Highland Games (Rachel Myers Murder Mysteries Book 10)

Editorial Reviews. Review. "For nature lovers, Annis Ward Jackson's Rachel Myers semi-cozy Highland Games (Rachel Myers Murder Mysteries Book 10).
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That plan only succeeded half way. Yeah, I saved it for the Christmas season, hoping to get all snuggly with it. However, this book was extremely depressing. Or, you could say that this is not a cuddly Christmas time story. There were so many pros and cons to this story!

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I keep wildly flipping between wanting to give it four stars, or 3. Because the emotions of it all were fabulous. It dealt with hopes, let downs and personality changes that occur after traumatic events. Except, I kept wanting to smack the crap out of both of them for their crappy attitudes. She randomly walks into a bakery and starts decorating gingerbread and just ends up crashing there. But it just came from out of left field so fast that it felt odd and out of place for the book.

It had a cutesy ending, where everything was tied up in a string but not in a sudden, weird way…. It was hilarious when the librarians ended up with injuries after slipping on glittery ice and Dash ended up with an eye patch…. At first, I was skeptical that this was going to turn out kind of…. Then it heads off directly into the drama. But, not immediately to her relationship drama with Gabe. It starts with an ice dancing couple arguing. Bickering all the time, and with a dead career in skating. I got engrossed, fast. And here, we have the obligatory misunderstandings and physical chemistry.

I liked her well enough, but there was a lot of flaws and drama surrounding her, and yet none of it was her own. I mean, there was drama that involved her. Not any real flaws. No flaws that interfered with her life in an equally extreme sense. It would have been better if there had been more descriptions of the moves. Which meant that when the scene was playing out in my head, it was sparse due to lack of identification.

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There were some fabulous descriptions elsewhere. Holy great writing batman! His POV was a bit sparser, coarser. This story sounds absolutely inspiring. Retellings can go either fantastically or terribly. It all depends on the twists put on them. I mean, a bunch of people die, the end?

The color for January is RED.

Books by Annis Ward Jackson

And wow, that banner turned out a lot darker than it looked in photoshop. Hm…I will have to fix that. At first, I was totally excited for this book. Though Americans are low on the world totem pole of academics, I find that Americans put extreme pressure on their children to immediately attend college out of high school. I loved the idea of a book that addressed it in a very direct way, without squeezing through loopholes.

Instead, it falls victim to a terrible trope. There have been a few that I even love! In the start, I actually loved her. She was different, in the same way I was different as a teenager. I saw things so much more different than other kids my age. But then, she spirals in to this odd pattern of hot and cold behavior with Cray. It was too much. On top of that, it draws a fuzzy line between Cray and Rayne. But in this case, I really felt like Rayne treated Cray unfairly when she was encouraging his affections and returning them , whilst simultaneously in a serious relationship with a guy from Italy.

It was a bizarre game of back and forth with her. She just started jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle in a way that seemed so completely random. He was a controlling asshole. Yay family kumbaya moment! It made the whole thing seem contrived. Completely derailed from reality or any semblance of it. It just was a meh read. Not good, not bad…. I literally just finished this book. I definitely feel positively about it, but it does have its major drawbacks. But this was a tad different for two main reasons. Thanks for visiting my blog and being willing to do this interview! HI Rachel — thanks for having me!

I just got the email in at 9: It came on so fast! That having been said, I feel like this post is going to be terribly inadequate. I actually still have my arc of The 52nd! The release date is June 3rd, But for real, look at that cover!

Also, I have a side gripe to rant about. You see the really cool font? With the blocks sticking out? Our first project was to create a logo, and our second project was to create an identity system incorporating the logo. It basically looked like the side of the font on this beautiful cover! And you know what my teacher said? I mean, I got where she was coming from. And I did come up with something better on the next phase. I think this one looks maybe a tad too…. Nepalese… But hey, I got a better grade.

The sale ends on Halloween. I needed it, like, yesterday. It took me a month to get to it, but I finally did. I started reading at about…. Why did I decide to read this at 2 in the morning?!? While I was home alone?! With freakin vengeful ghosts in it?! You know how those are my weaknesses.

