Stone of the Goddess

Stones of the Goddess by Nicholas Pearson - A practical guide to working with gemstones and crystals connected to Goddess energy for magick, healing, and.
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While his girdle lay unattended on the riverbank, a serpent happened on the garment, bit off the stone and slipped into the river. After losing his precious talisman, Alexander never won another battle.

Gemstones, Minerals and Crystals – Lisa’s 10 Must Have Stones!

Corsage ornament 'Scarabs' Gold, chrysoprase, diamonds, brilliants. Chrysoprase was used extensively to replicate the treasures of this tomb for decorative purposes. I never cease to be amazed and fascinated by the vast array of jewels of the Earth through which Our Great Mother has spoken and continues to speak to us.

She births, nurtures and offers us the gift to use these jewels as teachers and companions on our wondrous soul journey in our human form.

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Amethyst is connected to your third eye chakra and helps with spiritual development. It is to said to help to heal your heart literally , your emotions, and allows you to open more to giving and receiving compassion and empathy. Shungite — Stone of Purification and Protection: First let me point out that black stones are mainly used as protection stones.

In Roman times Shungite was used to purify water… Yup, this stone can remove toxins and impurities from drinking water! Shungite is the only stone that contains fullerenes , which contain antioxidants. As a protection stone, Shungite removes anything dark, negative or evil; vibrations, energies, etc. I own a shungite merkaba and use it in rooms where anyone is having nightmares or scary dreams, or in spaces where the energy feels heavy and thick.

I also wear a natural Shungite bracelet every day to protect me and purify my energy field. Shungite connects to your root chakra. Be aware that real Shungite is hard to find, many retailers will sell Black Obsidian and call it Shungite, so do your due diligence when purchasing Shungite.

Gemstones, Minerals and Crystals – Lisa’s 10 Must Have Stones!

This light blue and white banded throat chakra stone brings with it a cooling energy that calms you and assists you with communication, healing any kind of physical pain, and support during mediation. Natural Citrine — Stone of Abundance and Prosperity: Citrine attracts abundance; fabulous people, resources, customers, material prosperity and all things awesome!

To me, Citrine represents the Sun and masculine solar energy, which we need in order to balance out our feminine lunar energy. Citrine helps to give you the strength to persevere despite challenges. Be aware that many Citrine stones commercially available are actually heat treated Amethyst. Aquamarine nourishes us with her blessings while encouraging us to let go of our pain and struggles.

Crystals for the Divine Feminine

From this perspective, aquamarine helps one to tap into the raw creative fuel of the universe and use it for magick, manifestation, and healing. The crystal structure of aquamarine, which reveals a pattern similar to the flower of life, points to the same symbolism. The flower of life is a figure composed of overlapping circles; in sacred geometry it is used to express the first act of creation and original information system of the universe. Aquamarine allows us to reach beyond the experience of individuation and incarnation to tap into the work of the Divine Mother.

By attaining the spiritual perspective that this confers, aquamarine, in turn, endows its owner with psychic talents, such as clairvoyance or prophetic dreams. All beryls, including aquamarine, have long been associated with magick and witchcraft; they have been the favored medium for crystal balls for centuries. Aquamarine lends itself to a variety of magickal uses, including purification, enhancing intuition, healing, and protection.

It can be made into a gemstone elixir by sitting in water overnight, preferably under the light of the full moon; afterward, add a pinch of sea salt to preserve the energy of the liquid.

Published by robindiraunsworth

Aquamarine elixir can be sprayed to clear the energy of a room or ritual space; anointed on the body or added to the bath to purify oneself before ritual or spell work; or a few drops can be placed under the tongue or in drinking water for more physically focused clearing. Drinking water infused with aquamarine is especially helpful for detoxifying on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Pre-order now from another retailer: Stones of the Goddess.

See all 7 images. In this practical guide to working with the stones of the Goddess, Nicholas Pearson explores more than gemstones and crystals strongly connected with the energies of the Divine Feminine, including old favorites like amazonite, amethyst, geodes, and carnelian also known as the blood of Isis , alongside newer and more unusual stones such as sakura ishi, yeh ming zhu, and Lemurian seed crystals. Providing an overview of major Goddesses from around the world, he reveals how Goddess traditions and myths have incorporated stones throughout history.

Guiding you through the basics of crystal work, including cleansing and programming, the author offers step-by-step instructions for Goddess-centered magickal rituals, guided meditations to connect with the Divine Feminine, and the use of crystals for spellcasting.

CHRYSOPRASE, Stone of the Goddess Venus

With the rebirth of the Goddess now happening after millennia of suppression, Pearson shows how, by working with gemstones and crystals, you can help restore the radiant light and limitless magick of the Divine Feminine and move humanity toward collective growth and healing. Your Cart items Cart total. Trade Paperback Trade Paperback eBook. Pre-order now from another retailer. Free eBook available to NEW subscribers only.

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