God Gave Me Some Bad Advice

od GAve Me SoMe BAd AdviCe God gave me some bad advice God gave me some bad advice The phrase echoed inside my head. It drowned out the roar.
Table of contents

The fool thinks he is doing right; he considers his own way right. Does that sound familiar? It has taken me a lot of years and many bad choices to learn to go to God first with my problems and concerns. Yes, He gives us wise human counselors, but ultimately w isdom comes from Him and it is to Him that we should go first. God is intimately concerned with every area of your life and He longs to give you the wisdom that you desire. If you are a parent, you know that you desire your child to come to you with whatever concerns them You want to be intimately involved in the life of your child.

God is no different.

He desires for us to ask Him for wisdom in all situations. This wisdom lesson is one that sounds easy, but often difficult to put into practice. Because we think we know the right answers; and we may, but we still need to listen to the advice God sends us from others. He does not want us to make poor decisions. We must put our pride aside long enough to consider the advice of God and of others in our lives. What is holding you back from considering the advice of others?

Is it your pride?

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Are you bound and determined to do it your way? Is your way pleasing to God? God has made it possible for you to know Him and experience an amazing change in your own life. Details pull you into the halls of Washington Marion High School, juke joints, Bear's, the desert of the Gulf War, and the various news rooms. A well written story which touches all emotions, Harmon has a way of putting one in the middle of his stories. This memoir should be read by boys and men of all races between the ages of fourteen and fifty.

I enjoyed revisiting Ft. Riley, Kansas, and Rhein Mein, Germany, places I had been stationed in the early 70's as a military dependent. One person found this helpful. Everything came easily for him and he did not have to work hard. Raised by a military father and a stay-at-mom, Harmon was raised in the midst of the drug and rap era. He had one thing in mind - having fun.

The book was divided into three sections; wild teenage years, military life and adulthood. Harmon's description of his life in the military included a very vivid recollection of Desert Storm. Harmon also had to face the harsh reality of life after the military with no career path or means of taking care of himself. Harmon was very open and honest with his description of his life.

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He talked about his fears, hopes, dreams, and disappointments. He discussed his years as a homeless vet as well as accomplishments at a local television station that eventually lead to his successful career. I found Harmon's story to be very interesting. There were some sections that were graphic while others moved slowly. However, this is his story. I would recommend this book to young men. Such as it is with crises, they cannot be escaped, even if you hide in the storm shelter it is still there pounding away! Thus we need to learn how to prepare and ride them out.

As with crises, we must learn to prepare and ride them out by learning and maturing from them. One of the great illustrations of both crises and storms in the Bible is in Acts.


Paul is headed from one prison in Jerusalem to one in Rome for an appeal to Caesar. Paul and of his companions where headed straight to the biggest storm and crisis if their lives. It lasted many days, and they lost all hope, until Paul through the visit of an Angel reassured the crew. From this passage we get three insights on how to guide us through the storms of life: Bad weather happens for scientific reasons, they are caused by low pressure zones, evaporation cycles and jet streams all converging.

Our crises in life too have a root cause.

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  5. To Every Nation (Passion Version).
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  7. Journey to the Center of the Brain: Explaining Mind in a Universe of Matter.
  8. So what is the cause for yours? To make this determination you must dig below the surface of your fears and experiences.

    Editorial Reviews

    You have to uncover things you may not want to face, but have to, to be able to get through them. For Paul he had three reasons. The ship captain did not listen to Paul's godly advice and focused on greed from the ships owner, in effect bad advice. They also let the bad advice escalate to the crew and their lust for profit and speedy return to the home port. They relied on their greed and impatience to cloud a sound logical look to their circumstance and the right decision to make.

    Such as the captain, owner and crew knew that storms accrue where they were headed at that time of the year. So they relied on luck and misplaced hope rooted in greed, by a vote of public opinion that led to disaster. One bad decision escalated by another and so forth. For us we need to be aware of relying on just what we know. Because it will cause us to get impatient and then we will not listen to good advice or even seek it, thus we will make bad decisions. So when the storm clouds begin to form, it is not a time to be impatient and ignore it, hoping it will go away.

    It is a time to seek His face in surrendered devotion and prayer. Use the time to seek the reason. Maybe a bad decision you made? Bad advice you received? Or perhaps you are not growing in faith and practice, and God needs your attention. Maybe you cannot find the reason, Job was never given one. So if you took a careful look inside yourself, immersed yourself in prayer and sought Godly advice, and still no reason, then don't get hung up on seeking the reason. Maybe He does not want you to know it, or you are not ready for it.

    But in most cases it is there in plain sight, you just need to get the distractions of fear, your will, and expectations out of the way to see it. The crew knew the risk of shipwreck and death, but greed clouded their sight. Paul warned them of the result, but they would not listen. So God used their bad judgment to open up further opportunities as stated in Acts What will be the consequences and possibilities for our direction and decisions?

    So we need to learn and grow from our crisis, to see the opportunities to enlarge our perspective, sharpen our skills, and develop our character. And we need to do this in our preparation and not wait until the end to figure things out. Because when we have the attitude of learning through it, the storms are not so tough, and we receive the blessing and maturity with less stress and struggle. Look ahead, plan accordingly through your prayer and walk with Him.

    We need to ask ourselves how do I respond to the crisis, what is the best thing I could do? There are 3 elements that make a Godly and correct beneficial response. Deal with the problem. You cannot solve any problem by ignoring it! This is not an easy process, because it requires us to give up of ourselves and self will and put our focus on Christ.

    To be able to focus on Christ the lens must be moved from our will to His. Then the proper perspective will come by prayer and His Word, and listening to others and comparing what they say to the Word. Know that God will give you the strength and perseverance, because what gets us through is not our strength, but His! Many times we bring these crisis onto ourselves. We do this by deliberate sin, or just making bad decisions and listening to bad advice. So we have to determine our part and correct it.

    Seek His forgiveness and others if necessary. We have to be big enough to allow the Holy Spirit to live in us, and we become big not by food, but by confession, admitting our mistakes and then be willing to correct them. We cannot seek to blame others or make excuses.

    Good Advice Versus God's Advice

    Yes people will do stuff to you and ruin your life; there too we have to seek our part for allowing it to happen, or by looking at our motives and behavior. Being responsible may not be the thing certain ex-presidents do, but it is what a Godly disciple of Christ does. This is the mark of a genuine leader and emotional maturity! Take God's Promises to heart.

    Pick up one of those promise books at a Christian bookstore. Then go over the verses in the category that you are dealing with.

    God Really does have a Purpose behind your Problems!

    Then pray through those verses. There are over 7, Bible promises that come directly from our Lord and Savior! You need to see them like a credit card with no spending limit and that you do not pay back, except by your love, trust and obedience. So charge away at those verses, see His love is guiding you. This is the way to use His building materials so your home will become storm proof.

    So when the crises come you will ride them out to be better, stronger and more content to be the person that Christ called you to be! But why must I go through this stuff, is there not an easier way? Yes, we can ignore Him and live as a heathen, undisciplined, ignorant, confused, unhappy and purposeless. Then after this very short time on earth we are in Heaven for eternity, our reward, our character, our relationships will be determined by what we have learned here in this life!