Probability and Information: An Integrated Approach Probability and Information: An Integrated Approach ( ): David Applebaum: Books.
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Probability and Information: An Integrated Approach by David Applebaum

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. And I quite enjoyed it! I was glad to see that it had been followed by a second edition, but surprised to see that it had only rated "two stars". After reading the earlier review, I thought "It wasn't that bad, was it?

So I went back and looked at my copy, and sure enough I had pencil-corrected several errors one couldn't call them typos, because they recurred. I already had a sufficient background in probability theory, so the errors were immediately recognizable. In fact, it looks like somebody maybe an editor, rather than the author decided to "fix" the notation, but only converted half of the instances, leaving a confused mess.

In this section, there are also two places where they wrote "continuous probability" rather than the intended "conditional probability". Somebody was having a bad day! I see that the 2nd edition of this book has added a tenth chapter, introducing stochastic processes and Markov chains.

An Integrated Approach

Judging from the 1st edition, I would expect this to be a valuable "middle way" through those topics, as well. Any 2nd edition owners care to comment?

See a Problem?

I've only read half this book, and I don't think I'll finish it. I'm a philosophy grad student and I wanted to get more in-depth in my understanding of probability theory and information theory. But I'm finding this book unhelpful. First, some of the topics are insufficiently covered. Despite the fact that Chapter 2 is devoted entirely to combinatorics, there's all of 1 page that introduces and explains 'nPr' and 'nCr', and the explanations are a merely examples or b difficult to understand mathematicianese.

Bayes theorem trick (solve in less than 30 sec )

Second, if you're working independently, doing the problems isn't very helpful. This is because instead of solutions being formulae as when the problem is 'if 2 balls are drawn from a container of n red and m blue balls, what's the probability that they're both red? This makes it difficult to see from the answers in the back of the book a what one did wrong, when one gets a problem wrong and b how to get the problem right. Third, I just found a lot of the book's cutesyness annoying and absurd.

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For instance, the author takes sets to be lists of symbols. This is fine at first, but then he says things like 'the number 5 is in set S' as though numbers were symbols, and 'the set R is larger than the set N' as though there could be more than countably many symbols, and then uses the set comprehension notation in inconsistent ways, e. Random variables with probability density functions 9.

Random vectors Exploring further Appendix 1: Proof by induction Appendix 2: Lagrange multipliers Appendix 3: Table of probabilities associated with the standard normal distribution Solutions to selected exercises. Notes Includes bibliographical references and index. View online Borrow Buy Freely available Show 0 more links Related resource Publisher description at http: Set up My libraries How do I set up "My libraries"? These 14 locations in All: Australian National University Library.

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Bendigo Campus, Heyward Library. Open to the public ; QA The University of Melbourne Library. University of Queensland Library. University of Sydney Library. This book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by CrossRef. Udagawa, Takuma and Katsura, Hosho Finite-size gap, magnetization, and entanglement of deformed Fredkin spin chain. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol.

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Probability and Information: An Integrated Approach

International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. Pham, Tuan D Classification of complex biological aging images using fuzzy Kolmogorov—Sinai entropy. Journal of Physics D: A Field Guide to Mechanisms: Error model and the reliability of arithmetic operations. From Books to Cyberspace Identities.

Cambridge University Press Online publication date: July Print publication year: