Spiritual Master

Spiritual Masters are those rare beings who have realised their oneness with the Supreme, – the highest transcendental Consciousness. Spiritual Masters have.
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Religion and politics are not compatible, some spiritual models paid a high price for not compromising with that rule c.

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This distance towards politics will be a like guarantee for you that the person you are following is not bound to worldly interests. It might not always be obvious, so once again, take your time and observe carefully the person you would like to follow. Sometimes in a very discreet way.

Some authentic masters can even display a very strange attitude sometimes. The best approach is to observe the spiritual guide you would like to follow. Give it some time, see how he behaves. Related books that I liked: Are you inspired by a particular path? You want to take the journey?

It will lead you to your teacher if you are sincere.

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Follow most of the advise here, you will distance yourself away from what you seek. Advise here are mostly from an ego not ready to take the path. I got a similar list from the guy who taught me, right at the beginning, so I could avoid the manipulators.

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  4. 6 Signs You Are Meant To Be A Spiritual Master;

It tallies quite well with yours. I posted about that some time back and it became popular with people who eg. Spiritual Masters have not only realised their true self but also work selflessly to inspire humanity to seek the divinity within themselves. Great spiritual Masters like Krishna , Buddha and Jesus Christ have led to the formation of religions dedicated to following the teachings of these avatars. However although the outer forms may differ the ultimate realisation is the same. Sri Aurobindo — Bhakti yogi and self-realised Guru.

Sri Chinmoy was spiritual Master, poet, artist and musician.

He advocated a mixture of bhakti yoga, karma yoga and meditation on the heart. Naam can also give you signs and warnings of events to come. When you are dedicated to the sacred wisdom passed on to you by a Master who truly works with the unseen world, some angels may appear in your dreams or before your eyes to share things with you. If your level of spiritual evolution is not high enough, they will not let you see them, but they can let you know through signs.

There are times when these luminous beings will let you see them in your sleep, often when you are in a dream state. Certain people can see luminous beings consistently in their dreams. If your ability to concentrate is very good, you may also see these helpful beings during meditation. However, if you desire to see them only for the pleasure of doing so, meaning that your desire to see them is motivated by your ego, you will not be allowed to see them.

As long as you practice Divine Spiritual Wisdom for the purpose of merging with God, you will surely be able to see these luminous beings in the future. All those debts must be resolved benevolently in order for the ailments of this lifetime to be resolved. Some people accumulate a lot of karma. People leave this life with both the white light they have gained through doing service and good deeds, along with the black light of the negative karma they have collected. Normally, the elimination of karma cannot be done unconditionally, nor can it all be eliminated for you.

It is said in the sacred teachings that you cannot succeed in seeing the unseen in one lifetime, and that only after a few reincarnations can you succeed in accomplishing this task. Basically, you are unable to eliminate that much karma all at once.

What Is a Spiritual Teacher?

Your capacity to see the unseen is proportional to how much karma you resolve. A True Spiritual Master understands that each student must venture into the positive and negative side of things in order to wash out their karmic garbage and cleanse their psyches of that which has been holding them down for many lifetimes. You can pack a donkey with many holy books, but it will never be a priest.

Therefore, it takes a tremendous amount of willingness on the part of the student; willingness to do the hard work necessary for authentic transformation. As a result, you leave your old life and enter into the new one with a new understanding. When working with a True Master, he will both help you, and get on your case.

This will make you strong enough to handle the pressure that comes with being out in the world on your own. It is a great privilege when the Master is harsh on you, because Gold is known by the fire it goes through. Remember, all Masters were once students who were also taken through the fire by their Masters.

What Is the Role of a Spiritual Teacher or Mentor

All must pass through the same door in order to become strong. It cannot be otherwise. The most difficult thing to do is win the heart of a True Master. When you do so, you are winning the heart of the Cosmic Mother. Thousands of people come before the True Spiritual Master. Through a screening process, he chooses to work with those who are truly devotional.

Spiritual Masters

And, among the devotional, he screens again to find the most devotional one. In essence, the student is the baby to the Master. The relationship that develops between the Master and the student is a healing, Divine bond.