Submission Is Not Silence

In marriage submission is not a mindless concession. Healthy submission asks questions, but it does not demean or question the authority of the husband.
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Maybe a slightly skewed idea of submission too often leaves us justified in our silence, contentedly losing our voice except for the most pressing matters. This is probably where I should tell you I personally tend toward passivity in conflict—as a peace-faker, you might say. Or even risk you not liking me. In some circles, this is known as being a wuss. We have to love people enough—like Jesus did—not to leave them in their junk. That does not mean nagging, whining, dissecting, ripping to shreds, or manipulating.

But it does mean that in the safe, nurturing context of relationship, we help each other become more holy. Yes, pray through it like she did. Use savvy wisdom like she did, showing respect for his position. But out of love for him, your marriage, and other people—say it. Prophecy is not covered in these passages.

Solitude, Silence, Submission

Their speaking of worship our response to God and teaching person to person work. I am married to a man who is more private and from what is generalized as a shame based culture although he is American born. So I have found myself obeying this verse and saving up things to ask my husband at home and sometimes my question to him in private can change his mind.

So waiting for time alone to ask him things works well. I do think those of us who have husbands are called to make our own husband our priority. Just my opinion, but I have walked it out. Thanks for writing this. How does this affect women who are divorced or widowed. I can understand how a woman should go to her husband in private when she has question. However, When a woman is a believer and the father is either not a believer, or is no longer of sound mind, or has passed away and the husband has left the family, where is she to turn when she has question.

Ok, what about Deborah. She was a prophetess and a judge. Judges 3 and 4 talk about how God used her to deliver the children of Israel. The Bible also tells us of several other prophetesses: I find it very annoying when women in S.

  • Submission isn’t Silent.
  • !
  • Submission Is Not Docile Silence.
  • On the Origin of Species (Penguin Classics).
  • Part Three - Submission, Silence & Stupidity | Lisa Bevere.

There was one woman in particular, she would not be quiet…kept anwering every question like she knew it all. It really seemed to dampen the spirit of the room. I think women get too opinionated and involved in discussions. We are also too vulnerable and sensitive. But my main opinion is this: In reading these verses — it seems to me that verses in Cor are stronger than those in Timothy. The context of those two passages is a bit different, too. Timothy is speaking generally of how things should be run in the church. Corinthians was written to a church were they were already out of control and disorderly in their conduct.

We live and work in a Moslem setting. It is quite common for the next morning during Sunday School for the pastor or Sunday School teacher to ask one of the women to briefly share what God was having her apply in her life or what she learned or something… based on the Saturday study.

Women singing, sharing a testimony, even praying… as a submissive response to the male authority leading the church does not seem to me a violation of that Scripture although I would be very interested to hear what the rest of you think. In Corinthians, because of the disorder present… just like with our children when things get disorderly and out of control, the boundaries have to be very strict and tight until new habits and behaviors are well ingrained, until attitudes and hearts are gently following God-given authority.

This also seems to fit with the original language words — stillness in Tim — which indicates to me a general demeanor or attitude, whereas keeping from uttering words or being hushed indicates a more specific response. That only makes men quieter those that would be quiet in the first place. The key to letting them take their proper role is stepping back into our proper role. I see such a difference in my own husband when I quit trying to be the spiritual leader, or a nag.

He has grown so much in Christ, and has become the spiritual leader in our home. I do believe a young man can be feminized by women teachers.

Submission and Silence

The enemy has done a great job of messing up the family unit. I am throwing out something to you just as another thought to consider. These articles by Tim Hegg have helped me a lot in sorting this out.

I am not submitting these to you to be argumentative in any way. This is a subject that is so emotional. It is a very emotional issue for me personally. I am in a situation where in real life two of my closest friends are living lives of quiet desperation…and I do mean quiet…because they do not feel permitted to speak of their husbands serious sins. I think the spirit of this discussion is just amazing, very Christ-honoring and kind, and it makes me so thrilled and encouraged.

Might I just add one more verse and a few more thoughts! I have been reading created to be his help meet, by Debi Pearl.

Submission isn't Silent | Marriage Revolution

So my insights on this are probably a bit bias to her book, however I have been opened to a whole new, line of thinking lately, and I love it! One thing she mentions in this area, is that nearly all spiritualists, past and present are women, women are usually the palm readers, crystal ball gazers, forune-tellers and torot card readers.

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  2. Lifes Too Short to Fold Fitted Sheets.
  3. Virginia Knowles, 2013.
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  5. Part Three – Submission, Silence & Stupidity.
  6. Most mediums those contacting the dead are women, as was the witch of Endor whom King Saul consulted concerning long-dead Samuel. I do think a women has a great power, and if that is not used correctly it can easily become evil.

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    Now I am not saying a women can not be spiritually minded, or even given spiritual encounters. This is a strong difference. Something eles I never thought of was that maybe God made man to be strong and able to, well be a man, able to make it in such a tough world. He gave man a strong Armour of God.

    Women typically are lead by their emotions and therefore, might be more willing to think that something is from God, quicker than a man… who must question and be cautious in such a wicked world? What about Ruth or Esther? These women were very righteous. THese women were definitly lead and guided by God. In marriage submission is not a mindless concession. Healthy submission asks questions, but it does not demean or question the authority of the husband.

    Allow me to explain. You can be submissive and question the wisdom of a choice, but it is not submissive to undermine the right of your husband to lead. This is a messy subject often mishandled by the church.

    The man is not to dominate but to serve his wife through his leadership. The wife is not to make it difficult for her husband to lead but to lend her insight, strength, and support to him so he can lead even more effectively. Submission is not enabling bad habits and unhealthy interaction. Submission is using your position wisely to bring out the best in your husband.