A Land Like None You Know: Awe and wonder in Burma on the road to Mandalay

A Land Like None You Know: Awe and Wonder in Burma on the Road to Mandalay [Patrick Forsyth] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers .
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Successful Time Management by Patrick Forsyth In this day of increased pressure to achieve results, time management has become a vital skill. With time-saving solutions, checklists, tips and techniques, Successful Time Management helps review and assess time management techniques and shows how to adopt new work practices to make effective use of time.

It includes great advice on controlling paperwork, getting and staying organized, delegating Surviving Office Politics Coping and succeeding in the workplace jungle by Patrick Forsyth Lying, cheating, manipulating, conniving, backstabbing, and schmoozing. All of these go on in the workplace. And we all know someone who is engaged in using devious tactics to further their own career. Politics happens whether you It has been ruled for many years by a ruthless, repressive junta, it suffers regular earthquakes and the cyclone of May left more than a hundred thousand people injured, homeless or dead.

Yet this is a magical place: No matter what the presentation is, however, most of us prefer not to do them at all. Presentations represent the second greatest fear to managers after going to the dentist! This book contains great ideas to make your presentations go smoothly and successfully. Researched from leading companies and successful managers around the Effective Business Writing by Patrick Forsyth Clear and distinctive written communications help project a favorable personal and corporate personality.

Effective Business Writing will help readers formulate a systematic approach to writing that makes it easier and quicker to get the right words down, avoiding the dangers of bland and formulaic approaches. Christology is a fascinating field and one that lives on today. No time here to explain the little I know on the subject.

May 15, at 9: Also known as The Great Schism , this dispute is alive and well today but goes back to over years after the fall of Rome when Pope Leo IX and the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius, outlawed respectively Greek and Latin in their domains. Cardinal Humbert of Rome then excommunicated Cerularius and he in turn excommunicated the Cardinal and other legates. Theodosius the Great, who established Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire, died in 16 years before the fall of Rome , and was the last Emperor to rule over a united Roman Empire.

After that, East was East and West was West. East was Greek and West was Latin. The basis for Papal Supremacy is a series of forgeries completed from in the ecclesiastical province of Reims. Known as the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals, they are fictitious letters ascribed to early popes. The crux of this is the assertion that St. It is further conceded that St. Peter was bishop of Antioch and was then succeeded by Evodius and Ignatius. Needless to say, the Eastern Orthodox do not hold the primacy of the Roman Pope.

Reward Yourself

The story of the search for St. Suffice it to say, bones that were found by chance by Prof. Margherita Guarducci were announced as the relics of St. May 16, at 8: Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the best is like the worst, …. By the old Moulmein Pagoda, looking lazy at the sea; ……………… On the road to Mandalay, ……………… Where the old Flotilla lay, ……………… With our sick beneath the awnings when we went to Mandalay!

What did Kipling have in mind here, and what would we have in mind if we explored the riddle of East and West in those terms? Even the London girls disappoint him after his experience with his girl in Burma — stronger than disappointment even, I would say, revulsion! And what do the girls here in London understand about love?

That would not have been the discourse in Hackney in , where nobody had yet been on the couch. And make no mistake about it, this is not an assumption in much of Asia even today — perhaps not even in most of it.

A Land Like None You Know: Awe and Wonder in Burma on the Road to Mandalay

And it certainly had nothing whatever to do with what happened between the English soldier and the young Burmese girl by the old Moulmein pagoda, looking lazy at the sea. You can also see whatever you want, and have whatever feelings you want about what you see without all those terrible religious and social obligations which so hedge us about at home in our own cultures. Which gets to the point, to have the chance for once to be oneself without limits either from above or below. No spriritual hang-ups cut in stone on Mt.


Sinai, Westminster or Washington, no moral, social, or political imperatives drummed into us by our teachers and our parents, no laws even, not even any gender obligations…. Look at this woman on the beach in Phuket on the cover of Life magazine. They also know who they are which is why they remain small and so beautifully toned and proportioned.

Look at the westerners posture by comparison, his upper body, the shape of his legs, the position of his feet. And the logo on his shirt? Is that a team he supports, or plays for? May 17, at How painful it is, the sense of dislocation this demobilized soldier feels on his return home to England in So what are they talking about, these London housemaids on their day off taking a stroll from Chelsea to the Strand? And wearing their finest, no doubt — they know what fine looks like too because they are serving fine people. Even small terrace houses in central London had a domestic servant, and a large, detached house in Mayfair, for example, as many as a dozen.

The girls worked out of the kitchen and pantry downstairs below street level and slept in the attic up above. In between was their model — for their hats, gloves, scent and ribbons, or at least as much of that sort of habberdashery as they could afford on their miniscule wages. And the housemaids are into that already, property, possessions, looking good on their way up. And looking for men who will support them on the ladder, talking about what they will wear, talking of how lovely it will be in the parlor. Lawrence used this as a theme over and over again in his essays and novels, what women talked about, what they wanted, what they expected marriage to provide.

The country is so lovely: I know that the ordinary collier, when I was a boy, had a peculiar sense of beauty, coming from his intuitive and instinctive consciousness, which was awakened down pit. And the fact that he met with just cold ugliness and raw materialism when he came up into daylight, and particularly when he came up to the Square or Breach, and to his own table, killed something in him, and in a sense spoiled him as a man. The woman almost invariably nagged about material things. She was taught to do it; she was encouraged to do it.


But in my generation, the boys I went to school with, colliers now, have all been beaten down, what with the din-din-dinning of Board schools, books, cinemas, clergymen, the whole national and human consciousness hammering on the fact of material prosperity above all things. The men are beaten down, there is prosperity for a time, in their defeat — and then disaster looms ahead. The root of all disaster is disheartenment. And men are disheartened. The men of England, the colliers in particular, are disheartened. They have been portrayed and beaten. Now though perhaps nobody knew it, it was ugliness which really betrayed the spirit of man, in the nineteenth century.

The great crime which moneyed classes and promoters of industry committed in the palmy Victorian days was the condemning of workers to ugliness, ugliness, ugliness: The human soul needs actual beauty even more than bread. The middle classes jeer at the colliers for buying pianos — but what is the piano, often as not, but a blind reaching out for beauty.

To the woman it is a possession and a piece of furniture and something to feel superior about. It is far more deep in the man than the woman. The women want show. The men want beauty, and still want it. Lawrence, Nottingham and the Mining Country Kipling and Lawrence and the 10 year man — who could never settle down in the parlor with the experience of something else that they had had, something that could never be domesticated or put tidily on a London side table by the couch. May 18, at 5: In addition, the soldier is recalling something in the streets of London which is now as remote as something from another planet, or a gift from heaven.

He has allowed his memory of the sexual intimacy, beauty and openness he had experienced with her to become her actual religious practice. And to make that more vivid, just imagine her. She will have had honey-colored skin combined with thick, thick black radiant hair possibly down to her waist. On top of that, she will have been slim in a way very few English girls who grow up on porridge and potatoes in a cold climate ever can be, and she will have had the large round breasts most south east Asian women still do, having been a largely bare-breasted culture in the country-side up until about Certainly no bra, nor any self-consciousness about it.

And all but hairless, everywhere but her head, and as flexible and soft as a child. In other words, a vision, nothing less. So with that introduction the image of the bowing can really develop in the imagination. But let me say this first. Kissing in private, yes, in making love for sure. But never, oh never, in public western tourists take note! But the soldier is recalling an exquisite passion and delicacy without repression that can only be expressd in religious terms, and he transforms what they do together into a temple vision.

The soldier has no knowledge of Buddhism, and he takes the imagery of the idol and transfers it to become the imagery of the love he has experienced with a girl in Burma. Just the author, and maybe an editor. May 19, at Originally there were no statues or other representations of the Buddha; only footprints, Dharma wheels and Bodhi trees. Where did the statues come from?

Precisely, Bill — she is at the feet of the Buddha and at the foot of his bed at the same time. Hopefully the rendition will last long enough to accompany the following images as well. The radiant, devotional, passionate aspect of Buddhist imagery is fundamental to those lucky peoples who are immersed in it, a fact which westerners, particularly those from protestant backgrounds, sometimes have trouble getting their minds around. What had Gustav Klimt been looking at when he came up with this iconic piece of sacro-eroticism?

And do notice the position of her legs. May 21, at 9: Here, in Bactria, the fertile area between the Pamir and the Hindu-Kush mountains, Greek civilization influenced the development of Mahayana Buddhism and, in turn, Buddhism influenced the philosophers traveling with Alexander. They stopped in northern India when the Macedonians refused to go on.

At that point they turned back to Baghdad. Hephaestion died of a fever on the way, and Alexander of the after-effects.


