Tillamook Passage

Tillamook Passage: Far Side of the Pacific [Brian D. Ratty] on leondumoulin.nl * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Joseph Blackwell, a lad without prospects.
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Aug 28, J. Follansbee rated it really liked it. This review also appears on Joe Follansbee's blog.

'Tillamook Passage, Far Side of the Pacific'

Native Americans rarely take center stage in historical fiction with strong maritime themes, but Tillamook Passage: The Far Side of the Pacific is an exception. And the author, Brian Ratty, adds an even rarer element, the unique native cultures of the Pacific Northwest coast, which have deep sea traditions and technology that still amaze modern mariners.

Tillamook Passage explores this history more deeply than almost any historical novel for youn This review also appears on Joe Follansbee's blog. Tillamook Passage explores this history more deeply than almost any historical novel for young adults in recent years. Ratty starts with one of the least known, but most important sea voyages in American history.

In , the sloop Lady Washington and the full-rigged ship Columbia Rediviva set out from Boston on a trading expedition. Captain Robert Gray aimed to become the first American seafarer to trade for furs on the Northwest Coast and sail west for Hong Kong and back to Boston. He would become one of the first Americans to circumnavigate the globe.

Book Details

Enter a fictional crewman, Joseph Blackwell, a Boston teenager anxious to strike out on his own. But he gets more than he bargained for when he is marooned at Tillamook Bay on the coast of what would be known later as Oregon. With him is Marcus Lopez, a character based on a real crewman aboard Lady Washington who was killed in a skirmish with the Tillamook tribe in But what if Lopez and the fictional Blackwell survived the fight and were left for dead by Lady Washington?

From this point, Ratty speculates how Blackwell and Lopez adapt and eventually thrive in an alien culture.

By having Blackwell adapt western sailing technology to indigenous sea-going canoes, Ratty shows how a single individual can have a dramatic impact on an entire culture. And by having Blackwell trade with people from the Smith River just south of the Oregon border to the mouth of the Columbia River, Ratty surveys the global political situation as Spain, Great Britain, Russia, and the U. Tillamook Passage is a grand tour of the Oregon Coast before America understood its boundless possibilities.

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Shannon rated it really liked it Aug 09, Su rated it liked it Aug 17, Ann Henson rated it did not like it Jun 27, Hykel rated it liked it Nov 06, Jeannine marked it as to-read Dec 20, Erin marked it as to-read May 28, Their story is a thrilling testament to the iron wills, brave hearts and cunning wits of the voyagers who came here before us. Tillamook Passage will soon be available at bookstores, libraries and www.

'Tillamook Passage, Far Side of the Pacific' - leondumoulin.nl

To view a Tillamook Passage video book trailer: All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied. Monday September 17, Tillamook Passage will soon be available at bookstores, libraries, and bookstores.

What Is 3D Printing, Anyway? Fast paced and riveting.

  1. Tillamook Passage: Far Side of the Pacific.
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  6. I couldn't put it down. Brian Ratty is a master storyteller. You are taken in immediately and thirst for the outcome.

    Bob Reed Sun Lakes, Arizona. Review by Joe Follansbee Maritime Historian.

    See a Problem?

    Historical Fiction — Adventure Audience: Bob Reed Sun Lakes, Arizona "Tillamook Passage" is not only a book of nonstop adventure; it is a book with significant relevance to anyone who is interest in Northwest history and coastal Indian culture. Daily Astorian Newspaper "Tillamook Passage" is a grand tour of the Oregon Coast before America understood its boundless possibilities.

    Review by Joe Follansbee Maritime Historian Books make great gifts… because they are constantly opened.