The Irish Sports Pages: A Milan Jacovich Mystery (Milan Jacovich Mysteries Book 13)

Pepper Pike #1 in the Milan Jacovich mystery series. Pages. #13 in the Milan Jacovich mystery series. Milan learns a lot about Irish customs and cultures— including “the Irish sports pages.” In the fourteenth book of his Milan Jacovich series, Les Roberts once again delivers a dose of real Cleveland.
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A Shoot in Cleveland: A Milan Jacovich Mystery 9. A Milan Jacovich Mystery 8. The Duke of Cleveland: A Milan Jacovich Mystery 6. The Ashtabula Hat Trick. The Strange Death of Father Candy. Come scrivere un'ottima recensione.

The Irish Sports Pages

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The Irish Sports Pages: It seems that Judge Maureen Hartigan has a serious problem that she wants kept quiet. And since her daughter, Cathleen, and Milan have had an off-again-on-again friendship, which only teeters on the edge of something more, she asks Cathleen to call him. Judge Hartigan, a woman of impeccable reputation, has unwittingly given refuge to a scam artist.

Through her, Cathleen had become involved with the man, and all because Cathleen's cousin, Hugh, had been a sucker.


It happened in a familiar way: The man came into an Irish bar, made a beeline for Hugh, who was drinking alone and a little in his cups, told him that he was just off the plane from Ireland and that his luggage, containing not only his clothes but his passport and wallet, was lost; he had no clean clothes, no money, no identification, no credit cards.

Could Hugh help him until the luggage was found? Hugh, a fellow Irishman, even though one a couple of generations removed from the Auld Sod, thought, Sure.

I just wished they were easier to find here. Aug 10, Deborah rated it really liked it.

Interesting to learn what the "Irish Sports Pages" reference means. Wanted to read some fiction based in Cleveland and discovered this well written and nicely plotted long-running series.

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I am definitely interested in reading the earlier titles; an older series so looks like ILL for most of those! May 31, Agatha rated it really liked it Shelves: This is one in a series featuring Cleveland private investigator Milan Jacovich; I especially enjoy this series because it is set in my hometown; this entry focused on the Irish mob in Cleveland and vicinity.

Lee Pavis rated it it was amazing Oct 15, Patty rated it liked it Sep 13, John Johnson rated it liked it May 23, Vincent Lombardo rated it it was amazing Sep 02, Ken rated it liked it Apr 01, Ray rated it it was amazing Mar 14, Jane rated it liked it Oct 18, Jen rated it really liked it Aug 11, Thomas rated it liked it Oct 07, Pamela rated it liked it Aug 28, Melanie rated it really liked it Mar 11, Jackie rated it it was amazing Jan 01, Alicia rated it really liked it May 21, Author Annette Dunlea rated it liked it Jan 01, Bob Kittams rated it liked it Sep 10, Tina Lageson rated it really liked it Mar 30, Melodie rated it it was amazing Apr 18, James rated it it was amazing Aug 02, Jeff rated it really liked it Nov 01, Janice rated it really liked it Jan 16, Jelly rated it really liked it Feb 23, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.