Five Roads to the Future: Power in the Next Global Age

Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. Following in the footsteps of Fareed Zakaria's The Post-American World, Starobin lays out a case for the possibilities.
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  • Five Roads to the Future -- Whose Century Will This Be?!

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Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet. This new multipolar arrangement would be global in scope and make for the empowerment of states long regarded by the West as barely capable of organizing themselves. New and improbable-sounding alliances would form -- between Russia and Turkey, and between Brazil and Iran, say.

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National 'spheres of influence' might have to be recognized, making life unhappy for the small nations of the planet. Should Europe recover its lost will to power, it could be a major player in such a world -- otherwise it risks being dominated by the others.

As in the 19th century, peace in a multipolar world would hinge on a balance of power maintained by the biggest players at the point of a gun. The third road is a Chinese Century. This would be proof of the proposition that the world, after all, does need a dominant player, a global rule maker, to ensure stability. If debt-ridden, imperially over-extended America can't do the job, then China, destined to become the world's largest economy, might have to step in.

Five Roads to the Future: Power in the Next Global Age

The world's clocks would be set on Beijing time; the yuan would supplant the dollar as the globe's reserve currency. America would be humbled but not necessarily miserable. The pragmatic Chinese aim mainly to enrich themselves, which augurs for the preservation of a global trading system in which the U. A far worse fate and a much less probable one would be an Islamic Century and imposition of a global Shariah law. In the meantime, the envies and animosities that America attracted as the hegemon would gravitate to China, which would discover anew the eternal lesson that is it cold and very lonely at the mountaintop.

The fourth road is an era defined by global city-states. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the chaos of the medieval European world yielded not, in the first instance, to the nation-state but to the smaller and more manageable unit of the city-state. Paperback , pages. Published May 25th by Penguin Books first published April 29th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

Five Roads to the Future: Power in the Next Global Age by Paul Starobin

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