Books by Annis Ward Jackson (Author of Blind Malice)

The part where he helps Lucy take care of her….. Probably my most favorite moments. Beside the inebriated Miles. That was one of my favorites too. Of course, as this is regency inspired as regency as steampunk can get, I imagine.. One thing that I savored was the amount of steampunk. Some books say they are steampunk and then usually end up having a pitiful amount of actual steampunk.

This book had a healthy variety, which was engaging. Sure, I got the fuzzies when Beauty had her moments with The Beast… but as far as deeply loving characters? Not sure it was there. Nevertheless, I was excited to see a character cut from the same cloth as the characters from Stranje House for Unusual Girls by Kathleen Baldwin. Another romance, though a bit fluffier, with still awesome strong ladies, and amazing wounded-heroes to die for. I also felt like the pacing was a smidge slow. Not super super bad, but just a smidge. Or in the regency world? Dynamic, well paced, and generally adorable.

I was way less than impressed with this one. I had zero feels and gave no cares about what happened to Caleb or Mandy. So I was totally in the mood for a Warren type character to fall in love with a Layla type character which is to say, an opposites attract story. Unfortunately, the emotion, the attraction…. The best part of the book was the bromance between Caleb and J. But it was a very tiny light in a very dim surrounding. I have no qualms about calling out terrible books.

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So boom, there it is. Good, we acquainted now? Do yourself a favor and just skip it. In a few of these cases, the debut I list is their Debut Young Adult novel. A few of these wrote adult previously, but had never published for YA or MG before. I have had a whirlwind of a week. But this is about Monday-Wednesday in particular. Possibly the only relevant piece of information you need to know is that I found out I was allergic to wheat gluten less than a week before this vacation. Oookayyy, so this novel turned me into a cheeseball.

It was cute, it was fluffy.. It was emotionally strong as well, which was somewhat unexpected. Which brought it up to 4. This would fall into the really good category. Pot calling the kettle black. That was beyond highly unlikely. Especially towards the end. It takes a lot for me to connect to a character emotionally, and I connected with Stella.

I also connected with her sister, as I was sick a lot as a child. Not with cancer, but I definitely still empathized with her feelings. It was overall just a fluffy, feel good novel. Lighthouse Land was one of the first Scifis I ever read. What better tribute than talking about the book that got me into scifi? I was going include the scene as an excerpt but I found a problem. The only place with enough energy to charge it, was a powerplant located in a remote area on the mainland.

Neither Jaimie or his friend were old enough to drive. But, his friends older brother was old enough to drive. So they drove, up the solitary road, in the middle of the night. There had been one road up, and one road down. They piled back into the car and burned down the trail. Only a small community existed around the plant, mostly of workers and their families. The smell of burnt fried fish wafted out of the window. And that quote had me and my sister in giggles for days. Nearly a decade later and it still puts a smile on my face. It was nearly phenomenal. This is just a highlight post! Even though I generally enjoy historical fiction, this series is my first regency era series.

My head and eyes hurt too much to read the book in time for the tour. I had the pleasure of reading her debut before it was even released. Book Blitz Tiger Lily. I have mixed feelings about his book. The beginning was quite wonderful, and really had me invested in Calvin and his life. This post is going to be a little on the fly, because this week has been full of colossal screw-ups on my part.

It had a fantastic Nancy Drew vibe to it. This post will actually have all the books I got in February. I have thought about writing this letter for a good time now.

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I actually agonized over it. Release Day Blitz Temper Read the synopsis es? Well, it was actually for completely unrelated reasons. But I decided to dig into it anyway. I was supposed to post a review, and I screwed up big time. So this is pretty much going to be a book blitz post. The cover is crazy though, I love the deep tones. Check out the gorgeous cover and enter to be one of the first readers to receive a eGalley!!

Remember to come back on the 5th to read an excerpt and my review of Ascendancy! I super enjoyed this one! I liked the Native American culture weaved in although I cannot attest to its accuracy. Most I know of have an inherent respect for nature, which also blends in nicely with shifter stories. This book blew me away. Some authors pull off amazing stories, while others just kind of flop.

I have the cover wrap for you guys to look at. Also, an Excerpt and TWO giveaways! One is for a Kindle giveaway by Barclay Publicity and the other giveaway, you can win one of five Elemental bookmarks! I liked the characters for the most part. But I it was just short of actually clicking with most the characters. I found myself unable to keep track of all the terms. The plot was a little ambiguous….

Ready to see the cover? Also see the official trailer and enter the giveaway?! This story was completely combustible. AM Kisses, it totally worked. Some one actually wrote it! Just…Fangirling all the way.

See the cover below! Unwanted Girl Holy crap guys.

Highland Games: Rachel Myers Murder Mysteries by Annis Ward Jackson - Paperback

This is a lot to take in. I feel like my brain just ran from California to NYC all by itself. Check out the gorgeous cover and enter to be one of the first readers to receive a eGalley! Actually, the synopsis really intrigues me. Ready to see the cover?! Grumpy Cat Vol 1 There was an initial confusion about the title.

And then do an overall impression? But I generally enjoy historical fiction. I so so so wanted to give this one five stars, but there were reasons I had to hold back on that. Enter the giveaway below, or see the rest of the tour stops here. This ebook is free today! Until Midnight This novella was adorable. I finished it really late at night well, like 1 in the morning in December. It put me in the mood for Christmas, and also made me feel warm and fuzzy about one of my favorite YA couples.

Read an excerpt and enter the giveaway! This Top Ten Tuesday post has way more than ten books featured. I already gouged my heart out by removing 15 or so. I might have a book hoarding problem. It was a quick read, but I found it kind of tedious and found myself just waiting for it to be over. Saven Deception Blog Tour Stop. I am really impressed with this novel. I was hesitant to pick up this novel. So when I picked up the book, I tried to shut all those thoughts away, and just absorb what the words gave me. See the Cover Reveal and the synopsis!

I rarely see fiction books that focus on women in sports. Personally, I think this one sounds promising! They have study group and a few other things…. First, you have to know that taglines are a pet peeve for me. I try to not look at them. They bug me, but when I pulled this off my shelf I rolled my eyes a little.

The YA genre lacks great thrillers. Usually, they have sci-fi elements and occasionally they have fantasy woven in. I finished this book in one sitting. But this book was pretty much amazing. This book is a little different than the normal Rachel Myers book. There is no murder to solve. Instead, some unusual things are disrupting Rachel's life.

At first, she's not sure if these things are really happening or if she is imagining them. Rachel and Robbie must work hard to find out why they are happening and how they can stop them. Most of the action takes place in Rachel's home, so the author brilliantly describes the many flowers in Rachel's garden instead of the mountains and waterways. Since this book is different than the rest, it will be interesting to see where the series goes in the coming books.

Wherever it goes, I'm confident I will continue to love the series. One person found this helpful. All of the Rache Myers Murder Mysteries are good! I've read all of them, and Highland Games is no exception. Just wish she would publish more of the series. I enjoy her books they are not too long, and not so detailed that the plot is difficult to follow. Rachel doesn't investigate a murder in Highland Games but she is faced with whether she is going insane or becoming senile. It was delightful to be reminded of each book in the series I've enjoyed them all while Rachel and Robby try to solve this mystery.

I have really enjoyed reading the Rachel Myers Murder Mysteries. Every book has been fast reading, extremely interesting, and contain no offensive language or substance matter. Highland Games was no exception. Two examples of laughable errors: She must have been a very strong wench. Lol 2 a "staff" infection when the author more likely meant "staph" I just highlight the errors as I read. Now for the book itself, just not that interesting.

If I hadn'read all of the previous books in the series, it would have been a horrible mishmash. Oh, it is a horrible mishmash. And no one should read this book first, because there is a spoiler for every single previous book in the series. While I'm at it it, I have to add the last sentence of this book was abrupt and disappointing. At least the book didn't cost much. This really makes the book more interesting to read.

But, I also like the story line. A well written and fun, clean read. I have read all the other books, so it was a little boring. See all 9 reviews. Most recent customer reviews. Published on August 15, Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Rachel Myers Murder Mysteries Volume Set up a giveaway. Pages with related products. See and discover other items: There's a problem loading this menu right now.