Of Little Men With Flowers

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If idle hands are the devil's workshop, we're not sure what the Devil's Hands are, but we sure love to look at them and play with them!

10 of the World’s Weirdest Flowers

Some call this tree the Monkey's Hand, Hand-Flower or Monkey Paw, but we wouldn't recommend making any wishes on it though we will say that it makes an amazing living headpiece or handheld bouquet, especially around Halloween. The Devil's Hand is native to Mexico where the Ancient Aztecs held it in especially high religious regard and harvested the claw-like flowers for generations.


Can you blame them for holding the flower in such high esteem? The fruit produced by this tree has an earthy taste and has been used for years in traditional medicine to treat many afflictions from heart disease to a variety of other conditions. The claw part of this flower emerges from the otherwise normal-looking bloom, like an unholy creature emerging to snatch its prey.

Pair it with a few black Chinese Batflowers and Doll's Eyes, otherwise known as white baneberry, and you've got a special occasion centerpiece your guests won't soon forget. Be careful if you have pets, however, as Doll's Eye is extremely toxic. Unlike some tropical plants the Devil's Hand tree is extremely hardy and can grow relatively fast, reaching upwards of 35—90 feet tall! If you've never seen a Parrot Flower before you're not alone. We're talking about a flower so rare that many people still doubt it's actual existence. If you want to find out whether or not this little wonder exists, you'll have to book a flight to visit Manipur, India, Burma or a tiny region in northern Thailand near Chiang Mai.

When you look at the flower's side profile, it looks just like a parrot or cockatoo in flight! When images of the Parrot Flower began to circulate on the internet, they were dismissed as being digitally manipulated because very few people had actually seen one. What do you think? Does this flower really exist? This happy little guy gets its name from its uncanny resemblance to a smiling bumblebee, that is if bumblebees could smile.

Some Bee Orchids stick to the cream, brown and gold color scheme while others have a pinkish hue to their petals. You'd think that the Bee Orchid got its name from looking like, well, a honeybee, but you'd be wrong. The Bee Orchid got its nickname because bees are this flower's main pollinator. The flower is native to Malta, and it's becoming more and more scarce because the propagation process is so difficult.

Of Little Men with Flowers by Scavinold - FictionDB

You see, the Bee Orchid requires a symbiotic relationship with a certain type of fungus in order to successfully grow, which makes transplanting it extremely difficult. Bee Orchids thrive in grasslands, but surprisingly enough, they have also have been found growing out of dry, chalky limestone!

This orchid is also cleverer than it appears. The coloring and shape of the flower mimic the look and smell of a female bee, which entices male bees towards it to mate, thus expediting the pollination process! While Australian Bee Orchids have a healthy population of pollinators nearby, other parts of the world aren't as lucky. In places like the UK, the right species of bee simply doesn't exist, which led the Bee Orchids of the UK to become self-pollinators.


These adorable little tulip orchids, nicknamed Swaddled Babies, were discovered in the Colombian Andes during a ten-year expedition between but weren't named and officially classified until During certain times of this complex plant's blooming stage, the flowers unique shape resembles that of a baby all wrapped up in white swaddling. Some of us here think that Swaddled Babies look more like the inside of mussels, but we'll leave the decision up to you!

In their native South American habitat, the Swaddled Babies Orchid is a summer bloomer, and not hard to miss if you know what to look for. Nan and Tommy are also close and intend to marry when they grow up. Dan, already friends with Nat, is unexpectedly drawn to the pious Demi and the toddler Teddy. While Franz, Emil, Daisy and John are all related to the Bhaers, they are not treated with favoritism and are encouraged to overcome their faults just the same as the other pupils.

A Canadian television series aired in , with two seasons based on this novel, Little Men. The plot is somewhat altered from the novel. Jo's Boys , and has been translated into several other languages with new cast members to voice the characters. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Little Men disambiguation. Louisa May Alcott 's Little Women Little Women musical Little Women opera. Little Men Jo's Boys. A Village Story Jo's Boys Retrieved from " https: