mentally healthy and knew they were taking part in an experiment, some guards soon because sadistic and the prisoners showed signs of acute stress and depression.

After only six days, Written by Marcel Appels. Explore popular and recently added TV series available to stream now with Prime Video. Start your free trial.