The empire was divided among his generals, and Ptolemy took his body to Alexandria in Egypt. Alexander had Greek philosophers with him including Pyrrho, Anaxarchus and Onesicritus. According to Strabo, the philosopher, Onesicritus, a Cynic, learned the following precepts in India:. May 22, at 1: The lyrics are by Joe Young and Sam M. Said his wifey dear, …………. Now that all is peaceful and calm ………….

The boys will soon be back on the farm. Mister Reuben started winking and slowly rubbed his chin. He pulled his chair up close to mother …………. And he asked her with a grin,. Chorus sung twice after each verse: And who the deuce can parleyvous a cow? Once a farmer, always a jay …………. And farmers always stick to the hay. Tho you may think it strange, …………. But wine and women play the mischief …………. Imagine, Reuben, when he meets his Pa …………. James Reese Europe and his th U. Not the Ziegfeld Follies of , but close.

Buckwheat and the monkey? The song became a cultural icon. And finally Benny Goodman. May 22, at 4: Of course, she was to go mad in the end, as they almost all did, and me too. Of course, there was nothing left by the time I arrived in , or much less anyway, a pittance by comparison, but still nobody was prepared to tell me during my whole childhood that one day I would have to get a job.

How your very being has been short-circuited by the evolutionary process, and far from making you more dominant, has fitted you better to be a perfect laborer or servant. What a terrible irony, what a glorious reversal — that the Fittest should feel obligated to serve! Because all I was left with after all that privilege was the obligation to work for a gentler world inhabited by people who with a little help could become gentler, happier, more constructive too. When I was 15, I think, I realized I also had to be a violinist as well as a poet.

I felt my station in life not only demanded that of me but fitted me for it as well, that Parnassus went with the Palazzo, so to speak, and that Beauty was an imperative along with Fairness, Honor, Humility and Good Taste. Not much, admittedly, at least in real terms, but no one can tell me that my privilege was not well spent! At both places, but particularly at the latter, I was taught how to suffer and be best at the same time. And I like this analogy very much as I write it because I was brought up in a world with a huge amount of racial prejudice, and Mendelssohn, Heine, Heifetz, Oistrakh and Yehudi Menuhin were all, of course, Jews.

Yet prejudice like that was never communicated to me as a child — it was there, it has to have been looking back on the time, but my parents and close relatives never imposed it on me, or even mentioned it. On the level of art, of understanding, sensitivity and philosophy, indeed of the highest human dignity and value, I was obliged to shoulder my burden of privilege, but that message did not have racial overtones for me as a child — any more than it did, or still does, for that matter, in the great Jewish families who accomplish so much, the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and the Guggenheims.

And of course there were a great many other British colonial officials, merchants, soldiers, scholars, adventurers and their families all over the world who were motivated by the same feelings of obligation to serve the people they administered, the schools and hospitals they built, the government structures they put in place, the courts, and the love of learning which is still there in so many of the territories they administered — for the most enduring gift one can give to any people of any color or persuasion anywhere in the world is a love of learning!

Indeed, I think an astonishing number of my friends, students and colleagues over the years have chosen paths similar to my own, and have become doctors, nurses, artists, faithful helpers, gardeners, carpenters and activists, better parents and, above all, dedicated teachers, and they are of all colors, shapes and sizes! Yes, and I am very proud to say that my own children and grandchildren are expressing their particular globo-genetic generosity in their personal lives as well, each one of them making his or her own unique life decisions, and I mean in the body too: May 23, at 6: With the rhyme of the East comes the wisdom of the East, and what is wiser than these words from the not otherwise always wise New York Times:.

May 24, at 8: Yes, rebirth as a Gandharva might help Christopher with his violin playing. An afternoon nap would be nice but what about the rest of the day with the screaming kids and dirty diapers? The only composer he faintly praises is Mendelssohn: May 24, at 9: Send forth the best ye breed— ……………….. Go, bind your sons to exile ……………….. To wait, in heavy harness, ……………….. On fluttered folk and wild— ……………….. Your new-caught sullen peoples, ……………….. Half devil and half child. In patience to abide, ……………….. To veil the threat of terror ……………….. And check the show of pride; ………………..

By open speech and simple, ……………….. An hundred times made plain, ……………….. The savage wars of peace— ……………….. Fill full the mouth of Famine, ……………….. And bid the sickness cease; ……………….. And when your goal is nearest ……………….. The end for others sought ……………….. Watch sloth and heathen folly ……………….. Bring all your hope to nought. No iron rule of kings, ……………….. But toil of serf and sweeper— ……………….. The tale of common things. The ports ye shall not enter, ……………….. The roads ye shall not tread, ………………..

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